
Addressing Issues Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Let me try something new today and address these issues now."
"The first step to solving any problem is to be honest about it, to have conversations."
"A horrific past is one thing, but not truly addressing it."
"Sometimes it's just the elephant in the room so I address it so we can move on."
"You have to address what's going on, right, instead of just taking it in and just consuming it."
"You gotta address it, man. You just have to address it. You can't just ignore it and think, 'Oh well, it's going to go away.'"
"Addressing the lie at its root... uprooting it... and then you watch the fruit of that stronghold begin to wither."
"It's becoming normal now to talk about the elephant in the room."
"Everybody may have had an issue, some people have addressed their issues. Some people have truly healed from their past."
"How could you work together you can't until you address it until you deal with it expose it for what it is."
"Let's go ahead and get to the elephant in the cabin."
"It's time for us to... face it, let's address it, let's confront it."
"Speak up if something is bothering you and if you feel like there's an elephant in the room."
"...if you don't do the necessary work to root out the base issue, you've done little more than slap a Band-Aid on a gaping flesh wound."
"If you're concerned about it, speak about it, act on it."
"If there's something that you feel needs to be addressed, you have to be comfortable and have that space to address it."
"I've always struggled financially... it's really easy, like you said, to not think about it and not address the issue and the necessity of planning for the future."
"...the Christian church needs to stop dealing with the symptoms and start dealing with the cause."
"The leftist response is to address the problem, not just try to band-aid it."
"Nothing changes if it doesn't get addressed."
"But as drama commentary channels, we have been asked in the past to address certain situations."
"If something comes up, you don't let it fester. You have to deal with it and put it away right away."
"It's ridiculous, so yes, you know, we get tired of my colorism, but girl, she's a thing and we need to continue to address it, period."
"It was a Band-Aid fix that didn't address the root of the problem."
"We're not just preaching Badness out of people without addressing the Brokenness that produces the Badness."
"... there is hope but not if we don't do anything and we stay silent and it just shames your child even more to not talk about it."
"Find embarrassment, address it, and then release it."
"There's always going to be the elephant in the room that you need to work on."
"I'm reading all the messages. I wonder why I hear about this, when I hear about that. I addressed the divorce. I'm gonna take it one by one and give you my take."
"...it's just good that things are being addressed and things being talked about."
"This person doesn't sound like a friend at all," and it's time to address the issue.
"Oh no, this goes out to everything you complained about."
"We're telling everyone that they're sick rather than addressing the fact that this is a sick society."
"You're masking the pain, but it doesn't solve for why the pain exists."
"The fact that you said that out loud probably means you're okay because you're attacking this, you're addressing it."
"We're dealing with a real addiction I don't use the word casually and we need to address it in our own lives and in our businesses."
"I've had two and a half hours of sleep and I am exhausted because, first, hold on, I need to address something before we even jump into the topic fully."
"The mouse isn't the issue, the mouse is basically the universe saying hey fix this, so it's like the reaction but but the core thing needs to be fixed and it's usually something that you're afraid to see or afraid to address."
"All you're going to be doing is fixing the symptom of the problem."
"It's addressing some things that have happened as of recent."
"...and it's a place which immediately I'm going to address the obvious thing in the room."
"It took courage to come here, it takes courage to address this."
"I mean, if it keeps happening continuously, then I feel like you should address it."
"They addressed three issues that they needed to."
"It requires a comprehensive approach that not only focuses on law enforcement but also addresses the underlying issues of poverty inequality and lack of opportunities for young people."
"I make people laugh for a living. The only way that I can address these issues is to speak on it."
"It's always important to address the elephant in the room."
"Sometimes wounds can't heal until they come to the light and the fresh air and we need to deal with where this is coming from."
"I'm a firm believer man that you can't fix something if you don't face it right you got to face it you don't just avoid it you address it man."
"I obviously cannot not address it on the channel."
"It's about addressing the wrong thing."
"Most of you look super confused right now, so let's talk about the elephant in the room."
"Let's dress the elephant in the room."
"Look at the reason why and if you can understand and break down the reason why, then it should be easier for you to address whatever that issue was."
"I'm just gonna go ahead and address the elephant in the room."
"They're addressing the elephant in the room."
"Let's talk about the elephant in the room, shall we?"
"You can't walk into a room with elephants and not talk about them."
"There was an elephant in the room and she talked about it."
"It's never too late to address issues."
"We can finally stop ignoring this elephant in the room."
"Always rock the boat. If you don't give attention to the thing that is bothering you, it will probably come back to haunt you."
"Let's get the elephant out of the way."