
Winter Preparation Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Even the Germans are being told to stop whining, wear two sweaters and have candles and flashlights ready in case of blackouts this winter."
"Hopefully, your dealership included a block heater for your tractor."
"One of the things that the locals said to my aunt when she first moved in is that the winter time you need to lock your doors."
"It's winter time, get your $500 beater put a cage in it and get it ready to rally next year."
"The state reliant on itself for its own power grid alongside little oversight and ignoring recommendations to winterize their power grid."
"People are definitely more prepared for the winter and they sort of expect the inevitable which is coming."
"The UK faces significant risk of gas shortages this winter and a possible emergency situation."
"The truth: gas bottle heaters, awesome. But without a carbon monoxide detector, you're risking never waking up again."
"I put a good set of Michelin snow tires on it and it did amazingly well in the snow."
"Cold hardening is a physiological and biochemical process that helps organisms prepare for cold weather."
"A beehive should ideally have about 40 plus pounds of natural honey in their hive above the cluster for them to get into over the winter."
"It makes me feel really good and it gives me a lot of joy to feed my family food that I grew and stored for the winter out of my Suburban Garden."
"I like getting ready for winter, putting some thick curtains up, getting the woolies out."
"We are making sugar bricks for the bees for the winter time."
"What we can do as beekeepers is supply emergency feed in the form of sugar patties or sugar bricks."
"Preparation for winter really starts in August."
"It's got plenty of growing space, and I'm gonna let these grow over the winter."
"It's November next week, anyway, so all looking good here, very pretty, that's our winter show."
"Predictions are that it's going to be a cold, nasty winter here in the mitten, and so I wanted to make sure that we're prepared for that."
"Using this is going to save us a lot of money throughout winter."
"As the weather begins to get colder, bears enter a hyperphagic state in which they gorge themselves on as much food as possible before the winter."
"Everyone will have food to fill their stomachs, a roof above their heads, and many jobs with great salaries."
"The fall is my favorite time to fertilize them because that gets them really nice a lot of energy to go through the winter."
"Provide the necessary services such as plowing, shoveling, sanding, or salting."
"Having a nice sleeping bag, having a nice heater, that's all great when it comes to being comfortable while living in a van in the winter months, but you also have to be prepared."
"Blizzard's coming, time to bust out my 600 horsepower snowblower."
"Having plenty of lentils is great, so I will definitely be canning up more lentil soup for our pantry for the winter because it is just so yummy, we love it."
"With a little bit of knowledge and creativity, you have the ability to create your own cold storage or root cellar that can keep your produce good throughout the winter."
"It's like you know, hang out, have a fun day, everybody goes out, gets some coats, whatever you need for the winter."
"Isn't this a lovely sight, look at all those colors of summer just waiting to be eaten up this winter."
"We are determined to grow some cabbages, to plant our garlic, and to do some things in the ground here over the winter."
"How do the bees prepare for winter? Well, luckily for me, they do most of the work themselves."
"My sweet spot right now to provide resources for the bees to get them through winter... it's a single deep and a medium super."
"This is the last real strong nectar source for the bees before they go into winter."
"Sourwood is actually an excellent overwintering feed, it doesn't crystallize."
"Grab your snow boots and some shovels because we're starting now."
"So again, we're just putting a lot of this aside now since we have the flowers and we have the resources, and then we'll be able to use these in winter for tea and or for cooking too."
"The biggest change is more intensive training already in the winter and less inactivity."
"This is an exciting course that comes with basic beekeeping, a day in the apiary with me, and it also comes with the how to get your bees through the winter course."
"Good luck with protecting your plants outside through the winter."
"This year you can make it a priority that you will protect your winter bees."
"This hat is now pretty much ready for the coming snowstorm."
"The most important thing with your winter shoes is the fit; room for your toes to wiggle is probably more important on a winter shoe than it is on your regular shoe."
"So am I going to continue my garden for the winter? Oh, you bet I am."
"I'm way more prepared for this winter than I have any other winter before."
"Grow your own food, and actually take your food and dehydrate it into your own patterns so you could eat it in the winter."
"The whole point of this build is to get a sick budget built to be waterproof because winter is coming."