
Conditionals Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"You can nest if-else statements for complex decision-making."
"Are you counting up to something some number of times, or are you just going to do something until some condition is true? That's kind of a differentiator."
"A while loop is going to continue executing as long as a condition is true."
"Conditionals can be quite cool really, you can tweak and you can change them to help add extra layers of meaning in your sentence."
"You literally read it like plain English: you write the keyword if, so if you write some condition here and then if that condition is true, you go ahead and you do whatever is in this block."
"This program should output the word yay if the program P finishes when we input D into it and should output whoops if the program P does not finish when we input D into it."
"Else means like okay if that's not true then what about this right else if this is true B 20 C is 10 it is true so it's going to then come in here so it does this instead."
"If required we're going to need an if statement."
"Explaining 'else if' and 'else' branches in Rust conditionals."
"Conditionals make sass more like an actual programming language."
"If the first condition evaluates to false, it will execute the code after the else statement."
"Mixed conditionals allow us to demonstrate that they allow us to transition through time or connect those past decisions with something that is happening in the moment or something that could happen."
"...we want to show this snack bar if the state is true, and don't show it if it's false."
"Jump if the last operation resulted in zero, meaning the zero flag is set."
"This function will return true or false. If it returns true, we have obviously collided with something; otherwise, it's false and we haven't collided with something."
"Conditionals are one of the most important things in programming."
"This is how you do an if statement: if the name equals Alice, then we'll print 'Hi, Alice'."
"If it's good, call next and allow this handler to execute, but if it's not good, throw an error."
"This is now going to allow us to loop, to use conditionals, functions, data types, and much more."
"Conditionals are always true unless the antecedent is true and the consequent is false."
"For the conditional, it's always true unless you have this from true to false."
"Unless works exactly like if but opposite."
"An if statement is basically a structure that we can use in our code, which will allow our program to respond to different situations."
"When is a cool method; it's basically an object-oriented conditional."
"A boolean expression evaluates to whether something is true or false."
"The if statement runs code if something is true."
"If it's raining, then you're going to print out 'Bring an umbrella'."
"We're going to create a system to show and hide events based on a condition."
"If the linear index is greater than or equal to zero, we return the element of m_matrix data at that index; otherwise, we simply return zero."
"Let's write a conditional statement that basically just looks at a number and says if it's even or odd."
"Verify a key exists... Guitar in band is true but triangle in band is false."
"If is old and if is licensed, then print this; it's just really nice to read and really clean."
"We're going to be looking at if statements with compound conditionals."
"If is a keyword in most computer programming languages that lets you create a conditional statement."
"A while loop will run as long as a certain condition is true."
"The implementation of the is_server macro is particularly interesting, because it really is just a configuration conditional."
"So now if I'm near a wall, it says true. If I jump onto a wall, aha, my pose changes to my wall pose."
"That's what a break does, it gets us out of a loop when a certain condition is met."
"If else statements are one of the most commonly used logic operators in coding."
"If all of the values in an iterable object are true, then all will return true."
"Once total exceeds limit, the while condition will be false, the loop terminates, and we print the result."
"Case else, film description equals epic."
"An if statement in VBA, just like in many other programming languages, allows you to test whether a condition is true and then perform different actions based on the result."
"Nested ifs are quite important when the conditions you're testing aren't exactly the same."
"If statements are used for decision-making."
"If the dates are greater than or equal to the parameter, then it's going to return true."
"Use conditional statements for expected behavior to avoid unnecessary overhead."
"Hopefully, you'll find some places where you could replace some slightly more long-winded if statements with some slightly shorter, simpler if functions."
This "If Statement" right here checks if "x" equals "1", and then it prints "X is equal to one!!"
"Conditional statements in Python perform specific operations and take actions depending on whether a specific boolean constraint evaluates to true or false."
"If this expression evaluates to true, then we go inside the body of the if statement."
"We can use loops, conditionals, and functions to create a simple program."
"Conditionals are statements that will only run when certain conditions are true."
"Implications are just if-then statements."