
Mythical Creature Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"It has been reported to have swallowed entire canoes hole and run onto the nearby shores to devour and attack any tribes passing by."
"El Chupacabra: A lizard-like creature with green scaly skin, large bug-like eyes, wings, fangs, and quills running down its back."
"The Ozark Howler: A large creature with black fur, glowing red eyes, and often said to have long horns, capable of emitting a terrifying howl."
"It was a massive creature resembling a gorilla, it had red eyes and stared intently at them."
"The Loch Ness Monster has captured the public's imagination for decades."
"The Beast was reportedly eight or nine feet tall with his shoulder lane for 4 to 5 feet."
"Sasquatch does not want to be seen and wants to be mainly left alone."
"We've cleared away the entire nation of chaining, which really is something."
"What stepped out of the mouth of that cavern... still gives me nightmares to this day... it was like a bear and a wolf and a man put into one."
"Legit though, Rockstar should have put, like, just a random sea monster in here. 1,000 chance of seeing a huge octopus."
"The photo shows a creature unlike any other known to humankind—a large, muscular, human-like physique with long hair and arms."
"Imagine a creature that is a combination of a snake, a crocodile, and a horse."
"You win this time, Mothman. But I'll be back."
"One of the best things about the Phoenix is... rebirth."
"Witnesses said it had long hair and the shape of a rat, but that its sharp-toothed, bearded face was evilly human."
"The wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave."
"There was this massive dog-like thing in front of him his exact description is as follows about 12-foot tall dog-like figure made of living blackness silver sharp teeth and its eyes were an evil red."
"Flamespire Phoenix: reborn from the ashes, a symbol of resilience on the battlefield."
"A tiny Magikarp can explode into a 235 kilogram Gyarados."
"Introduced in a 1961 solo film, the Queen of the Monsters is a seemingly magical being worshipped as a god by the natives of Infant Island."
"The Beast of javudon terrorized the region for four agonizing years."
"So it's called the Loch Ness Monster, also known as Nessie."
"Maybe people really are encountering the spectral Hellhound in the wild."
"A monstrosity known by many names, siren head is a tall skeletal humanoid creature with a long pole and multiple sirens in place of a head and neck."
"This combination of features might lead some to wonder could this be evidence of The elusive Bigfoot."
"The Buer is one of the strongest predators in hell and looks like a lion with 5 legs."
"Logopogo is one such lake monster, said to live in the Okanagan Lake, in British Columbia."
"In Peru, they have the Mookie, a sort of goblin, elf-like creature."
"Clearly described as being half human half goat."
"The werewolf dog man was 10 and A2 ft tall and no less than 1,000 lbs."
"SCP-169: a sleeping giant with unpredictable power."
"The dragon can always be both affording and preventing."
"It's like a horse combined with a bird. Look at the horse tail, the horse feats. Oh my gosh, that's amazing."
"A creature with hide that is so impermeable that apparently bombs don't work on it neither do bullets the only time it is vulnerable is when you play a certain type of frequency."
"Their visitor during the night had to be a sasquatch."
"And with that, the dragon was finally defeated. All that was left was to take the dragon egg and place it on the one block."
"The Beast of the Everglades wasn't just a story anymore... it was standing right in front of me."
"SCP-169: The Leviathan... It measures between 2000 and 8000 kilometres in length – that’s almost 5000 miles."
"Yes, it's a two-headed, three-headed dog guarding the gates of hell."
"A prophecy of a beast with one eye."
"The closest description is a werewolf or a dog man."
"A gigantic jet black long-haired half wolf and manlike creature."
"Leviathan: fire would leap out and smoke would go out of his nostrils."
"I encountered a leprechaun or troll in the bathroom"
"Kaido appears to have a mythical zone devil fruit that lets him change into a huge eastern dragon."
"The ocean will always need a Kraken, and a Kraken will always answer the call."
"Which mythical creature takes the form of a two-footed winged dragon with a serpent-like barbed tail?"
"The benu bird, often associated with the Egyptian Phoenix, is a mythical bird from ancient Egyptian mythology."
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The creature was bigger than a bear with a huge body, fast legs, thick black shaggy hair, and giant horns."
"The tranquil waters of the Chenango Lake belied the fact that a legendary creature may stalk the surrounding countryside."
"If you are in Shenango Valley area at night and happened to you hear how or something moving about in the forest, perhaps you too will encounter the Shenango Valley werewolf."
"A creature bigger than any dog, possessing glowing greenish-yellow eyes."
"That's something to think about. What is worse than a dog man?"
"That's Agony, said Selena, writing the Garuda."
"Stake is a sensible guy, a smart one, and he has an experience with a sea serpentine salute."
"He really believes it because one day, just like Gene Shepard, Jerry came face to face with the monstrous creature."
"Could it be that this fishing crew caught the mythological creature known as the siren on camera"
"The city is so attached to its monster that authorities have declared the lake a protected sanctuary for Champ."
"...his battle with a giant, horrible worm or dragon that had been terrorizing the local villages."
"It's clearly a yeti with white fur, but it never gets that full-on reveal."
"It was definitely a Bigfoot; there was no question about that."
"It was a Bigfoot with fur covering its entire body and glowing eyes."
"The beautiful Merlion statue is a mythical structure with a head of lion and a body of fish."
"Siren head is a gigantic humanlike creature known for making sounds that come from the speakers on its head."
"Our national animal is the Unicorn."
"Rayquaza is a Mythic Pokemon who can telepathically speak with people and has lived since the dawn of time."
"Krampus is described as a horned and devilish anthropomorphic goat creature."
"He allegedly came across a gray monster with fangs."
"The Loch Ness monster, such a sweet little monster, evasive and shy."
"There is a legend in your family that a phoenix will come to any member who is in dire need."
"In Europe, it was first mentioned in the 5th century BCE by a Greek physician, and the animal has become one of the most beloved subjects in art and literature."
"The Unofficial national animal though, or at least a common national symbol, would technically be the legendary mythical barcelos rooster."
"The Dark Knight Raven Emperor flapped its huge wings and slowly took flight, surrounded by endless Darkness, rushing towards Mang Hang like a dark sky."
"They say a mammoth named Eddie guards this very valley and brings luck to anyone who finds him."
"The Hound was out there, and it was hungry."
"The creature was terrifying yet captivating, standing upright with a clear ancient aura about it."
"Now you might be asking, why would a tiny mythical woodland spirit scare me so much? Well, the reason is that unlike the wendigo, I have a first-person encounter story."
"The Nain Rouge, also known as the Red Dwarf of Detroit, is a figure in the urban legends and folklore of Detroit, Michigan."
"...the little Phoenix doesn't eat people like some other animals."
"The spear is the key to defeating Thalgolos. If I find it, I can destroy the beast."
"This thing looked like a gargoyle from hell, with spear-like horns on top of its head and long claws on its hands that could easily tear you to shreds."
"In Japan, legends warn of such a vampiric plant called the Juboko."
"Often, Juboko thirsts for human blood but will consume large animals when people are not available."
"The centaur is loyal, it is strong, you can literally ride it in two different ways, it will protect you, it is strong, it is fast, it is loyal."
"This creature thrives in a body of water, not so much the ocean, and more so the ever-flowing river of souls."
"I came face to face with what I can only call the Kraken."
"The energy of the nine swords merges in the air, forming an Azure dragon with five claws."
"What a relief," the centaur said. "I'd been so cooped up in there for so long, my fetlocks had fallen asleep."
"SCP-682, a highly intelligent reptilian monster that has, despite the Foundation's best efforts, proved impossible to kill."
"The Blue-Eyes White Dragon, a Colgate white engine of destruction capable of launching a beam of concentrated energy at the opponent."
"This Rougarou has been following the family, attacking and stalking at random times, terrorizing."
"Isobu is the fastest swimmer of all the tailed beasts."
"Sun Goku is the most prideful of all the tailed beasts."
"Chōmei is one of the happier go lucky tailed beasts."
"Kurama gained a reputation as a natural disaster that can destroy entire landscapes."
"Its power is literally immeasurable."
"Adult Emerald Dragon, yes indeed, dragon."
"The Kappa is a humanoid turtle... known to be quite polite and respectful to humans if they treat them with respect."
"Ah, I changed my mind, I'm not going to kill you after all," the Nemean Lion's tone was calm, polite, and a slight tinge of Oxford crept into its accent.
"The Drognar can change forms at will."
"For the Drognar is unable to say its true name aloud."
"If after three attempts to get it to say its true name aloud it refuses, or is unable to do so, most versions of the legend hold that the creature can be confirmed with certainty as being the Drognar."
"I lost my dog Victor to a Bigfoot."
"Arc starts to battle the Hydra without fear."
"The survivors fled screaming 'Black beast, black beast!' haunted by the hermit's form."