
Personal World Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Your world is a result of words you have spoken."
"Connect to your intuition, to art, your imaginary world."
"Through art, you're invited inside of someone else's head and into their world."
"The most fun in life is to create your own world."
"The best we can do is hope to make our individual world as close to the real world as possible."
"Each person's world, the inner world, is extraordinary and personal."
"They live in their own little world and they get to run their own show."
"Tomorrow we will be what we think and believe ourselves to be today; each one constructs his own world by means of mind and feeling."
"I tend to watch series and films... I kind of live in my own world."
"The vast part of what is important to us is in our subjective world."
"We're just creating your own little bit of world to make people happy."
"It's my world, and I don't want it any other," declared the rat.
"It's Elena Joy's world and I'm just living in it. That's how I want everybody in my life to feel about the world when I'm around."
"This is your world, so you create any kind of illusion that you want in your world."
"I'm totally into it, that's my world."
"You can't make a world, but you can make your own world."
"He sort of lives in a world that's enclosed... it's aesthetically pleasing because he cares about images."
"You are your own world and everything you do start with you."
"This is my tower, my city, my world."
"It's not very big, but it's my world and I enjoy it."
"Welcome to my world of fragrance."
"My Hope World, my whole world full of hope."
"This is a chance for me to take you and pull you into my world."
"We don't know how to end war in the world, and this is the end of war in my world."
"This was his world now, this small saddle of land between the escarpment and the knoll, a tiny piece of grassland that was warm in the sun and pretty with flowers."
"I'm really, really privileged to have this world in which I inhabit because it's one that I love."
"Thank you for taking a trip to Sugar's world."
"Welcome to my world, enters through the gate of my house of memories."
"I think we're all rich just what we have in our own little world, in our own way."
"This is your bench peg; this to me is the center of my universe."
"I'm not all just happy to get by, you know. I live in a different world, Dad."
"This is your world that you're making here."
"And in the end, the most important world you might be forging is your own."
"This is your world, you can make it yours."
"It's your world and you can put a big tree wherever you want it."
"He didn't feel lonely or unstable, no matter how distant his world was from everyone else's."
"It's not the only world," she says softly. "It's my world," I say, my heart hammering in my chest."
"Riding bikes in general, you're in a little world of your own; it really is escapism at its best."
"It's your little world, whatever you make of it."
"Welcome everyone, today is Friday in my world."
"This is my world, so I want you to kind of embrace what feels really good to you."
"This is my whole life; this is my whole world."
"I'm running away to my own world; that's where I'll stay in when life tries to test me, I take it one day at a time."
"All he knows is that 'where I belong, I'm right' – in his private world, he is doing what's best for him, and feels happy."
"It's your world, however you think things are gonna happen is going to happen because it's your world."
"I remember reading the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time in third or fourth grade, and thinking: I want Narnia. But I want MY Narnia."
"In your world, you can do anything that you want to do."
"This is your painting, this is your world, so you can do this any way you want, and any way you do it is absolutely fine."
"I can't tell you why I stuck it out; I guess it was mostly because it was a world all my own."
"The world begins and ends here," he pointed to his heart.
"She just lives in her own world, and it's a lovely world."
"Welcome to my world; it's a lovely place to be."
"What is real is what you build and how you create your world."
"You can live in a world of your own design."
"You just drift off into your own little world."
"You can do anything you want in your world."
"Perhaps I can make my own world here."
"It's your world, and we're just living in it."
"This is Anna Bright and Georgia Johnson's world, and we're just living in it."
"You just make up your own label, your own little world."
"If our love ceases to be, that is the end of my world for me."
"You are definitely moving into that world that you want for yourself."
"I'm living in the world that I want to be living in."
"You can create your own world at this time."
"It's your world; you can color it however you want."
"I'm concentrating on what matters, that's my world, thank you."
"Now you're in the new world, your world."