
Carefree Living Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Life isn't supposed to be taken so seriously so just enjoy it."
"I'm gonna tell them life isn't supposed to be taken so seriously, so just enjoy it and have fun."
"It means no worries for the rest of your days. It's a problem-free philosophy."
"Act like a fool forever! Youthfulness is all attitude."
"Live light, live carefree, just go with the flow."
"Those were simpler times, a reflection of our once innocent selves, the one chance we had to be young and silly and quite frankly the only time we got to be carefree."
"Just have fun and don't worry about anything."
"Freedom is moving like careless and fearless."
"Real freedom is moving like careless and fearless."
"That summer was so good... no worries back then."
"I'm all about that life lately, like I don't even care what I look like because I'm enjoying sleeping in."
"He was his true genuine self without any worries in the world."
"Life's a beach, I'm just playing in the sand."
"Tonight is the night we learn to stop worrying and embrace the dumbassery."
"I follow the SpongeBob SquarePants approach to life. If I'm enjoying it and it's not hurting anyone, I don't care what other people think."
"Take on the carefree energy, move with the flow."
"I'm just here for the ride. I don't want to figure it out. I just take every day as it is. I have fun. I live my life. I don't stress. I'm not miserable. I have no malice in my heart. I'm happy, I'm good."
"Have fun, life. Don't take life so seriously."
"Welcome to the club! La la la, I want to go back to being 22 where I had like no care in the world."
"He was there to enjoy his life and live carefree."
"Set your intentions and live Carefree."
"Live carefree before God. He is most careful with you."
"Three sheets to the wind is where I begin, until my time comes to an end."
"You can't get much more carefree than that."
"Dance your cares away, worry's for another day."
"My life is a vacation. Every day is a holiday."
"As a kid, you don't think about time and you don't have time to think about it."
"I'm not saying turn off your brain, I'm just saying no thoughts, just vibes."
"I'm just gonna live a fun life for the first time."
"Life is short, and you're only going to be a teenager for so long, so really enjoy those years."
"Let's embrace this and don't worry about messed up relationships or trying to pay the bills or what your job is doing or money or all the hardships, you know what I mean, just be young and feel young."
"You're young... allow yourself to just have fun."
"Be 10 years old, have fun, enjoy it, don't grow up so fast."
"Don't need reason, don't need rhyme."
"I want to be worry-free; I want to be a happy sailor."
"Life is fun when you live carefree and have very few responsibilities."
"It's great that you cannot worry about money, like not worry about leaving it in your swim trunks when you're jumping into the pool."
"We're just causing trouble but nothing can hurt us in our bubble."
"I want a carefree life. I want to live."
"Party like there's no tomorrow, there are no consequences to your actions here."
"What a beautiful life, ain't no worries for the rest of your days."
"Don't worry, be happy, they got mine, deliver us."
"He's living the best life as a six-year-old you can live."
"I feel that everybody is entitled to live a carefree life and not have to worry about being wronged."
"Give her the opportunity to live her life carefree as long as possible."
"I live my life and don't worry about that."
"Enjoy being young while you still can."
"That's the society I want: [stuff] taken care of, and we just are. I just want to be."
"All I want to do is good deeds every day and be a kind-hearted, carefree Prince."
"Grab your coat and leave your worries on the doorstep; life can be so sweet."
"I want to be silly, baby, dance the night away. I'll keep my shoes off if I want."
"And it's a good time, I won't even worry anymore, took all my cares, took and kicked them all out the door."