
Tooling Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Create react app: Ancient decisions around webpack."
"Set up eslint... your text editor is going to catch anything that could potentially have a problem."
"Angular CLI is powerful, allowing dynamic generation of components and services."
"It's really really hard to get right that the existing tooling does not help you get right..."
"The most important thing on any fixture table system is the tooling."
"Linux isn't lacking tooling, but simplicity."
"Cutting fluid will increase the performance of the tool and also increase the tool life."
"We can put different types of heads, yeah so we'll go ahead and set it up like that."
"I cannot stress how useful this is. It really saves you a ton of time when setting up a piece of stock and also makes the cut much more precise."
"Random orbit sanders are great because they minimize the sanding marks."
"A trim router can do an amazing amount of work for the size that they are."
"Grinding these types of tool bits is one of the main reasons why I want a good pedestal grinder here in the shop."
"The main key I can say that has found probably the biggest thing that I've used for a long time but is this VLD cutter in the way of the chamfering side of things that made a huge difference."
"Rust comes with a build tool and package manager included and it has a public package registry called crates.io."
"...once you've outgrown your pre-ground set...take the plunge and try your hand at grinding your own tool bits."
"...eight drill bits, only one correct, five undersized by as much as 64 mm and two oversized."
"If you want to take this further, you can include some rules using a tool such as ArchUnit."
"Podman and this is a bit of a bonus and it relates to the tooling that comes with podman notably in the podman desktop application whereby you can generate kubernetes manifest files from your pod deployments."
"These are going to make your life a lot easier in the world of Visual Studio code."
"It's so powerful to have this new layer of tooling on top."
"...playwright is a cross browser automation library for end-to-end testing... it supports all the modern rendering engines like chromium, webkit, and Firefox."
"Make sure that the contact point of your tool is the farthest point out. If this back relief is not aggressive enough, it's very possible that the back corner of the tool may also be influencing the cut."
"This cutter is a little bit larger in diameter which is going to help somewhat but the leading edge being so drastically tilted forward and a small radius on the bottom should eliminate all that chipping and yield a much better final result."
"These foil line types are great news even if you don't have the foil tool because they are programmed to drive a straight tool."
"...you can see when the tool bits chattering."
"API Gateway can be tested using tools like Postman."
"It's just a helper structure that will hold the request, the response, the status quo, and all this beautiful tooling on top of that."
"This lack of tooling sort of goes with the territory when we're talking about bleeding-edge languages, but it might actually be a nice thing for those looking to get in early and have a hand in building these things out."
"Just glad I don't drill them, that's what's nice about having a plasma cut, it saves me in drill bits a bazillion dollars in drill bits. I hate drill bits."
"If you're going to be machining primarily plastics and aluminum or making really small parts with small tools, you should probably prioritize RPM."
"The ceramic is extremely hard now and can only be worked with diamond tools."
"...using a face driver tool is really going to help speed up the operation."
"If you invest in that tool you can use it in both your CNC and your manual lays there as well so keep that in mind all right."
"Whenever sharing a new hobby, your skill set question always comes up: where do I start with the tooling?"
"It's a game engine that has all the tooling you need built in, and it really encourages exploration."
"There's a lot of really interesting tooling there that's going to make your day-to-day life easier."
"I genuinely like backgrounding, it's kind of one of my favorite parts of the tooling process."
"That's when the pattern really starts to pop out and you start to see a little bit more of your vision for the pattern once you've back rounded it."
"Use your tooling; it's there to help, and most importantly, did I mention experiment? You should experiment."
"We don't have great tooling in VS Code for creating new packages from scratch, but luckily, Envenia has us covered, and we can use package templates to create a new package skeleton."
"That ensures that The Parting tool blade is always dead perpendicular to the axis of the lathe."
"Can't wait to see what you guys make out of it because there's tons of opportunity for tooling and all that kind of cool stuff."
"This is by no means a modern or recent tooling, but the details are more than adequate."
"For developers, by accessing your tooling need from the singular place co-pilot chat, you get further productivity boost."
"Reduce the amount of decision-making required, provide tooling that simplifies the job, give the body builders on the assembly line all the help you can."
"That means powerful tooling to help you understand and improve your application."
"This has been a fun video to really key in and focus on the tooling aspects."
"They provide a lot of tooling around React Native and the React native community."
"You can run your workloads there, you can expand your workloads there, but you don't have to change your tooling."
"It's very cool when folks get together and build their own tooling."
"Forming taps actually don't make a chip, they actually go in and form the steel to have the thread."
"Think about that ability to have any fixture you want in any tool you want pulled up at any point in time."
"Azure functions are now class libraries in Visual Studio, which means you get all the supports of C-sharp, all the tooling, all the cool features."
"We plan on releasing tooling that can improve this over the next quarter."
"We'll build the whole thing using the latest in development tooling."
"We're working on Yeoman to make it easier to consume these smart tooling choices and help you build compelling web apps."
"Languages that are small and easy to understand... it's easy to implement tools for them."
"We support the entire workflow, in a sense, you start from installing the tools to flash the device, and we can do debugging and all that stuff."
"TypeScript is about adding static types to JavaScript and once you have static types, you can build great tooling."
"And also, it's going to be more toolable. And tooling is always a nice thing to have."
"Modern tooling, modern languages taking advice from static analysis, advice from AI... I think this is really elegant and beautiful."
"JavaScript is solving everything extremely well, we have a lot of good tooling in JavaScript."
"The main purpose of the CDK is to provide tooling for developers, particularly component authors, to create their own custom components without having to reinvent the wheel for common interaction patterns and behaviors."
"I think that when we're working on our programs, our tooling should provide support to directly manipulate our programs."
"Elm has some built-in tooling which is a nice perk over JavaScript."