
Grades Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Max has put A stars on the board, seven A's and one B. That's it. Hasn't scored lower than a B."
"Make a difference to your grades, make a difference to the future you, by looking at these mistakes and not making the same ones in your exam."
"I graduated college with all A's."
"Your grades do not define you as a person; they're literally just numbers. It's just this will help me get to my next step in my education and my learning and everything."
"My medical career ended with very high grades but in my own vomit on the floor of the operating room."
"I am beyond disappointed. A D in math, you're actually serious?"
"Such a terrible way to end the two years of hard work. A D in math and a B in chemistry."
"Grades do not dictate your intelligence. They simply indicate how well you're able to be tested."
"This is what hard work, good grades, and getting a 4.0 your entire dude looks like."
"I passed all of them with an A... tell me why I passed all of them with an A?"
"I think most people like to get good grades."
"You don't need to show up to the final; you have an A."
"What's so funny? I got a C, as long as it's passing."
"Wow, is that short of the B? That's short of the B, a little bit right in line."
"I was friendly to everyone and I had good grades."
"I'm better than an F, I'm better than a D, and I'm damn sure better than a C."
"Grades do not define your worth and they do not define who you are."
"You're either getting better or you're getting worse. You're either getting G or you're getting F."
"Don't let your low grade define you."
"This is better than any C you could take."
"I've never seen a real grade this solid before in my entire life."
"Now Grade 1 is outdated but there's not too many problems with it inherently. Same with Grade 2 and obviously Grade 4 is the most refined and best form of Super Saiyan."
"If I have any talent at all, it's for getting high grades."
"Grades are the product of hard work and studying, but there is so much more to learning than just grades."
"Promotions are based on results of exams and your chances of getting good grades are as good as anybody's."
"...if you have grades anywhere upwards of 90...SATs having anywhere upwards of 1500 or 1550 SAT is a good place to be academically."
"...grades and test scores are pretty much what I like to call the foundation of a strong application."
"I finished AP US History with a 99 in his class."
"Colleges definitely focus on your college grades and they want to see how you're performing in like college-level classes."
"Your grades that you're getting in college are way more important than like your high school GPA your SAT acct score your high school extracurriculars etc."
"...what grade you're teaching so that I can make sure that we talk about the specific grades that are represented here."
"I've got a plus in English and an A plus in Maths and a B in Music."
"I worked so hard at it, so I'm really, really happy with my grades."
"Dude, you got an A; let me see what I got... Oh wait, what? A C-minus? Bro, I'm happy for you, man."
"I just got my grade back for my exam."
"Grades don't define you, do bad and learn from it."
"He was able to keep his grades up to A's and B's."
"If you can get one of these grades, you're gonna have a lot of money on your hands."
"It's going to be tough, but you must have those grades up."
"If I get an A on this, that means I'll have straight A's on my report card for the first time ever."
"The number of study hours is directly correlated to the grade."
"Your grades are 97, 98, and 100. Your average is 98.33."
"There are three general grades of matcha: ceremonial grade, standard grade, and cooking grade."
"If you just show up every day, you'll get a D. Turn in every assignment on time, that's a C. Put forth some energy and effort to do your best, that's an A and a B. That ain't on the teacher, that's on you."
"It's okay if you get a bad grade, you can always try again."
"Grades are actually a decent way to get some information about future on-the-job performance."
"Grades don't mean you're not smart if you get a bad grade in something."
"You can't let one bad grade define who you are."
"You guys did all good, straight A for you."
"I ended up getting straight A's this whole year."
"I was mostly an A student, did have some B's here and there."
"I'm back with my straight A's and I'm back to becoming myself."
"Just because you don't get the grades for it doesn't mean that you're any less of an artist."
"Learning has absolutely nothing to do with grades."
"Thus, exercising allows students to study more efficiently, which enables them to get better grades."
"Your abilities to follow instruction will give you high grades in your alternative to practical."
"I never get anything lower than an A, ever."
"Doing this helped me maintain good grades but also helped my mental health as I was a lot less stressed."
"Hopefully, it helps you focus your revision and get that A or A*."
"Remember this was kind of like in your school, you know, this many people had D's, this many people had C's and B's and A's."
"Creative people don't always get good grades."
"I wiped my plate clean so that I could ensure that I had as much time as possible to focus on my grades."
"I you know got decent grades, not great grades but decent grades."
"I've got an A, I've got a C, it is really, really looking good."
"I was a good student, I never really had L or D's or C, I stayed on like A's and B's majority of the time."
"Do your freaking homework. It's like a free grade."
"In conclusion, I strongly believe that grades encourage students to learn."
"If your grades aren't that high, it doesn't mean that you're not intelligent; it just means that the way you are studying isn't really working."
"I'm really proud of myself for pushing through and getting the grades that I really want to get."