
Keto Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"As always you guys are part of our keto family we love you."
"I highly recommend you check out Yugi toh matcha... they have these cool little single-serving keto friendly sweet matcha packets."
"These wraps make keto easier... some costs you have to pay for good adherence."
"Adapt a keto-like lifestyle with high fats, moderate protein, and conscious carbs."
"I've been doing keto for close to 10 years now, probably one of the oldest veterans in that world."
"I've been on keto for about two and a half years."
"The keto diet has an extensive list of health benefits and is excellent for a healthy metabolism, heightened energy levels, and even increased mental clarity and focus."
"The first thing that comes off when you start keto."
"Let's check out this Keto Italian Meatballs; this is a very popular meal with our members, and you will love them too."
"Keto is dope if you have a compelling reason to do it, but if you don't have a compelling reason to do keto or low carb, consider some adequate carbohydrate."
"Combining leftovers is an easy way to stay keto without having to cook every night."
"...it works well as a zero carb noodle replacement."
"...join my monthly keto meal plan membership where I release seven days of fully macro-calculated meals to you each month for only seven dollars."
"I took a little poll on the community tab to see what you guys would want and at least half of you asked for keto recipes."
"This is one of my most favorite things that we've made since being on keto."
"Keto got easier when 'I can't have that' turned into 'I don't want that'."
"People will say to me emphatically 'Well keto is bad' and I'll ask them why and there's no answer"
"This keto version of chicken and waffles is amazing."
"It's really crumbly, which is a texture you don't find that often on keto, I would say."
"I have been doing keto carnivore now since the end of May and I've had incredible success with weight loss, joint pain, the menopause symptoms, just everything."
"You're never really gonna replace that favorite food of yours with a keto-fied version."
"Keto should be treated as a hormetic stressor."
"One of the biggest motivators for weight loss for me and Sarah were looking at before and after pictures of people to inspire us to lose weight and to stick on keto."
"Protein sparing is a great tool. It's not an everyday lifestyle. We're not afraid of fat. We are keto promoters for 20 years now. We promote keto, and we think it's wonderful for so many things. And you know, in maintenance, we're not afraid of fat at all. We eat tons of fat."
"Cruciferous veggies are great on keto."
"If anybody says 'you can't breastfeed and eat keto,' come to me."
"Does it really matter if certain types of calories don't magically unlock your fat stores though? If people lose weight on a keto diet for whatever reason, big win."
"Evidence-based keto has been around a long time. It's safe and effective when it's done right."
"I think if you read it quickly without a compliment of other papers to look at, you'd look at that weight loss curve and say, 'Whoa, keto for the wind for sure.'"
"...I have her numbers and I have her permission to look at what does it look like for Michelle before she went keto."
"Hey guys, it's Aikido came here and today we're gonna be making a keto pizza."
"Keto flu happens because your body is switching over from using glucose as its main fuel source over to ketones. It takes a few weeks for your body to get adjusted to that."
"There's a right way to do keto that can still taste delicious."
"Bean sprouts, totally keto friendly, totally easy and they're crunchy."
"Avocado, one of the best keto foods that you could possibly have."
"I hope you enjoyed this video and are inspired to make some very good keto carnivore pasta noodles."
"They're budget-friendly, they're a great source of protein, they're a staple on a keto lifestyle."
"The vegan diet lost fat. They became much more insulin sensitive. The keto diet had a rise in their cholesterol which we see quite often. It is just not a healthy diet and no one should be doing the ketosis diet."
"...what you guys believed was keto was really uh promotional keto to sell products and that can actually uh harm kidney function almost as bad as eating the high carb standard American diet."
"Wow, keto Fest: the best conference that combines music, food, socializing, and science."
"That's actually pretty good once I get out of my mind that it's going to taste like my original fudge that it doesn't but um for a sweet treat on keto when you've been hiding away from sweet treats that's pretty good."
"I would eat a whole cake if I wasn't on keto."
"Hey, what's up family? I'm Rachel and I'm Joe and we are Two Crazy Ketos."
"It all comes together beautifully and makes a wonderful keto bone broth with anti-inflammatory herbs and spices."
"Our keto roasted tomato soup is ready and it looks absolutely delicious."
"Be open-minded to different approaches to a keto lifestyle."
"I'm doing the keto diet, I've been doing it for like a month now. The thing I love about keto is it's very very convenient."
"We're making my version of keto Starbucks egg whites; super clean, no filler."
"I'm very happy to say that keto is working wonders."
"There are five specific nuts out there that you could have on the keto diet pretty much all the time and still remain in ketosis."
"The reason why I picked this diet is because it seems really doable."
"The good thing about keto is they help you stay full longer, and you lose your appetite eventually."
"I don't have cheat days... once you've gone through the process and be fully fat adapted, your body literally just doesn't crave for anything carby anymore."
"The healthiest way to do a keto lifestyle is eating real food."
"I'm sure you know but athletes, celebrities, and high performers are all going keto."
"It's an extremely difficult diet to follow."
"Let's say I am in the health niche, I'll choose something like the keto diet."
"I'm still doing keto, and it's kind of a little treat for me."
"Keto made me full, and I didn't feel like I needed to snack or constantly be eating."
"One of the biggest things I'm loving so far about being on this journey is actually the support from the keto community."
"Here on Two Crazy Ketos, we do different things like recipe videos, product reviews, we talk about various keto topics."
"On a keto low-carb diet, the hunger goes away from within, and you're satisfied with less."
"The purpose of being keto is to improve your health, and when you get there, enjoy it."
"It doesn't taste like keto at all, this tastes like a real cheesecake bar."
"At the end of the day in keto, you still need to count your calories, it's not a free-for-all."
"The general rule of thumb on keto is green leafy vegetables."
"I only say three fruits are allowed on keto: strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries."
"Hey, try a keto meal, you might find it's tantalizing."
"We're going to be the community that just has six-pack abs because everyone's eating keto."
"If you're doing keto, this might be something that you would like, you know what I mean? A low carb, this right here gets you right."
"The number one most important thing to do when you're struggling on keto with weight loss is to control your carbohydrate intake."
"Algae is keto, it's vegan, it's gluten-free, it's organic, there's no sugar."
"Keto as a way of eating is safe if you do it right."
"I'm super excited about trying keto."
"I have been doing keto/low-carb... but these are actually recipes that anyone can use."