
Admissions Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"I can say we were wrong in Iraq, we were wrong in Syria, we're wrong in Ukraine."
"Well, the fact that I thought it could be real tells you everything that you need to know. That's true. That's the best way to admit that you're wrong without ever admitting that you're wrong."
"Admitting when they're wrong or just admitting that they didn't know something."
"Affirmative action is going away, but legacy admissions, athletic admissions are a far greater moral scandal."
"That was quite the big admission that they're not in the habit of making those admissions."
"It's always good to admit when you're wrong."
"Decisions of the admissions committee are final. We wish you the best."
"Diversity in higher education: who gets in and why."
"The court actually says these are admissions by Donald Trump and Michael Cohen."
"I would love to see medical admissions as a whole really truly become holistic in review and that's one of the things that drew me to norda and why I was interested in becoming the director of admissions was that we really truly are doing the holistic review."
"Admissions committees are trying to identify diverse life experiences and diverse life perspectives and just how well socioeconomic status is in lieu of race as a proxy for identifying this is, I don't know, I feel like some social scientists would have to tell me."
"It's a gift to an admissions tutor. So it's so much better."
"Your stats are the most important. But I would say your softs are what sets you apart."
"College admissions should be the byproduct of the good quality work and skills that you're building in high school. But by no means does it define who you are. Your character, your talent, all of that is determined by you and only you."
"If you have lower test scores, it doesn't mean you won't get into the schools I got into."
"In the interview process, what the admissions team is really trying to figure out is first whether or not you really are the person that you say you are in the rest of your application."
"Race can be considered if truly necessary but only as one factor in a holistic admissions process that prioritizes and values diversity in all of its dimensions."
"A blanket ban on Race conscious admissions would cause racial diversity to plummet at many of our nation's leading educational institutions."
"Race alone doesn't account for why someone's admitted or not admitted. There's always a confluence of reasons."
"Your Johns Hopkins Medical School secondaries give you the opportunity to tell your story and prove that you're a future leader in medicine."
"The admissions committee values hearing about each candidate for admission, including what qualities the candidate might bring to the school of medicine if admitted."
"Look at all of these statistics and again you can find basically admission statistics for basically every year for whatever University you're applying to, whether medicine, Dentistry, or whatever."
"The admissions process is so ridiculously easy, guys, I'm gonna clue you in on this."
"Even if you have the perfect admissions profile, sometimes it just comes down to luck."
"Embrace your authenticity and use it to your advantage in the admissions process."
"Your high school context matters a lot in the admissions process."
"Colleges really want to see what you did during your free time."
"You are going to give yourself the best shot of getting into Brown University."
"College admissions is a lottery. What I put down in my application worked for some schools and for others, it didn't."
"Whatever that story is, it does not matter because it's your story. We just have to trust that our genuine story is enough to convince the admissions committee to take us in."
"College admissions is such a toss-up, and there's no cookie-cutter perfect way to get into a certain college."
"Tell your story in a way that really connects with an admissions committee member."
"Be yourself; the admissions office really isn't looking for anything specific, they're looking to see your passion, your connection, what motivates you."
"Merit-based admissions just seem fair to me."
"We are now accepting applications on a rolling basis for class beginning in May 2023."
"Hello and welcome to Inside the Admissions Office, your one-stop shop for expert advice on the smart way to get in."
"The admissions officers are just trying to get a feel for who you are as a person."
"Overall it's been really positive and I think that speaks a lot to how this issue of transparency in college admissions really resonates with so many people."
"There are skills that students can learn during the admissions process, but they are skills that they will have for the rest of their life."
"We review freshman applications holistically, all achievements, both academic and personal, are considered."
"No student will be disadvantaged in any way if they choose not to take those exams."
"Learn how to tell your story in a very compelling way that makes sense for the admissions council."
"College admissions are matching markets, they're not commodity markets."
"The scholarship application process generally follows admissions and it's more of a qualitative approach than quantitative."
"Lehigh's admissions process is a holistic one."
"Being genuine and honest, that's what gives them [the admissions boards] a sense of who you are."
"This is important space for you to talk about yourself and help your admissions officers get a better idea of who you are."
"The admissions process is stringent, aspirants face numerous hurdles and tests designed not just to identify academic prowess but also to gauge qualities like leadership, integrity, and resourcefulness."
"Legacy admissions further characterize Princeton's social alchemy."
"College admissions are kind of like casting for a play."
"It's kind of unnerving that your entire admissions decision... comes down to the opinion of one human being."
"I've talked to enough admissions committee members to know that they really look at those stories."
"Apply early because dental school admissions is a rolling admissions process."
"Need blind universities don't consider your financial situation when deciding whether they should give you an offer letter or not."
"Be yourself; this is the part of the application where you can show the college admissions officers who you are."
"As long as you show that you're passionate about something, colleges will love that."
"Application is open all year round; you don't need to pay application fee."
"Show off your personality a little bit, little flourishes, little details that get the admissions officer to think of you and your narrative."
"Personal qualities and characteristics... are actually getting you points in an admission process."
"Being mindful of the two sides of the coin is going to equip you with a much more healthy and productive admission process."
"The UCs make it very clear that if you give the SAT or ACT, they will not consider it in their decision to admit you."
"Come check out UConn for yourself and learn why this year saw the largest number of admissions applications in university history."
"What does it take to get into some of these top EMBA programs?"
"The GMAT is the most important factor in the business school admissions process."
"The number of applicants are really high and the seats are very less."
"Admissions officers admit people, not numbers."
"The final step is to apply for the scholarship or admission."
"Harvard is a difficult school to get into. I think it's largely a numbers game."
"Universities will also take a look into things such as extracurriculars and your interview."
"It just takes one yes, and a waitlist is not a no."
"Admissions committees look for self-motivation, competence, and potential."