
Beneficial Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"A good word is both beneficial and pleasant."
"On what to put your money behind because it is 99.9 very good for you and very very beneficial for you."
"It's therapeutic, it's cathartic, it's great on so many levels."
"Calming and delicious while also being powerfully medicinal."
"I feel like this is going to be a really beneficial and helpful project comeback to so many people."
"It would actually help your life and your lineage."
"This information is going to be beneficial for you for here December 2023 and up through summer of 2024."
"I personally think anyone who is a human, regardless of what mental health diagnosis that you may have or if you have no mental health issues, I think that therapy is beneficial for everyone."
"This type of series makes you better."
"This is just what the doctor ordered."
"Something's gonna happen fast for you that's very, very beneficial."
"Without needing to do anything or think about it, you are naturally moving in the most beneficial way."
"Zooming out is really, really beneficial thing."
"I found this to be incredibly helpful."
"This was truly a much needed experience."
"It sounds like a win-win-win situation."
"Chickens next to a garden is always a good idea."
"It was very therapeutic to do as well."
"It was a win-win scenario for us all."
"All of this therapy has been awesome for him."
"Anything you can do for self-education would be extremely beneficial for you, Libra."
"Hormetic stress is a beneficial stress in the right amount at the right time."
"It's going to be such a great resource for people."
"Pleasure is mine, Gomati. And again, thank you for being a part of this webinar and devoting your time, devoting your couple of hours to be a part of this webinar. It was a highly beneficial webinar which I'm sure everyone who attended benefited from."
"I hope you found this helpful and beneficial for you."
"...it truly is a life learning experience for them so it's win-win for everybody."
"Social skills. I just feel like it would be the most beneficial thing."
"Sometimes it is the absolute best thing you can do."
"Every gift that's beneficial I want flan as many of them as possible."
"Cockroaches actually help us. They're actually eating like the bacteria and like bad stuff."
"Truly beneficial, touching, moving, motivating, inspirational experience with yourself."
"All things are lawful but not all things are beneficial."
"Your beingness does them good, absolutely."
"It's good for you, you got the victory here."
"A surge in copper prices to 16 cents per pound in 1912 proved to be beneficial."
"The method is incredibly instructive, incredibly beneficial, and instrumental."
"We don't know if it's actually at the percentage or concentration where it is a potent and actively beneficial ingredient to the skin or not."
"Go through it if it's beneficial to you."
"We're actually home to trillions and trillions of these tiny living things that are doing a hell of a lot of good for us."
"...these three items... will really benefit you and add a lot of safety and convenience to your workload."
"I hope this was beneficial to you, I hope this helped out."
"These are the products that are my holy grails because they are multi-taskers; they have multiple ingredients in them that do lots and lots of great things for your skin."
"Mango Leaf is good for your lungs."
"This video is information-packed; you're definitely going to benefit something from it."
"It's a nice exercise, I highly recommend it."
"Having something green growing on your ground year-round is beneficial."
"It's beneficial, it's enjoyable, it's instructive, it's soothing, it's joyful."
"You take action when you can do something that's beneficial, but you don't worry and fret about things."
"I want to share some of the tips that I've been learning because I feel like they are super beneficial."
"For the most part, spiders are on our team. They help us catch insects."
"Meeting people from the industry is always interesting and beneficial."
"Hummingbirds like spiders because they eat insects and spiders are their best friend."
"Everything that we're doing is centered around what's beneficial for that mom and baby."
"As a tool, this is something that I think would be beneficial for almost everybody."
"If you have a planted tank, they can actually be pretty beneficial."
"May I do what's most beneficial, may I have the courage to make the right choice."
"A little hard work never hurt anyone."
"Huge changes that have been happening for you, and I think these are beneficial to you."
"Speak the truth, speak little, that which is beneficial, universal, and sweet."
"For people like me who like a little bit of a primer just to be in that world and caught up, it would be very beneficial."
"Our words should be beneficial... that it may benefit those who listen."
"It would be very beneficial for both sides and would help save many lives."
"Nice cool drizzly day, great for the forest and environment to really just absorb everything without any flooding."
"Whatever this is that they're moving towards is going to be very beneficial for them."
"There are certain alcohols that are called fatty alcohols like cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, and cetearyl alcohol, they are good for your hair."