
Vue.js Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"I just wanted to demonstrate how easy it is just to throw the CDN in there and use Vue.js for something simple."
"This is how you're including Vue.js right here."
"When you need to capture user input, you can use the v-model directive on form inputs in text areas, which enables what's called two-way data-binding."
"So let's go ahead and talk about handling user-submitted data within Vue."
"And that means dealing with forms and also form validation."
"Components in View JS: Provide organization, encapsulation, and reusability."
"Everything is a component in Vue.js. So basically, icons can be also components."
"Traditionally, forms are the most tedious thing that we can work with in JavaScript, but thankfully, Vue makes it so much easier."
"View has the easiest way of working with forms."
"We no longer have to write the code that actually changes the content; instead, all we have to do is change data or change the state of the application and Vue will automatically update the DOM for us."
"And then Vue came along and kind of did that for me again. Now it kind of gave me a modern way to build applications. The big thing we're going to talk about, though, is the progressive JavaScript framework. So what's on my agenda for today? Ice cream is always on my agenda."
"Progressive Vue: happening or developing gradually or in stages, proceeding step by step. I want you to think about something: this is, again, a really great way to introduce Vue into an existing code base."
"With the composition API, we can simply use the 'setup' function in the script tag."
"No need to explicitly define 'export default' when using the setup function."
"We want this to be reactive so there's a function that we want to bring in called ref and anything you want to be reactive you want to wrap in that function."
"When you want to pass props in, you do it like this and you just use Define props in the component that you're passing them to."
"The transactions are back so now we're not storing the transactions in this one component it's in our main app component so we can use these wherever we can pass them to any components we want and they're going to be reactive."
"The composition API offers a concise and clear way to structure component logic."
"So here is a Vue app this is actually using Vue 3 for these examples pina works with Vue 3 it can be read by Vue 2 and Vue 3 users but we're gonna use it in Vue 3 in these examples."
"Vue.js is one of the three popular front-end JavaScript Frameworks."
"Vue.js is constantly growing. Vue 3 was actually just released not too long ago."
"Vue offers the easiest learning curve compared to other frameworks."
"With the composition API, we can easily create reusable logic and code."
"Going forward, we'll be using the composition API about 80% of the time."
"This hybrid syntax is a perfect way to use the composition API in your existing code without a major refactoring."
"Script set up is a new feature in Vue 3, it became an official feature in Vue 3.2."
"Is there a component of syntax that is versatile yet compact and also friendly to you when you're using TypeScript? And the answer is yes. And we'll get to that right now."
"The script set up syntax is now officially recommended syntax for using the composition API in Vue 3, but the other two patterns can still be useful depending on your unique use cases."
"Vue js is more robust than something like jQuery, since it gives you specific recommended patterns for code organization."
"Beautify is a material framework for Vue.js; it's really powerful and can reduce your designing time to half."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to create this beautiful to-do list app using Vuetify and Vue.js from scratch in 30 gosh darn motherflipping minutes."
"My name is Anthony Fu, and I'm a coding member of Vue, Vite, and Nuxt. I'm also the creator of Vitest."
"...this is a tool that we can use to boilerplate full Vue applications which come along with all the configuration and structure that we need to create full Vue websites or single page applications."
"...we're going to use the Vue CLI and use it to create more complex and fuller Vue applications."
"...once you start working with it and making more Vue applications it becomes a lot less scary."
"...this is the root component which is then mounted to the DOM at this location."
"...every Vue file represents a single Vue component and it has the .vue extension at the end."
"...when we render that component to the DOM its template is injected into the DOM."
"...template refs allow us to store a reference to a DOM element inside a variable."
"We've got this lovely counter going on, and we have a Vue app."
"So big news from like, two weeks ago, we released Vue 3.3."
"With Nuxt, we have Vue server-renderer and Node.js... we have entry integrated meta tag management with Vue-meta."
"Nuxt also includes a lot of the popular Vue packages built in already."
"Learn Vue.js through cool tutorials."
"Now I have a working e-commerce website built at Django and Vue."
"This is a contact manager application which is completely made with Vue.js 3 version."
"This is more of a simple project, but I think it's a nice project to really get you more into Vue.js and also working with third-party APIs."
"Hey hey developers, today I'm going to show you how you can go into an existing Vue app and add end-to-end testing with Cypress."
"I'm also the author of the Vue.js in Action book, which you can get the first chapter for free."
"Welcome to this super amazing Vue.js Pinia course."
"This course will teach you everything you need to know to get started with Vue 3 and the Composition API."
"Add Vue Router for the single-page application if you want."
"So now guys, let's get started with fetching the students' record using API in Vue.js."
"So guys, we have successfully learned how to insert the data using API in Vue.js."
"Vuex is the state management system for Vue.js."
"Redux in React, Vuex is kind of the equivalent in Vue.js."
"V-model in Vue is a way you can do a two-way data binding."
"Welcome to my first blog post using content module learning Vue.js."
"Automatic routes... you put a .vue file underneath pages and it will automatically add it to your routes."
"It's now the highest rated course on Udemy in the Vue.js category."
"View is very nice to work with and easy to understand."
"All right, what's going on everyone? In this video, we're going to be making a Vue 3 modal component."
"Composable are designed to be reusable and sharable making it easier to manage complex logic and behavior in The View application."
"This is how we are going to be creating a component, this is how we are going to be importing a component, and this is how we are going to be rendering a component in Vue.js."
"Text interpolation is referred to the process of dynamically binding data to the content of an HTML element in your template."
"Attribute binding is a way to bind HTML attributes to data in a Vue instance."
"A computed property is a special kind of variable that automatically updates itself whenever the data it depends on changes."
"We are going to be using the V4 directive to iterate over an array."
"We are not going to be working with the options API; instead, we are going to be working with the composition API."
"Components are a fundamental building block of a Vue application."
"We're going to then actually go over, set up a Vue object."
"Vue is arguably the easiest of these three tools to learn as you can get pretty far with your existing knowledge of HTML and JavaScript."
"It's basically a Vue.js based framework which allows web developers to create responsive websites in many different flavors."
"It's a framework that sits on top of Vue.js. It allows you to create a Vue.js app with a single codebase and deploy it to the web as a single page application, a progressive web app, or a server-side rendering app."
"State essentially is pieces of data that reside within our Vue app."
"My approach to it has changed, particularly now that I'm implementing more Vue.js as a front-end framework to manage that."
"Next supercharges your Vue components."
"With Inertia, everything is now a Vue component, so you can add interactivity whenever you need it."
"Let's talk about Vue.js lifecycle hooks now."
"The mounted hook is the one you're probably going to use most of the time."
"By using the v-on directive, we can listen for events on our elements."
"This is how you register a component globally."
"Vue is able to isolate styles to a component, it borrows that idea from the shadow Dom."
"That's the basics of adding styles to your components."
"The user component displays the age dynamically."
"Once the data has been passed down, the child component can use the data in expressions, directives, and methods."
"Slots are a great way to pass down content from a parent component to a child component."
"This is much cleaner, much easier to use, and it makes Vue a lot easier, especially when you get really complicated components."
"I'm a full-stack software developer and also a huge Vue.js fan."
"View is a modern and lightweight JavaScript framework that is booming in popularity."
"The core of Vue itself is really a lean package with a very friendly learning curve."
"VueX is a state management pattern or library for Vue.js applications."
"Vue.js is approachable, versatile, performant, maintainable, testable, and reactive."
"Vue.js component is easy to maintain and you can even reuse these components."
"That's the power of using Vue.js on the fly."
"That's good, and now if I go here, ah, we have created the component."
"That's the power of using Vue.js in any project."
"This is the power of Vue.js, and this is a super cool technique."
"Vue.js ecosystem is essential to master Vue.js."
"We're gonna be building a Vue.js component and the point of it is to build this slug editor basically to manage the slug for our blog post."
"Let's just create some properties, some props for our Vue.js component so that we can set these up and use them."
"If you're interested in Vue, I'd highly recommend watching it and following along."