
Yoga Pose Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Folding over into your standing forward fold."
"Good, come back through center, lower your knees, and then walk your hands forwards, let your chest sink down into puppy pose."
"Option one you stay exactly where you are, option two you're going to float that left leg up, final option you can add your bind reaching for your left foot with your left hand."
"Take your left leg behind you and float your right arm out in front, one big breath in, stretch, exhale release."
"Lift your hips up and back, make your way into your first down dog."
"Keep lengthening forward as the right hip keeps going back, eventually finding your triangle pose."
"Keep the bending in your front knee, inhale, reverse your warrior."
"Bring your butt up and back, keep your knees bent, push down firmly through both arms."
"Lift your heels as high up away from the sticky mat as you can, and in doing that, elevate the hips to their highest height."
"Wrap your elbows around your legs on the calf muscles, get a nice tight grip."
"Inhale, drop the belly, lift the gaze, and as you exhale, round your spine, bringing chin to chest."
"As you exhale, round your spine and see if you can lift and separate your shoulder blades, bringing your chin as close to your chest as you can."
"For full body flexion, hug your knees in toward your chest."
"Take another breath here, monkey pose, find a flat back."
"Camel pose is a very big heart opener."
"Let's close our standing practice with tree pose."
"Press into the heels and lift into your bridge, spiral the thighs in toward each other."
"Keep the belly lifted, stack the hips, and lift the hips."
"Open the shoulders here as well, reverse table pose."
"This is not an easy pose by the way, I still find it challenging."
"Inhale, pulling into upward facing dog, pressing into the hands, straighten the arms, lift the chin."
"As you press the hips to the sky, think of pushing the chest up and over towards the chin."
"Find your Mountain Pose, steady the breath, breathe."
"Hold the pose, feel graceful, feel strong, lift it up, hold."
"Extend the arms up any amount toward the ceiling just to open up the shoulders."
"Open up to the side, gaze out across your front fingertips."
"Find a comfortable twist in your body."
"Pause and downward facing dog, take a moment here, align yourself from the inside out."
"Feel your feet on the floor, spread your toes nice and wide, and just settle in here in this pose, Mountain Pose."
"Bring your elbows to the insides of your knees, hands on the floor or hands at your heart, then we're going to actively start to press your elbows into your knees and just pry those little hips apart like an oyster shell."
"This is Shavasana, it's the most important pose that we do, so don't skip it."
"Push yourself back into a little child's pose and then pop that hip open towards the right, so you're feeling a little release in that right hip."
"Sit low into a chair, pull the belly button to the spine, sit two inches lower in the hips, reach the biceps up by the ears, spread the fingers."
"Stand tall mountain, inhale your arms up, exhale fold forward."
"Rise to stand, stretch all through your body, push into your feet, send the gaze up."
"Sink your hips and come into chair pose, drawing your weight back into your heels."
"Just sense how open you feel now in your downward dog, taking in all the feedback from your body."
"Inhale, drop the belly down, lift the chest, lift the gaze."
"Make your way into Anahata, our heart-opening pose, a nice prep for downward facing dog."
"Press the elbows and the inner thighs against each other, keep your chest lifted."
"Settle into your resting pose, shavasana, anywhere that your nervous system, your energy, feels calm and supported."
"Think of making a letter L shape here with the body."
"Starting to wind things down, bring the feet together, the arms alongside the body."
"Inhale, expanding; on the exhale, back knee and top elbow, can they tap together just under your body?"
"Softening the space behind the eyes, the brow, the jaw, as you relax into your shavasana."
"Child's pose is a wonderful posture to ground and become present."
"Bring your palms together here and send thumbs towards the back of your neck in Reverse Child's Pose."
"Enjoy this nice stretch in your right inner thigh, bringing your forehead a little bit closer to the floor."
"Inhale to lift all the way up, take your lunge high lunge here."
"Releasing the belly down, lifting the eyes to inhale."
"On your inhale, arch the spine, soften your belly, open your throat."
"So in down dog, you're trying to make like this inverted V shape."
"Gently press back into downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana."
"Inhale, lift your right leg up, step it in between your hands, and come into Warrior Two."
"So this pose Supta Baddha Konasana is done a lot for a restorative series so you can do this anytime before you begin your practice, at the end of your practice."
"Tuck your toes under and sit on your heels for a great foot stretch."
"Release your seated position and come into a child's pose."
"In this downward facing dog, take your feet about as wide as the mat."
"Inhale chair pose, bend the knees, sweep the arms up to the sky."
"Drop your belly down, lift your tailbone and the crown of your head."
"Cow pose: We drop our bellies, draw our shoulder blades together, gaze up."
"Warrior one pose: When you feel strong and stable, reach your arms up."
"Bridge pose, find your stability, find your lift off."
"Your gaze is out over the right hand; the spine is long, the chest is open."
"In this down dog, you're trying to straighten the arms and reach your chest towards your thighs."
"Interlace your fingers, taking them above, palms facing up."
"When I bring the leg into my Padmasana position, I'm utilizing this version."
"Gaze at one point to balance, hips are square, shoulders are square, press into the right hand and lift the crown of the head to the sky."
"Come into chair pose, check that your knees are touching and that you can see your toes."
"Make yourself comfortable for shavasana, let the feet drop to the sides, palms of the hands facing up, eyes are closed, allowing the shoulders to drop down and relax."
"Feeling that start to open up through the heart, can you squeeze your shoulder blades here together?"
"Shavasana is to be respected; it is a really important pose."
"Interlace your fingers and press the palms up to the sky, lift the heart, look up."
"Press your hands back into the floor, lift your leg and step the foot forward so you can come into moon pose."
"Feel your navel hug up into the ceiling, and from that stability, you're going to lift your torso for high lunge."
"Draw back to downward facing dog, lifting the hips."
"Roll your heart up away from the floor and forward as you engage your glutes, reach your hips back towards your feet."
"Make a C shape with your spine, go back as far as you can without lifting your feet."
"Press back into downward facing dog."
"It can be insanely challenging to be able to sit with a pose."
"Downward facing dog has a primary focus in the hamstrings and the back of the legs including the calves."
"Take the hands behind you, clasp the hands behind the low back, inhale, draw that fist down and back, open the chest."
"Lift the right leg up from downward facing dog and come up into Warrior two, sit deep into your Warrior, relax your shoulders."
"Draw the elbows towards your chest, we're coming to a little Sphinx pose."
"With each exhale, get that sense of let go, surrender, relax so that you can fully be absorbed in this beautiful pose."
"Go ahead and bring your big toes together, and your knees a little wider than hip width apart."
"Shine the heart between the biceps for your cow pose."
"Exhale your right hand down by your right hip, reach your left arm overhead."
"Slide your hands right under your shoulders, draw your shoulder blades towards your back, and lift up into a miniature Cobra."