
Misunderstood Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Only those brave enough to be misunderstood earn the right to be called legends."
"Zombies are our friends, says Hypno Shroom. They're badly misunderstood creatures who play a valuable role in our ecology. We can and should do more to bring them round to our way of thinking." - Hypno Shroom
"The chaos gods are infinitely complex with more facets in ideals than people give them credit for."
"Great geopolitical stuff I wish you kept it on your YouTube up more man people need to see that side cuz they think you're just a pimp but it's like no man you wor the guy traveling talking about business man."
"They made me the villain, not the guy that raises black children and ain't never done a hard drug in his life and don't have no stories of doing nobody dirty."
"They're getting smaller, their tenure here, I'm Jason Thea, we owe Jeremy's bad patch."
"No one understands me but people love me because I'm crazy."
"The movie is the thing that I'm most proud of, and I feel like it's sort of the misunderstood child."
"I have never felt more pride or joy or love while simultaneously feeling so deeply misunderstood."
"These guys are just completely misunderstood species."
"She is just a really misunderstood monster who's being subjugated to mistreatment for simply being born the way she is."
"I'd say maybe 80 to 90% of the situations that result in the characters or even the viewers hating on Howard are unjust or at the very least misunderstood."
"The true Andrew Tate is a man that is largely misunderstood."
"Prayer is the most misunderstood of The Human Experience."
"Buggy became a Yonko based on incorrect or misunderstood information."
"I never truly understood why bread was so demonized."
"Crazy is what they don't understand."
"Vincent van Gogh dies poor and misunderstood."
"I hope it's fired up a bit of love and passion for the spurred room because it is a weapon that is often badly misunderstood."
"I feel like Pell gets a bad rep... he is such a fantastic character."
"It's like a really big thing for me so I often feel very misunderstood or like this might sound dramatic but like unloved because my love languages are so drastically different from like alistic people and what most people's love languages are."
"I think that this movie is just not understood for how beautiful, how meaningful it is."
"He scared a lot of people. A lot of people thought he was crazy, you know? A lot of people were afraid of it. But most people I know didn't understand him."
"Ancient weapons used for peaceful purposes, misunderstood as weapons by the government."
"...how one can seem despicable but actually has layers of sorrow and distraught, and maybe even feelings of love for someone specific."
"You just have this radiant energy around you, and you're going to commonly be misunderstood."
"I got misunderstood because I was always misunderstood. People might look at me and think I'm a bad person, but I'm not bad. I had a good heart. I was just trying to survive, you know? And then my survival mode just turned to anger and hatred."
"I don't know why people just paint me out to be this villain cuz I actually think I'm just such a sweetheart truly and honestly."
"Wolves are highly misunderstood animals."
"I wasn't the villain, but you felt sorry for me."
"The forgotten, unloved, and misunderstood."
"You both feel misunderstood, like Outsiders or Misfits in a sort of way where you understand one another."
"It's actually a very interesting challenge sorry challenge because particularly super speed rays like Indianapolis all four corners are within a few miles an hour the same speed."
"...you have to be seen and known but what I really want to get across here is that da tend to have this big I am misunderstood core wound."
"Most geniuses have been misunderstood by others."
"Others aren't evil, they're misunderstood."
"You're a very beautiful soul. You're a very old, old, old soul, and you feel very misunderstood."
"Blown away is not the only thing you're going to be before you're blown away, you're going to be misunderstood."
"I feel so misunderstood. I feel like I don't have a voice, that I'm just a substandard human being."
"Misunderstood perhaps as an artist, and too much fixation on the literal meaning of 'Sexual Healing.'"
"Emily might be one of the most misunderstood Thomas characters in the franchise by fans and the show alike."
"I think that the urban rural thing is kind of a bit misunderstood."
"He seems like a good time. I think he's misunderstood. I think he just wants to party. And guys when it comes to getting the party started, there ain't no party like an arty party."
"The most misunderstood is how much I care about the things that I'm involved in."
"Basically, I'm misunderstood. People don't know how to handle a wild, untamed childhood."
"These misunderstood but heroic figures are designed to reinvent the archetype."
"There's just something misunderstood, you know?"
"Catherine's misunderstood. She's a strong woman but everybody thinks she's just a bitter shw. Actually, she's a sensitive Soul who's always been second to her sister in her father's eyes."
"There are no bad bunnies, just misunderstood."
"The great ones are often misunderstood."
"Underestimated, mistreated, misunderstood - that is the classic recipe for George's villains."
"Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is often misunderstood. People seem to understand this as a romance, like a really classic piece of romantic fiction. But it's not romantic, it is post-romantic, it is gothic, and while there is love in it, it is tragic."
"He is misunderstood as someone who preached hate and violence against white people."
"I think it gets a bad rap just because of what came before it."
"Lovely fella but misunderstood people."
"Everybody thought of Darth Vader as this big evil guy that you know had no heart he was just evil but in the end it's not that at all."
"Aquarius gets a bad rap because people think you're a little bit detached, cold in some sort of way, but that's actually your function."
"...and I think it's one of the most misunderstood cars in the car industry."
"Isildur is one of if not the most unfairly maligned characters in the movies."
"An icon who I will argue was misunderstood."
"Tharja, the dark mage, reveals herself to be a deeply caring and thoughtful person who simply has trouble expressing herself in more direct ways."
"The people of Udo may have branded him cursed, but they did not know the true power hidden within this boy."
"Kong wasn't a monster; he was an actual misunderstood creature."
"You have no idea how hard it is being a psychic."
"You might have these psychic or intuitive abilities people just don't understand."
"Everyone thought she was a freak, a druggie, a loser, but she was also funny and kind and beautiful and so, so sad."
"Seeing something that can be contrarian or misunderstood from the outside and you have to nurture that."
"He wasn't wrong; he was just ahead of his time."
"It's just a misunderstood man, I mean, look, he's looking for love."
"I feel so lost and misunderstood."
"Even if no one understands him, he will continue to be a good person."
"They're kind of like big puppy dogs."
"It's a misunderstood show that I think needs more people to actually watch it before passing judgment."
"I think that Detroit is very much so a city that's that rep that's a lot like my personality and a lot like me as a person, misunderstood."
"I'm not bad or evil, just misunderstood."
"He's sort of misunderstood and tragic at the same time."