
Password Security Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"For the amount of time and the sophistication of this attack I would say this is probably the best attack out there for quickly getting a wifi password via just straight up hacking."
"I would say you want a long, random and unique password."
"This is just your quick reminder to use unique strong passwords everywhere. Do not reuse passwords."
"How can I even log in if she won't let me know the password?"
"Be a responsible penetration tester and pick a stronger password."
"The only way to protect yourself against this hack is by using a long and highly complex password."
"So we've now talked about password security."
"Using a password manager like Dashlane that can not only generate incredibly strong, unique passwords for every site but also remember those passwords so you don't have to is really valuable."
"Changing your password frequently: old advice, weaker passwords."
"Huge fines and a ban on default passwords in new UK law."
"Strong passwords and PINs with six or more characters are going to be very important."
"No one should ever have their security breached, but anyone who is still using '123456' as their single global password should not be surprised if their account were breached."
"Better to use any one-time password than none, even if it's being automatically filled in by the browser."
"Change your default passwords and don't use any of the top 100 most common passwords."
"We're all used to the idea of a password, but we're really trying to move away from password as much as possible."
"This is such an easy way around that problem if you want to capture the password."
"Ultimately, when it comes to passwords, as long as you have a unique and strong password for your email and a different one for each of your financial institutions, you can pretty much do whatever you want with everything else."
"The zero knowledge architecture makes it nearly impossible for your passwords to be leaked due to a data breach."
"Using this little trick alongside Nordpass, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your passwords are safe and secure."
"Salting effectively renders pre-computed rainbow tables useless, making these tables impractical for attackers to use."
"It doesn't even allow you to use the default credentials. Once you log in, you are forced to change the credentials, which is a very good best practice by the way."
"Either you're like me and pride yourself on your amazing memory and therefore think you can remember all your passwords but realistically you just end up using the name of your child who pairs your password everywhere you know who you are."
"The best way to do this is to use something known as passphrases."
"The best way to prevent storing a password in plain text is to Hash it."
"Use passphrases. Spaces are valid characters in a password, so make it a phrase."
"Passwords based on family names, pet names, sports teams, hobbies, etc., are easily guessable."
"Nord pass is among the first providers to have a pass key functionality which might completely replace passwords in the future."
"Adding an emoji to your password forces hackers to go through around 3,700 variants per symbol."
"The less complex the password, the better off we are because we're going to be able to crack these passwords."
"I always tell clients that just because your password is long does not mean that it is good."
"The longer the password, the harder it is to crack."
"Another big thanks goes to Troy Hunt. He recommends using a unique complex password for every website you visit and to check havonpone.com to see if your email has been seen in a breach."
"Implement an effective password policy that is compliant with NIST 863b's guidelines."
"If you're still using password 123 or Bosco 7 for all your logins, you're going to get heck."
"That master password is critical, that is the single point of failure."
"20 lines of code would have stopped them from having plain text passwords."
"LastPass will auto-generate passwords for you that are really difficult to crack."
"... avoid written passwords if you can, try to use a password manager."
"If you're gonna be serious about this stuff, pick a very strong password."
"Don't have stupid security methods that tie everything into one password."
"If you're given a default password by an online service, immediately change it."
"A strong password should have eight or more characters, an upper and a lower case letter, numbers, and symbols."
"So what's interesting is that people oftentimes focus on the entropy of the password itself, but if the password recovery questions or the password recovery scheme has little entropy, that actually affects the entropy of the overall authentication scheme."
"With 70% of the passwords of the organization, the entire organization is effectively owned by the adversaries."
"Remember, you must never tell your password from any account to anyone."
"Ensure that each user has their own login; don't share passwords ever."
"It's a simple and robust mechanism to allow you to manage password complexity."
"Password hunting isn't the only thing you want to hunt for... these SSH Keys is definitely something that you need to be aware of."
"We can use any email, doesn't matter, and then we're going to give it a password and then we register."
"Choosing a good password requires that we acknowledge our humanity and resist the urge to take the easy route."
"Pass bolt is a free and open source password manager that allows both individuals and team members to store and share passwords securely."
"It's nice and secure; we use bcrypt to hash these passwords."
"Use good passwords. Treat your username like a password."
"Password spraying is essentially the opposite of most brute forcing or traditional brute forcing attacks."
"Hashing is the process of taking a password as input and somehow converting it to a so-called hash or hash value."
"This is a really big number such that you and I probably don't need to worry about an adversary using brute force figuring out what the corresponding password might be."
"The benefits you get from having a good password mechanism like this outweigh the drawbacks of there possibly being a potential breach."
"Length is far better than complexity when it comes to passwords."
"Apparently you can't use beef stew as a password. Do you know why? It's not stroganoff."
"The longer a password is, the harder it will be to crack."
"We are not going to store passwords as plain text."
"One of the most common tasks an ethical hacker performs is password cracking."
"You can make that a lot more difficult by creating a strong password that's hard to guess and that you don't use on other websites."
"This is essential to create unique digests for every password that is being stored."
"Your password gets hashed that way it's kept safe."
"Password management, strong passwords are a must."
"A lot of patrons that we help have trouble creating passwords; we're very good at helping people create good passwords that are easy to remember and hard to guess."