
Strain Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Trying to make them fit into who you want or need them to be is where you're going to notice a lot of strains on this relationship."
"That's not healthy for your voice, you're straining your voice, you're screaming!"
"The relationship between Elizabeth and Randy dissolved under the intense pressure of the wrestling industry."
"The strain on Angie and Bert's marriage proved too much to bear, and the couple divorced in 1981."
"The strain and stress that has on not just the human body but the mind is something I would not wish upon my greatest enemy."
"A third of couples who own businesses say the work is a strain on their marriage."
"By measuring the change in electrical resistance across the gauge, we can accurately determine the object's change in length, and so the strain on its surface."
"The biggest strain is on middle class families."
"In the days of the Great Sack, the Golden Rule had been strained to the breaking point."
"It just told me I got a strain of 10."
"and I think I'm just trying to force my vision too much to the point that I need glasses"
"I signed him up for like a crazy amount of driving lessons because uh the few driving lessons I gave him put a serious strain on on our relationship"
"Supply chains are very strained right now in the 2020s."
"Blue Dream is an amazing strain and we've really been sleeping on it."
"There's a lot of stress and strain in the local farming communities."
"The bridge must undergo regular maintenance because of high traffic. The strain is enormous."
"Causing physical strain in a bond that you want to break."
"Strain is a measure of myocardial tissue deformation."
"The focus of the talk will not be so much to review the clinical evidence behind the use of strain."
"Strain is tissue deformation resulting from an applied force."
"Strain can be positive or negative depending on the direction of deformation."
"The amount of strain that your body and your mind goes through just to get through a normal neurotypical world is crazy."
"Michael was out of work for years and so there were financial troubles that placed a strain on your marriage."
"The ship groaned as it tried to keep up with the increased gravitational stresses."
"...as Fred built up his textile empire, opening up factory after factory all across the Midwest, their marriage grew strained."
"High prices of Healthcare are causing real problems, real strains for budgets for individuals and companies across the country."
"The peace and security architecture is under unprecedented strain."
"Rather than putting a strain on anyone's conscience, they would put a strain on people's charity."
"The amount of strain induced is a combination of elastic strain, where it's a recoverable deformation, and the plastic deformation, which is the permanent deformation."
"The hope is what strains my vocal cords and gives me an involuntary twitch in my eye."
"We are deadened by the strain, a deadly tension that scrapes along one's spine like a grab gap knife."
"The emergency services were strained to the limits."
"You can't tell me the bursting strain of a 10-inch gun, but you all think you can tell me the bursting strain of a man under temptation."
"The wear and tear on these bodies, physically, emotionally."
"Angle strain is just a part of some larger topic we call ring strain."
"Emergency services will be tasked and expanded to their limit."
"The tensile stress and strain of a material are used to describe the behavior of a material independent of its original dimensions."
"Strain is the ratio of the extension X divided by the natural length L of the material."
"The strain that grief does put on a relationship."
"My body gives me warning of a strain, that I can then just back off. I do not push through those."
"We have defined stress and strain separately, and discussed types of each."
"The positive value for the shear strain means that the angle between the axis x and y decreases in the deformed object."
"Strain in three dimensions is very similar to what we have learnt when we understood the strain in two dimensions."
"The sphere becomes an ellipse, so we have to describe its shape and orientation to describe the strain."
"The three principal axes of strain are mutually perpendicular to each other."
"The description of three-dimensional strain ellipsoid is best represented in Flint diagram."
"By bringing it back or unfolding the fold or making the fault to its initial position by some sort of analysis you can figure out how much strain was involved in these processes."
"The change in temperature of the concrete material... creates a strain."
"If I have this much stress, how much strain do I have? Or vice versa."
"We will talk about the concept of stress and strain, we'll describe how these constitutive relationships are built."
"The strain of my accident, prolonged hospitalization, and subsequent financial difficulties had eroded the foundation of our relationship, leaving us emotionally detached."
"Strain is kind of the meat and potatoes of this entire lecture."
"If you guys can get strain here at the beginning, the rest of the lecture is going to be a piece of cake for you guys."
"Remember that strains are basically the change in length of something."
"Their commitment to reconstruction and security is being strained."