
Technical Issue Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The sound quality and the build and the battery everything is a go except for the Bluetooth connection."
"I'm sorry has the glitch been fixed because my followers... have not been receiving their notifications when we go live straight up."
"Authentication credentials are not provided."
"Igor's professional opinion: the problem lies not in the 12vh power standard itself but in these adapter cables Nvidia has shipped with pretty much all of the first run of RTX 4090s."
"I think what happened is this capacitor was squished up against the drive chassis and was shorting against the chassis."
"All right, it's giving me squigglies and if I hover over this it's going to tell me property text is missing."
"The team is working through an issue on Steam Epic, that should hopefully be resolved soon."
"My biggest complaint is always the links are too short which makes it hard to cable manage the links on this guy that's really long."
"Apple has adjusted an issue with wireless accessories and peripherals."
"Only the starboard stabilizer fin has extended."
"I accidentally reset the timeline. That's fixed. I apologize."
"Oh, your browser's frozen. Oh, it was that the browser's never frozen on this show before. That's the first time ever."
"The engines flamed out, and that was the cause of the problem."
"They confirmed that the next update should fix the disconnect rate."
"It did have a bug where it thought I was on the phone."
"A minor defect led to a successful recall of NES consoles."
"It's a PC game where your mouse doesn't work on both sides of the screen at the same time."
"The only failure that we had was from a hard primer."
"We've had a service call, a walk-in freezer not working."
"Okay so before I begin this I just want to quickly say that um while making this video my microphone broke yep I've had it for about three years now and it just suddenly broke on me."
"Engine 4 is giving us weak thrust."
"Sorry about that, your new password still is not working for the vendor program."
"I seen that from the moment when I seen the laptop on but it's not taking current, you know how shady does the chipset."
"There are two common faults on this motherboard."
"Something went wrong. What do you mean something wrong? Where's the overlay?"
"So it was the headphone jack all along so basically when you plug something in 100% my meter was short in but when I unplugged it my meter wasn't short in."
"But what happens is this yellow line right here, that's the IAC position, so watch it once it hits around 1,700 RPM, the IAC goes down, but it's like it's bottoming out, so it goes so low that it'll start pulsing and the gauge just goes like this."
"Customer states he's got no forward only reverse."
"If you ever have an issue where weighted normal is not working, that's how you do it."
"Last week the DVR just said [ __ ]."
"...the worst thing you might find with these things, in the four-cylinder, the two-way ZFE is oil consumption, it's a pretty big problem."
"It only gets to 50. So we don't have enough fuel pressure."
"I wish you guys could hear me, but I can't even hear myself."
"She's coming down the road and it's got no power at all."
"The problem again was that the mounting boss had broken on so assembled this way with the spring in from the back up against the shoulder, the plunger has no compliance."
"When it's flashing like this, I'm pedaling and there's no power coming into the motor."
"That's the longest it's ever taken to [__] spool up."
"...the charger shut off at 82, I'm not sure why I had the truck set to 100, but it did."
"The reason why I didn't provide a screenshot is because I couldn't figure out how to change the viewing angle."
"This wire...might have been the whole LP problem right there just fast...just messy wiring from the previous technician that worked on this."
"The reason it was not working on electric was because we have a failed switch."
"I do remember that it would turn off sometimes, and I wouldn't know why."
"...the UV lights in the control room...one of the bulbs is failing, he goes over the breaker and touches it, it's pistol hot and it's in fact fused...the power of the control has dropped like 20 percent and the breaker can't break because it's fused."
"I went through the entire manual it doesn't mention anywhere that it won't electric start on propane I'm guessing maybe the battery is low on voltage and it's not spinning the motor fast enough"
"This is my hot coming in, this wire is coming from my door switch."
"Everything went back and you still see the misfire count, but that's just, it's going to stay there for a while."
"My computer has been absolutely bamboozled."
"Your device just ran into a problem and needs to restart."
"I believe that was sent here after a botched screen replacement."
"I fixed one technical issue for a fun Minecraft stream, dude. This is the best."
"Why then when we went straight from the terminals of the battery, which was 20 volts, why did it just kind of like, like it was shorting?"
"That lighting up red means you are clipping the inputs, which is very bad."
"Um and I don't know while the cable's hooked up right now but that's not the problem because I ran new text Diagnostics and they informed me that I have a bad daughter board this guy right here."
"The problem was the calibration... of the after-cooling system."
"The website is down, guys. The website is down."
"It says that I'm unauthorized to view this content. It's just an artifact of this being created for me by the template, so I'm just going to go here and give or, sorry, from access policies, it just neglected to create an access policy for me."
"That's going to do it for this week's edition. By the way, I want to tell you, this is absolute truth. A large number of you have, for some reason, been unsubscribed by YouTube."
"This is definitely a black bar algorithm problem and the Q7 is having problems that is seen as well only the qm8 and the u8k is doing it okay but the G3 would be absolutely black all the TVs are actually showing slightly lifted but it's not that bright of a scene so you know."
"This [ __ ] is glitching right now what you mean what that [ __ ] come here man"
"If burn-in happens immediately, that's a defective panel. Send it back."
"No Cap jams even with the bigger caps. It's just what I find with original Colts guys, it just... it's not an issue."
"I needed to figure out how to get that button back"
"I think it just cut out for a second for me."
"We gotta get our camera sorted out."
"Your camera just... Yes. It's on. My light went out too."
"It was as if the data stream had been disrupted, intermittent, random, one of the most difficult technical problems to solve."
"...in order to get them to fit or at least to position them so I could see if they would fit I had to raise the leveling system up so I could get more frame clearance above the leaf spring..."
"...but the problem you're going to run into is when you do that you may find that only your front and rear landing gear go down and if you have a six point auto leveling system with these center stabilization jacks they don't go down."
"...so the front landing gear went down the rear landing gear went down but the center ones did not and it created another error code."
"Disappointing. The display on there is not showing 10 watts next. Next question, does my phone display the current wattage? Nope, it's not a heater, it's a thing disconnected. Well, we'll reconnect then. Why don't you?"
"It works fine with the one compressor, but when it came on with its own compressor, the two compressors together working the same circuit was overpowering the valve."
"Look at how much that capacitor is pulling off, shouldn't pull any of that off, leaky."
"Canon seems to have done something to fully resolve the overheating issues and so that this doesn't seem to be a problem at this point."
"...when a compressor fails okay and it's weak, you'll have low high side pressures yes that's we have on this one but you'll also have high low side pressures because it's not generating that draw on the low side to bring it down to 25 35 psi."
"The engine just shut off and oxygen sensor is stuck at 0.56 volts."
"It was a strange problem because it was only on half of the songs that the issue was happening."
"I have some good news and bad news. The good news is my mic is working in this video. The bad news is it still sounds like... for some reason. I don't know why. For the second half of the video, it becomes better. Sorry, guys. I hope it's not too distracting."
"It seems like this mppt input on the inverter, this string is failing."
"At least half of his panels are generating."
"But what will happen is you'll scroll and it'll not refresh."
"Jeff Gordon just radioed in and said the water temperature is pegged."
"...that these cartridges that are loaded with a 440 diameter bullet are not chambering in this particular barrel."
"...this is not behaving like the normal inductor of a secondary power supply would."
"It's clear on my end, Lisa. Um, if you just want to try increasing your resolution, see if that fixes it because it's clear online."
"It's just going to come up as blank here."
"...if we can do the whole uh trip without charging if the consumption is below 204 what not sh it this happens because the camera is blocking the camera camera can't cannot see my eyes anymore."
"Emotec is back in distro mode as of 800 UTC E4 began spamming and as of 9 30 UTC E5 began spamming again."
"Your web server isn't set up properly to resolve web finger and node info."
"It's not actually cutting anything yet. It's still at home. But why go ahead and turn the spindle on running it at whatever number 591 you have any idea why?"
"We were able to successfully figure out that...it was just a DNS resolution failure."
"Device ID has to be replaced or should be gone."
"Oh my god apologies for bad audio."
"We were unable to find any video for that camera."
"Angie, you need to unmute the site. We believe in Angie."
"If you're having trouble with your slide that won't have one slide sliding out faster or more than the other one, your motors are out of sync."
"For the first time in Apollo's history, the terminal countdown is brought to a screeching halt because of a physical issue."
"This will be a problem at the front end here, might even just be this input jack socket."
"Code 14 is most likely an air intake pressure sensor related problem."