
Emotional Revelation Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Definitely a lot about truth coming out — the truth of your feelings, the truth of the situation, the truth of what it is that you really want."
"They might finally get the strength to admit some of how they feel for you or take some kind of action."
"Hope, I feel hope for the first time in my life."
"Mother Emma stated that night Iris took off the very heavy mask that she had been wearing."
"I should have told you this a long time ago. I love you."
"It was you all this time. I was chasing you."
"Prioritize your own mental health, your own physical health."
"Once you start having the conversation, it's like all of these things flood back, and it's really cathartic and useful."
"London: A top three most visited destination."
"Seeing it was just like incredible for me and life-changing."
"The sun is coming out and is going to make you very clear very quickly about things you've been unclear about for a very long time."
"I once thought killing you would be a great challenge, but a real difficulty was declaring my love."
"He reveals that he feels the same way about her."
"Damn okay, all I know is that I wasn't alone for the first time in my life, I wasn't scared of nothing."
"I didn't even know I was missing something until I met you."
"So it's not that I became angry when I stopped smoking and stopped eating, I just revealed it."
"You may have someone who has feelings for you and they've never shared them."
"Someone has true feelings they have not yet revealed to you."
"She says she likes me again, which honestly is the best feeling in the world."
"Hunter fans rejoice! Hunter confesses that Willow and the rest of his friends mean the world to him, he just wasn’t ready to say it."
"It's hard, my children. My oldest daughter, she felt like I lied to her."
"It's terrifying them... they can't hold back the feelings they have for you."
"Someone is going to reveal their feelings for you."
"That's crazy, I can see all of it right now."
"Shifting from hinting to expressing, transforming from repression to authenticity."
"You're going to be shocked, surprised, elated, but most of all, you're going to know that this Victory here is signifying the end of this twinflame journey."
"Full moons illuminate things we didn't already know, helping us complete and move forward."
"This connection has blown their mind, realizing the depth of their feelings."
"Accepting the romantic feelings. Listen, I think I've got feelings for this person."
"Yay! This person finally told me how they really feel. That's the energy that I'm getting."
"You're going to be in awe and wonder about the situation, what really makes you happy with the sun card energy."
"New love showing up here for many of my cancers."
"I felt like, oh my God, they're seeing Something really, really, vulnerable in me."
"Confession: Hidden feelings will eventually come to the surface."
"I had been with him for 3 and a half years at that point, and had never seen him so excited about being alive."
"It's been four years... It's you... You're my Darrow."
"You never once said you loved me," she narrows her eyes. "Love is for fools, Christian."
"I had kept my crush a secret for so long, I was excited I could actually talk to Parker about my feelings."
"I've been kidnapped, that suddenly I realized the extent of my true feelings for my mummy boyfriend."
"I felt numb. There seemed to be only one explanation that made sense."
"What's in the heart will come out in our words."
"God is going to shine His light into each heart, reveal hidden hurts that people didn't even know have been weighing them down."
"The sooner you know it, the less do we hurt."
"There it was, her final declaration that she still loved me."
"Someone who's never opened up has been holding on to a lot of feelings for you."
"Nanami admitted that all she wanted was for someone to say those words, and she cried tears of joy."
"I finally knew how my mom really felt; we started talking a lot more, our relationship got way more better."
"We very rarely in life find out how someone truly feels about us."
"They didn't want you to know they were in love with you."
"They definitely want to reveal their emotions to you."