
Hardworking Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Dana was refreshingly honest, even as a little kid, always very responsible, and to this day, one of the hardest workers I have ever known."
"He's had some bumps along the way, same thing with Poirier. They're two blue-collar, hard-working guys that have grinded their way to the top."
"My brother was a hard-working man, a caring man, loving towards family and friends, dependable."
"I decided I'm gonna do something different. I'm gonna work hard, I'm gonna be proactive, and not reactive."
"You represent the working hard, playing hard truth logic common sense shit-kickers."
"She was incredibly stabilizing, hard-working, she believed the best in people."
"Virgos are [ __ ] good at everything... they are hard workers."
"It is about me. I just work really, really hard every day and I think you know that probably rubs off on people. But I'm just myself and I'm unapologetically myself and I think that's a good thing and I think people really respect that."
"I can do manual work and I work very hard. You can count on me to get things done."
"Farmers are every day good honest hard-working people that feed the country."
"She works any time, she's hardworking, she works around her garden and she's a good person."
"Your managers see you as somebody who is very hardworking and influential, like the star of the workplace."
"Number three homes are hardworking, promoting growth and abundance."
"Ariana is such a hardworking woman like that girl really puts her all into everything she does."
"This person is very hardworking, willing to move to another country or city for prosperity."
"They view you as someone very hardworking, someone that's very focused on what you're doing, but also someone that is always growing, someone that has skills that are ever growing."
"They're a very hard-working person and you love that."
"Hard-working people are often quite reliable. No matter what happens, you can always rely on someone who is reliable, you can count on them, you can depend on them."
"The Kardashian family just have it. They are unbelievably hardworking. There is no one I would rather be in business with."
"It's honest hard-working rock and roll music from a bunch of honest hard-working working class rock and rollers."
"It is a hardworking tool of a car."
"This is really where it belongs, it is that hardworking car and it really begs to be used like this."
"A hard-working guy who knows how to enjoy life."
"Some people might perceive you as someone who's extremely hardworking."
"They perceive you as incredibly hard-working, putting a lot of dedication and effort into things you want to achieve."
"Everyday hardworking people who believe in the future."
"Your everyday hard-working, grind-it-out, hold-it-all-together woman is appreciated and celebrated on a regular basis."
"He's hardworking all the time and he does a very, very good job."
"This is a hardworking parent, 12 out of 12."
"As long as you're hardworking, passionate, and don't quit, anything is possible."
"My type is a woman that's hardworking, goal-oriented, a hustler."
"Easy was a hard-working, smart, and very ruthless businessman."
"This king of Pentacles is an energy, a masculine energy, that is a slower energy, a very stable energy, a hardworking energy."
"Despite his tiredness from working, he almost always makes time to play with his kids."
"Hard at work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
"Hard-working couple wanting very down to earth and very simple wishes."
"The teachers in our country school were very hard workers."
"I'm loyal, I rock three jobs, I can cook, I can clean, I'm romantic."
"She's incredibly smart, brave, hardworking. We stan, oh yes we do."
"Growing up watching my mom work from dawn till dusk, I wanted to do whatever I could to lighten her load."
"One of the hardest working, quiet, and humble quarterbacks."
"Happy birthday to you, the strongest and most amazing, most hard-working, most beautiful woman I know."
"Our teachers are essential, they work hard, our nurses are underappreciated and overworked."
"She was very well liked in the community, known as a caring woman, hard worker, and no one had a bad thing to say about her."
"He's hard-working, he's got goals."
"Besides being an honorable, hard-working, incredible husband and father, I would say authentic, just real, I tell it like it is, sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not, but just a nice authentic family man who also kicked some ass in business."
"The Chinese people are among the most hardworking and decent people in the world."
"She was a kind, gentle soul who was always working hard for her family."
"I'm comfortable knowing that I'm talented and I work for what I'm getting."
"I like you because you work hard."
"She was described as a pleasant, hard-working person who loved being around her family."
"She's the most hardworking person I know."
"I'm fond of the girl... she's a good lass, she can cook, mend, works hard."
"Cindy was very independent and hard-working; she juggled two part-time jobs between difficult courses."
"I'm the youngest of six kids... none of my family ever got in any sort of trouble, they were just hardworking."
"You're hardworking, trustworthy, and loyal; persevere to reach your goals."
"She was also an extremely hard worker as well."
"Her husband, my brother-in-law Joel Guy Senior, was honestly one of the most down-to-earth, hard-working, and kind people I ever met."
"You look like somebody that's very hard working, maybe even somebody that overworks themselves."
"This thing is a Workhorse; it just wants to go to work."
"Jazz and Crystal are some of the kindest, most hardworking people I think that I've ever met."
"He's intelligent and caring and hardworking. He's one of the best people I know."
"He's the most genuine, real, humble, hard-working individual I've ever met."
"She's the hardest working woman in television and she is just so... I just love her."
"He's a single dad that works two jobs, loves his kids, and never stops."
"He works his butt off, does anything the coaches want him to do, he's just explosive."
"Some of the hardest working people, most family-oriented people, and more law-abiding by the way, are immigrants."
"I'm hardworking, I'm very loving, nurturing."
"Barbara is thoughtful, selfless, supportive, hardworking, and loads of fun."
"He's a very disciplined and hardworking person."
"She's obviously a very very hard worker."
"My dad is the hardest working person I know."
"My mother is so caring, hard-working, and possesses a good heart."
"My word for Addison is hardworking."
"I am the type of employee who understands how important it is to not only work hard in my role but to support other people in the team and be a positive role model for the company."
"If someone is diligent, they work hard and are careful."
"He does what he has to do to provide for his family, and he's such a hard worker."
"You are the kindest, sweetest, most supportive, most forgiving, hard-working, caring person I know."
"Our friends and family described her as kind, hard-working, and happy."
"She's a hard worker, she loved her kids, she was a great mom."
"Good people are professional, hard-working, honest, genuine."
"It's a Workhorse; it really works hard at what it does and it does it really well."
"Old School Blue Collar Working Man Burger Joint right here."
"The poor people are some of the most resourceful, hardworking, amazing people I've ever met in my life."
"I'm sure there's a lot of hardworking guys here in Dallas, right guys?"
"These are not lazy people; they farm, they fish, they hunt, and that's how they survive."
"The people of Kansas City would never think that because they're again salt of the earth, great people, solid, hardworking, lend you a hand if you're in need, shirt off your back, that's who they are."
"She is one of the hardest working, most dedicated individuals you'll ever meet."
"He has worked so hard, he is such a good brother, such a good dad, such a good friend."
"David was a kind, decent, a hard-working man who took great pride in his work and the service he provided to people."
"They're really good kids, they're talented and they work their asses off."
"I never saw such a hardworking... You are so lucky to get an employee and a life partner like her."
"My mom is one of the most hardworking, selfless people I know."
"She's working, she's providing for her kids, she's becoming more independent."
"She is the most hardworking, genuine human being I admire and look up to her in so many ways."
"You all are just a very hardworking zodiac sign; you all are really the goats."
"Our next guest is one of the hardest-working, super-crazy talented multi-its in all of existence."