
Lost Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"It's easy to feel lost you just gotta keep going."
"I've never remembered feeling more lost in my entire life."
"If you don't know where you're going, don't be surprised that you got lost."
"I am so unbelievably lost, it's not even funny."
"He looks like a lost little boy at an amusement park right now."
"How will you get lost? I'll go and find you."
"Scariest I ever was was being lost in a form I hear the music."
"Using the fade scale and things like that are definitely going to help you to understand what to do in the event that you get lost."
"You think that being able to see things before they happen would help when you were lost, right?"
"This person was feeling incredibly lost, you seem to be offering them clarity."
"When you're lost, things take time to kick in."
"When you've lost something and you gained it back, your appreciation just goes through the roof."
"The world is a weird place right now, suitcases are getting lost."
"You are seeking your destiny and destiny is seeking you, you are never lost."
"I just feel like I'm lost. And I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go or how I'm supposed to get there, but I'm hoping there's some sort of destination at the end."
"Lost wasn't always a perfectly formed Diamond."
"Jimmy is so far gone by this point."
"Maybe this person feels lost, you know? They could have this really strong connection to you but also still trying to figure themself out."
"I don't know what you're talking about lost, man I'm found."
"Lost helped pave the way for a complete shift in our approach to television."
"Lost walks so stranger things could run."
"The first three seasons of Lost are pretty much perfect in my opinion."
"I think people need, they're so lost man."
"I just felt like so lost with my identity."
"He was not just lost in space, he was lost in time."
"So much of history has been lost, but it’s rare to see how many times this name has come so close to being preserved."
"It might help. They're good for lost things. Bad things."
"It's lost forever, it's sealed away unless we could find the key to enter the Crypts."
"If you love Lost, this video is for you."
"You seem like you enjoy being saved. Well, it sure beats being lost."
"In trying to create a mythology that's as complicated as the real world, 'Lost' will indeed leave some of its metaphysical Mysteries up in the air for interpretation."
"...it's the most narratively significant of all of 'Lost's' extended media."
The easiest way for me to describe this series is to say it’s "LOST" meets "Lord of the Flies", but with a high school girls' soccer team, and taking place in two different timelines: 1996 and 2021.
"Lost, the show that went from strength to strength to strength and remains one of the most beloved TV dramas of all time."
"I was so far... I was so lost and ass sure that I knew what I was doing."
"doggies I've got no idea where I am"
"Being lost is an experience you don't really get to have in a safe environment too often. Normally when you're lost, you're scared, you know? But we're lost and this is fun."
"They don't even know they're lost."
"... there are lots of Wiggles media and memorabilia which have become lost or don't exist at all anymore with one of the more popular topics being the deterioration of those creepy puppets that were used in some of their music videos."
"I hope that somebody that's feels lost and struggling, and like when is this tunnel you know when do I get out of this tunnel that uh they'll read government cheese and say, 'Pressfield's story is exactly like mine.'"
"I had this sinking feeling of dread when I realized I may have lost my keys in the mall and that we were stuck outside with this strange man."
"I'm at the point of my career where I have lost shame."
"This is actually one of the rare occasions where I've been lost."
"My dad has a good sense of direction, but for some reason that day, he got turned around and lost in the dense forests of the mountains."
"My heart sank where on Earth did these students go?"
"Lost was the pinnacle of great storytelling."
"I was also able to find my luggage which the airline lost with the help of a button-sized device."
"I'm so lost, I don't even know, dog."
"The ultimate message of Lost is a simple idea that we are all connected by time and fate, through light and darkness, and in life and in death."
"...so obviously at some point in time they had lost the keys and whoever sold them the keys sold them a key without remote start."
"Lost my guns. How did they get my car? Do you understand me? Do as I do."
"Truly successful is the one who causes his soul to grow, while lost is the one who stunts it."
"This [ __ ] ain't come up on my GPS navigation."
"You've had products lost, yes, but within about a week I got reimbursed."
"guys we don't have a GPS no reception nothing out here literally nothing we're lost"
"Lost can be found again except for time wasted."
"Look at that history, it's like lost."
"The biggest reasons why people are lost is they refuse to humble themselves."
"They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path."
"A man without a purpose is lost to me."
"The Act of Love lies somewhere between the belly and the mind I lost the love sometime ago Now I’ve only the act to grind."
"Healing Souls, healing those that are lost in a muddled mess."
"That's it the heart's just gonna be lost at sea again."
"and you both are completely lost at the airport"
"The worst thing about being lost is knowing you didn't have to be lost."
"Maybe you have been feeling very lost lately. I do feel that you will receive the clarity that you need in order to move in a certain direction."
"Not only am I lost, but also, I don't know how to get back home."
"The trust lost in buckets, earned in drops."
"Trust can be lost in buckets but gained back in drops."
"A ton of stuff that's been lost, and what's wild is archaeology catching up to folklore."
"This lost commercial was just found within the past 30 days."
"We completely lost it in this city, we have 100% lost it."
"I found all over this area, but can't find Bingo."
"I want to inspire the lost to use their Time, treasure, and talents."
"I lost myself when I tried to find you."
"There is a line though by men unseen, once it has been crossed, all is lost."
"He said they're lost. Separated from the rest of their troop."
"It's not about what you do it's who you know and who you know changes what you do that's the foundation of the Gospel I live by that I believe it with all my heart."
"Alright, so my friends, after making it through the entire video and explanation, and doing my best to decipher it, I'm still probably twice as lost as you are."
"It's like a lost child in the forest."
"We're just going back to the titles thing and I just think we get too lost in these titles."
"If you're anything like me, I was completely lost in the beginning."
"We lost them! Let's throw this net in the trash when we get home, otherwise, animals might get stuck in it. Great idea, Leo!"
"Did you see how lost they are without their Bailey?"
"We're a little lost, I feel like this is 183. We found 183. I'm a little scared. I don't know if we're in the right area."
"Somewhere along the way, her first Dream got a little lost."
"Oh dear me, goodness gracious, I am lost in the woods, terribly lost!"
"Somewhere you had no knowledge of and your bearings were just gone."
"Geo is lost on us again here, but you can find Geo on the Discord."
"It's okay to admit when you're lost,"
"God is not lost and we're looking for him. We're lost and he's looking for us."
"I was lost I didn't know where to go I didn't know what to do I was broken."
"I'm supposed to be preaching until the Lost feel the vibration in the spirit Realm and come and find us."
"I'm kind of lost, I am in the middle of Nevada somewhere. I'm not scared, but there's another word for it. I think I'm scared."
"I think a lot of you have experienced the sense of feeling kind of lost."
"If you're lost, do not look like you're lost. Walk with confidence and assurity."
"Jesus was a lostologist. We need to understand why people are lost."
"Jesus says it really doesn't matter how you got lost."
"Whenever you're lost, you know where you are; the problem is you don't know where you're going."
"I am from America, a land of which you never heard, and I am seeking others of my countrymen who are in Caspak and from whom I am lost."
"I've never been deep enough anywhere where like I look in every direction, I'm like, 'I don't know how to get out of here.' That would be so scary."
"We're Smurfs, and we're lost, we're tired, we're hungry, and we are very grateful to you."
"It's dark. Pretty soon I couldn't find my way back."
"Lost was a game-changing show that sucked in audiences from all around the world."
"You poor child, to have been lost and alone for so long."
"If you had a lost hippo, well this hippo would take out his compass."
"Won't he leave the 99 others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?"
"They were lost, looking for their parents."
"It's all about the love of God for His people and for the lost."
"You've really got to get lost to be found."
"Well, because I see a couple of lost boys."
"This son of mine was dead but has come to life again; he was lost and now he's found."
"It's okay to be a little bit lost in life at times."
"Please help me to regain a bit of myself because I'm lost."
"Can someone please help us find our parents? We're lost in the supermarket."
"You've lost your way, you're wet and tired, and you don't want me to turn you out," said the old woman.
"Goodness gracious, I am lost in the woods, the terrible, wearable woods, alone and frightened."
"I'm so lost, I have no idea where we are."
"It looked into my eyes and mewed like a lost kitten."
"If one sheep is missing from the fold, would he not leave the ninety-nine and go out looking for that one lost sheep?"
"I'm Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I've lost the dwarves and I've lost the wizard, and I don't know where I am."
"Lost is my favorite show of all time."
"When I'm lost, road is narrow, I'm looking down it like a gun's barrel."
"For years I felt lost; it felt so pointless."
"Midway through the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had become lost."
"Without you, I am directionless, like a man without a compass, lost."
"I'm like a girl lost in the forest, I was like chasing a butterfly and I forgot my way home."
"I am looking for that one sheep that's lost."
"It was like being lost, very young again with the dark and lost."
"My path, which had seemed a straight road, had taken a turn into the wilderness, and I was lost."
"What do you call a penguin in the Sahara desert? ...Lost."
"Some say to this day if you come at night you'll see that same lost headless Spirit looking for the part of him that's missing."
"It was like being in a dream; all men were lost in that place."
"Your brother was lost, and he's found."
"If you ever get lost... you'll never find your way out without a good map."
"I am Liam Dempsey. Can you take me home now? I think I'm lost. Can you help me?"
"I am lost in Paradise though Paradiso."
"I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I have lost the dwarves and I've lost the wizard, and I don't know where I am."
"Losing your way in a big world like this can make you feel timid and small."
"I was lost as well but I kept moving forward."
"Little lost things sometimes find their way home."
"A lot of us are lost but a lot of the youth wanna be found, it's just trying to reach out to find the ones that do want to be found."
"How terrifying would it be to slip and never return to your original reality, to be lost not in time but in an alternate reality?"
"If you get lost, the first thing it's recommended you do is to stop."
"I had lost track of why I was doing what I was doing."
"He felt as though he were wandering in the forests of the sea-bottom, lost in a monstrous world where he himself was the monster."
"When you're lost and you're alone and you can't get back again, I will find you and bring you home."
"Determinism is an inescapable rule of the Lost universe."
"In the world of Lost, there is purpose and meaning to all suffering and pain."
"Lost wants us to ask questions of our faith."
"To be lost and to believe that the Lord can save you."
"Lost media... a two-part symphony of the mysterious and obscure."
"He came to seek and to save that which is lost."
"It's easy to lose your way in the vast ether that lies before you."
"It's a frightening thing to lose your way, and even more terrifying if you're lost in an unfamiliar forest."
"The gospel is hidden to them that are lost."
"Who in this room could say that they have never felt lost?"
"If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?"
"This son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."
"It's a big old world, a lot of people get lost, not all of them get found again."
"Don't you know that I'm hopelessly lost?"
"I was lost in the dark, I'm an innocent man."
"A civilization lost to history, their works and their names."
"I tried, but I got lost. I don't know how to get home."
"Not all those who wander are lost; I'm lost, by the way."
"I was wandering in the farthest edge to amuse myself when I realized I got totally lost."
"I was filled with dread mingled with a feeling of being lost."
"Lost in a heart, body lost in their mind, so go back to the start, back to the passion."
"We have lost our way," said the Scarecrow. "If we walk far enough," said Dorothy, "we will arrive somewhere."
"I'm lost in the center of a scented rose."
"As we're hiking, we can't find the trail anymore... we realized that we are hopelessly lost."
"I was lost, completely hopelessly lost in the vast labyrinthine recesses of the mammoth cave."
"It's just so clear that Demi Lovato is very lost and is searching and searching."
"I understand the feeling of being lost, I understand the feeling of no purpose in life."
"People are so lost, and I guess I'm lost too, but I'm not going anywhere to find myself."
"I got lost from my parents at Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen when I was five years old."
"These characters are just lost souls in this film, everybody in this movie is broken."
"Are you lost? How can we help you?"
"Whenever you're lost, you should always ask someone for help."
"Can people really get lost for so long?"
"I did send you a note on the wind for to read our names there together, must have fallen like a seed to the depths of the soil, buried deep in the ground."
"We are all lost, all of us are lost."
"We had to figure out where the hell we were because after taking stock of our surrounding area, it became quickly apparent that we were in the middle of nowhere."
"May I also find the way through repentance; I am the sheep that was lost, call me up to You, O Savior, and save me."
"I feel so lost and misunderstood."
"Little B peep a story about being lost and then feeling found."
"I lost my way home while exploring the galaxies."
"We are lost children of the night."
"Has anybody seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one."
"How can I be lost if I've got nowhere to go?"
"...that's how people end up getting lost is they end up second-guessing themselves."
"They searched for many, many months but never found her body, but they found a ring."
"If you feel lost right now, you're not alone."
"The next time you start feeling lost, adrift, like you're wandering around with question marks in your mind, I want to remind you that it is okay if you've not yet found your new normal."
"Those nights I'll never find my way back to you inside this labyrinth of life."
"You're meant to help those that are lost."
"Hello, is anybody here? We're lost; we could use some help."
"I'm come home, I lost my way on the moor."
"Sometimes you can get real scared, you think you're lost and you think it's over."
"When you're lost, the only thing that matters is to find a route to get you back on track."