
Internet Speed Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"If privacy is your priority, losing speed may be worth it."
"Starlink will be one of the fastest options available to transfer data around the world."
"It's one of the most amazing things in life to have faster internet."
"Elon Musk says SpaceX is going to double Starlink satellite internet speeds."
"Wi-Fi 6 basically gives you... faster signal."
"Having your 200 to 500 megabytes per second, that's not good enough. We want one gigabyte to two gigabytes a second read and write."
"You have faster Wi-Fi speeds up to 1800 megabits per second, seamless roaming, and easy setup through the Deco app."
"I have faster upload with my T-Mobile phone than I do with Comcast here. My uploads like 26 or 27 megabits per second."
"Some beta tests have resulted in download speeds of over 100 megabits per second upload speeds of about 40 megabits per second and a one-way latency time of under 20 milliseconds."
"Eventually, we need to have speed so fast of the internet, so much connectivity that someone can instantly download something in a remote desert in Africa."
"We're very close to getting gigabit internet and when we do we're going to stream in like 8k for no reason just because we can."
"Faster internet is good, I will tolerate no disagreements on this subject."
"The speed of the Starling system is forecast to be 350 plus megabits per second."
"We're getting that hundred and thirties right and we're getting about 11 let's call it Meg up... they're getting about an average of 13.7 so we're a little bit slower than average."
"NordVPN encrypts all your traffic so your internet service provider can't slow down your streaming speed."
"Now I'm going to set this to 5000 kilobits per second because I know my internet will be able to handle that kind of quality."
"Don't forget to make sure that the upload speed is also fast."
"Not only are they able to achieve 17 megabits per second but if this is correct, they are also able to do it under tree cover and more importantly indoors."
"Effectively we are being limited we are seeing ourselves get right around 100 megabits per second when talking to that server so that is pretty darn cool it is actually set up and good to go."
"If they give you a great deal on 1 GB per second, awesome, but if the 500 megabit per second package is a lot cheaper, and maybe that's all you need."
"...a few years back they ended up having the fastest internet in the Western Hemisphere... Chattanooga was killing it with internet speeds."
"Imagine getting four gigabytes per second download or sequential read and write speeds."
"When your internet speed really is faster than a gigabit."
"ExpressVPN does this without slowing your internet connection. That's why it's rated the number one VPN service by CNET and WIRED."
"I'm on WiFi pulling down the entire rest of my gigabit internet connection here."
"It's your One-Stop shop if you want to absolutely kill it in real-world speed."
"As soon as you start creating anything or video chatting and having a two-way conversation especially over live video as soon as you want to upload the work that you've made the sooner you want to actually do some work this upload speed matters just as much if not more."
"...you need to have 8 megabits per second bandwidth to download that file in one second."
"We may be able to get speeds upward of 300 megabits per second upload and download speed."
"Now, we noticed a lot of places have actually fiber optic Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi is about 100 to even 200 megabytes, which is really good."
"The best thing of all is the fact that the upload speed and download speed for internet here is the fastest I've ever seen in my life."
"QoS is an integrated technology that basically is packet prioritization so you never slow down."
"It's surprisingly fast, we're uploading all of our YouTube videos just on the base package while we're at sea."
"What's up everybody? Today we're going to be talking about internet speeds and how much you really need to get by on your daily day-to-day whatever you're doing online."
"In South Korea, they enjoy the fastest average internet connection anywhere in the world."
"The best average download speed was in Merida."
"If you had a really quick internet connection, you wouldn't want to be using these because with these you're limited to 100 megabits per second."
"Can I game on the Starlink satellite internet? Does it have a fast enough connection speed and is the ping fast enough to actually be competitive in online gaming?"
"South Korea has the fastest internet speed in the world."
"Very slow internet, cause: too many downloads at the same time, too many computers sharing internet connection."
"We're actually talking about a gigabyte per second download speed from way out here, which is pretty awesome."
"Life moves fast, so your internet should too."
"The touted speed is 7,800 megabits a second."
"Sometimes I could be getting over 100 megabytes of download speed, and that's the plan that I've got with my internet service provider."
"That's how I want internet, really super fast."
"A mistake can travel halfway across the internet before the truth can put its boots on."
"I'm loving the speeds, I've had no issues whatsoever with the Wi-Fi."
"Arriving in a country where the internet flies, which is super serious and where you can watch a movie and have it look great without seeing quality, is a dream come true."
"You're going to be amazed at how fast web pages load."