
Keywords Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Home is the key word to any twin flame relationship."
"I hope everyone could listen out for some of those key words."
"When you optimize your video with the same keywords that a popular video uses, you have a good chance of showing up next to that video."
"The more searches you can do, the more keywords you're ultimately going to be able to find."
"The best keyword you could advertise on for this offer would be literally 'The Secret.'" - Tap into the power of keywords for maximum conversion.
"Long-tail keywords are important for getting ranked in search engines."
"Look for keywords and phrases in the stem of the question that matches the answer."
"Putting things in order, that's a good overarching Virgo keyword."
"Sovereignty and freedom are going to be big key words throughout this time."
"Understanding search intent for the different keywords that you're targeting can be really useful."
"Putting your keyword phrase in at least one headline on your landing page is really powerful and easy to do."
"All you are trying to do is connect the buyer with your listing, so think like a buyer: what keywords would the customer type into the search bar looking for your specific listing?"
"...make sure that you include them in the first 20 to 25 words of your video's description."
"You want to come up with a list of keywords and categorize those keywords."
"It's really helpful to have your keywords."
"Well chosen keywords will help you rank well on YouTube just like the machine learning basics."
"To promote your blog, use keywords like 'write for us,' 'submit an article,' 'contribute,' 'guest posts' on Google to find websites looking for guest bloggers."
"Domain Authority is essentially the strength of your domain... if you guys have a very high strength domain, chances are you can rank for really competitive keywords."
"We want to understand where keywords are most and least powerful."
"You don't have to have the exact keyword phrase... in your listing anywhere... to be relevant for it... as long as you have the relevant keywords somewhere."
"What you want to do is find keywords which bring up search results similar to the type of search results you're trying to rank for."
"Want to know what keywords an article is ranking for? Just click on one of the articles, scroll below, and these are the key phrases this article is ranking for with its corresponding position."
"Always go with two keywords versus just one."
"Choose keywords that are relevant to your content."
"Captioning correctly we will use keywords also known as trigger words to define the subject we want to train."
"A great way to research keywords for your campaigns is to use the keyword planner."
"So you can see when this one came through skip bin higher Brisbane we added that as an exact match but then what we would also do is we continue to review that average CPC and we look to find for any keywords which have a really high CPC."
"Long tail keywords are going to be more specific which means if you're matching on those specific terms your listing is probably going to be a lot more relevant to the person searching for it."
"Use those keywords, write them down, and that is going to be your search term and your focus for your search."
"So I think this tactic of sending people through a keyword helps to get your head above the water. It's the fastest way to send Amazon the signal that you should show up."
"Do your best to slowly learn more and more and incorporate [keywords] wherever you can."
"Are keywords really still important in SEO? Yes."
"Chat GPT can help you to identify the relevant keywords and key phrases that are commonly used in your industry or required for your topic."
"Stop trying to match long tail keywords in the exact word order."
"For the algorithm, the description is very important. The algorithm uses the description to check the topic of the video, so make sure that your description includes the keywords as well."
"Learning how to make some money with affiliate marketing with some long tail keywords is pretty important if you want to build to that point."
"You want to make what's called keyword-themed ad groups... The classic mistake is for people to not put any syntax."
"I could create free content around keywords people look up and I could get paid."
"On-page optimization is critical because you'll need to insert specific keywords that you want to rank for in the Google search results."
"Choose five to seven keywords that really represent what you want to stand for."
"Highlight keywords, then you can quickly find."
"Good SEO practices include adding relevant keywords in your posts and pages."
"So when coming up with keywords I would really recommend doing stuff that's pretty explanatory you know pretty specific in order to make sure that everyone gets on board with the idea."
"If any of you can find the clip I'm struggling I don't do the right keywords."
"Keywords are the lifeblood of our business."
"You get out of it what you put into it, and that's no exception when it comes to the use of keywords."
"A good Niche needs to have a lot of keywords with low competition and higher search volume."
"The two things that are most important in my opinion are sharing your items as many times as possible up to the Limit and including as many relevant keywords as humanly possible in your listings."
"So you definitely want to go through that researching phase on e-rank ever B Sales termite these platforms and see what keywords you can use to put in here."
"...use keywords that match the job description because many employers scan job applications using automated systems based on keywords."
"Make it efficient, make it short as possible, but at the same time, try and put as many important keywords into there."
"The semantic core keywords are the only keywords actually driving sales. That is what this is showing you."
"Start with your best targeted keywords then over time maybe when you have much more reviews and you've already built a base of sales you can begin broadening out to higher search volume terms."
"Include your alpha keywords in there, and this is because Amazon's search engine crawlers are what they're called, but it's just the little robots that go over your listing to index it to see what keywords you have."
"Rank Math PRO users have access to the Keyword Report Overview, a summary of the top winning keywords, meaning the keywords for which your posts have most gone up in the rankings."
"Sprinkle Google synonyms in your content for some extra Google love."
"Finding the right relevant keywords... That's really key to SEO."
"There are dozens of different keywords and combinations of keywords that could be used to identify a motivated seller or a distressed property situation."
"Include your keywords in the title, description, and tags."
"Keywords are so incredibly important."
"One of my most successful videos is because of my keywords."
"Optimize your YouTube videos title, description, tags... work that keyword that's relevant to the topic and work it into the title."
"When you're doing SEO and titles, we want to focus on two main things: short tail keywords and long tail keywords."
"Keywords are almost always a representation of the required quality your character needs in order to select or use that particular item, skill, or archetype."
"For these three reasons, if your goal is to be thorough, you'll want to search using a combination of MeSH and keywords."
"Finding the right keywords is the process that I use to grow this account to 9.1 million monthly views and 13,000 followers."
"These keyword slots, they're really important, they help customers find your books."
"Your title is extremely important; having the right keywords is essential."
"You can start doubling down on those keywords which is going to ultimately lead to more sales for you."
"If you're doing lots of long tail keywords, you're going to have more profitable campaigns."
"Your goal is to identify that set of keywords for your product but then narrow down within that set and see which of those convert best for your product type."
"If you were to put your target keyword in those four places, you've probably done half of SEO right then and there."
"Find keywords that make lots and lots of money."
"What if you could show up multiple times for the same keyword? That greatly increases your odds of capturing more potential leads."
"You could write the best book in the world... but if you've not got the right keywords... nobody's going to find that book."
"Keywords are probably one of the most important things you can focus on when you're listing your item."
"I cannot stress enough the importance of actively seeking out other search terms."
"The two words that really stuck out to me are unlearning and freedom."
"You want to start with keywords, you want to use specific keywords, you want to use broad keywords."
"If you rank for certain keywords, you can make a passive income."
"You can include keywords or exclude keywords if you have a hobby and you really want to sell something in that hobby."
"The type of keyword is super important to understand."
"Understanding what keywords people are searching for is the foundation of search."
"The two key words here are training and inference."
"Include keywords related to the emotional situations you want to induce in your audience within your prompts."
"There is no limit on keywords; it depends upon the research that you are doing."
"We're going to extract keywords from articles that a user has expressed some interest in."
"Our first step for content recommendation is to figure out what are the keywords that I'm interested in."
"Paying attention to all these keywords will definitely land you into the correct coding."
"There's nothing like a perfect resume as long as you implant the sort of keywords that your employer is looking for."
"They don't dig into your essay to find out whether you've done it correctly; they look for keywords and thorough analysis."
"Optimize your keyword bids according to your business goals."
"Always choose keywords that are relevant to your content, even if it's sacrificing volume."
"Understand your business, find keywords that are relevant to your business."
"Ultimately what we are doing with keywords is connecting to the customer."
"Using keywords and video tags will help you rank well on YouTube."
"Choose keywords with high search volume to drive more traffic to your video."
"Choose a keyword that defines the nature of the content."
"These problems require deep thought and there are keywords you want to focus on."
"Whether it's homework or an exam. Focus on the -- take a yellow marking pen, mark them out, keywords."
"Make sure that your title has all the right keywords and the reasons why someone buy front loaded in it."
"You always want the alt text to be something if you're going for SEO value, you want to use your keywords in the alt text."
"Put as many key phrases as possible into your website."
"It's important to include text from keywords because that's what potential customers are thinking about."
"We have a list of 39 keywords, these are enough keywords for us to make a sound decision."
"These are chosen as the top 30 out of over 2,000 in-demand keywords."
"Pair this with targeting relevant keywords and your ads are going to crush it."
"You want to add good keywords and really give potential buyers a true vision for how they could wear or style the piece."
"If your listings hit that renewal period and haven't sold, it's probably safe to start adding some different keywords."
"If you're setting up your site now to be optimized with the right keywords and phrases for what people are searching for, you are really going to set yourself up for success."
"If is a keyword in most computer programming languages that lets you create a conditional statement."
"Keywords are kind of two directional, one is for searching to go find the photos."
"You're literally looking for keywords, looking for how things are put together because, you know, code works based on what we tell it to do as humans, and those codes written in English, keywords give it away."
"Key words are the unique special words in all of these headings that really give it its meaning."
"I would recommend writing keywords just like this because it is compatible with whenever someone is looking for a specific skill set."
"It's up to you to provide a product with the right keywords that they are looking for."
"Alt text is good for SEO because if we happen to mention any of our keywords like coffee, then it's going to help us to rank better in organic search results."
"We want to be targeting keywords that represent someone who actually wants to purchase a product or service."
"Use keywords, they are the single most powerful tool and targeting option you have to make sure that you only pay for buyers."
"For the title, if you're not sure what to use, I just recommend using the keywords that you want to be found for."
"Keywords are search terms people would use to type in a search bar to find this wreath."
"Keywords are the most important factor that increases your chances of being visible to your potential customers."
"Make sure you have all the right keywords in here to maximize your visibility."
"Leveraging keywords and Enterprise keywords and folders and setting the default values will save you a ton of time."
"The most important thing you can do is organize your campaigns and understand the keywords that people are typing in."
"Use a few keywords that describe who you are."
"My secret trigger word method for finding untapped keywords in seconds."
"Google Trends, a great free tool to give you a ton of information about any keyword that you enter."
"There are literally hundreds of millions of keywords that are untapped."