
Jungle Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"These eating habits are integral to surviving the jungle when you find yourself without traditional sustenance."
"Yo look at this jungle bile. Wait what? Yo check this out look at this it's crazy it's got like and stone yeah and then giant jungle trees mixed in."
"This area is cleared like I've been seeing jungle farm."
"I hate jungle with a burning passion, so how appropriate that the jungle is now burning."
"These are the guardians of the jungle."
"The latest research shows that the landscape and much of the biodiversity of the jungle was created by the Indigenous community that lived here in the past and still live here now."
"The lost city of Paititi would show that the Inca lived deep in the jungle, something nobody really believed until recently."
"The jungle holds both beauty and terror in its depths, most terrible of which is man."
"It's easy to see why people might want to visit the park but also easy to see how someone could disappear into the jungle."
"I reckon it's going to look like a jungle in here, bro."
"I used to think violence was the last resort of a savage. I still do, but when the world's a jungle, the savages take over."
"They no longer seemed men, they were devils of this black jungle, as inhuman as the creatures to which the fiend and the nodding plumes screamed through the darkness."
"Level-headed and intelligent, Bagheera is easily among the most down-to-earth residents of the jungle."
"How cozy is this guys though, like in the middle of the jungle in an airstream, pretty cool."
"Your future spouse is like the king of the jungle."
"In this place where there are no rules, order only the law of the Jungle prevails."
"Every time I hear a sound in the jungle, I'm just waiting for someone to walk out at me."
"The emotions they must have felt emerging from the jungle after everything they had been through."
"It's just the basics of what the jungle does is it strips you back to you."
"This is honestly the first time I've ever had ice cream in the middle of the jungle."
"If you're from the big city, come to this jungle, you will experience something else that you missed forever in your life."
"The world is a jungle, loud and with dangers, but you are its king, a lion."
"The fearfulness of living in the jungle cannot be expressed in words. My friends are dead. I'm steadily growing lonely."
"I do recommend doing some glamping in Costa Rica just because it's more of an immersive experience in the jungle."
"The zoo looked like we were walking through a jungle."
"No, I'm cool on the jungle. I'm cool on it. As much as I hate the ocean, all you need to do is train how to make a tree house. That's it."
"It's a jungle out there, so why monkey around?"
"Fascinating nature in the jungle. You never know what's around you."
"In 2018, 60,000 new Mayan structures were discovered that were hidden by the Guatemalan jungle."
"It feels like you’re in the middle of a jungle, where the Tarzans are swimming."
"You know I spent most of my life traveling the world making friends with the animals. And no matter where I go, one thing stays the same. It's a jungle out there."
"They're ready to travel, the most efficient way for the river is the Express Highway of the jungle."
"The jungle is ever-changing, ever growing."
"In jungle survival, food isn't a big priority."
"it's a jungle out there if poker is the survival of the fittest the player who controls his emotion is King"
"Come see Johnny Walker in the jungle."
"Gaia Hotel and Reserve: luxurious jungle hideaway with stunning terrace rooms and studios."
"It's either you're either a strong survivalist or you're just scared, yeah, I'm saying everybody raise their hands who survived in the jungle."
"We come across things that weren't supposed to exist but for us it was like oh that's the jungle for you."
"They were exceptionally wise in the way of the jungle."
"The Explorer slashes his way through the jungle, using his large machete to hack through the thick undergrowth."
"There are two kinds of lions; we have the lion that is known as the king of the jungles."
"It's the only place in the world where giant jungle cats hunt crocodilians and eat them."
"This one has the most atmosphere, like in terms of making it feel like a real jungle."
"Jungle setting straight out of a fairy tale."
"We lived in a little clearing in the eastern jungle of Ecuador, it's really the beginnings of the Amazon rainforest."
"The best sleeps you get are in the jungle."
"We're where the jungle meets the pristine Crystal Clear ocean."
"It was a sweltering day in the thick jungles of the Congo."
"He was finally taken out of the jungle and brought back to Tokyo."
"We did the zip lines which is amazing, we also did like these buggy cart things through the Jungle which is really fun."
"Jungle lore is not a science that can be learned from textbooks, but it can be absorbed a little at a time, and the absorption process can go on indefinitely."
"Pinpointing, that is fixing the exact direction and distance of all sounds heard, is a jungle accomplishment which I have reduced to a fine art."
"So here we sat alone in this virgin tropical jungle, simply mesmerized by the calm peaceful water and the lush green canopy which towered around us."
"Imagine this: a group of explorers going through dense jungles, eager for adventure."
"You feel like you're actually in this lost jungle."
"Nature's orchestra fills the jungle with an ever-growing volume of melody."
"When in the jungles, warned my poacher friend Comer Sing when I was a small boy, never speak of a tiger by its name, for if you do, the tiger is sure to appear."
"The cheering call of the jungle broke forth in all directions as a farewell to the dying day."
"Something dark seems to be lurking in the jungle behind Martin."
"The Muhuru comes from the depths of Kenya's jungles."
"The stars above the jungle canopy shone brighter than Sam had ever seen them."
"Now this is the law of the Jungle — as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die."
"A jungle is a lot of trees growing naturally, but it's usually in a tropical area."
"The jungle was a black colossus that locked the ruined, littered glade in ebon arms."
"It's expected that the most exciting secrets that still slumber in the heart of the jungle today are those of the indigenous tribes."
"Why are lions called the king of the jungle?"
"He had achieved a doze when, just as morning began to come, he heard far off in the jungle the faint report of a pistol."
"The tallest tree in the jungle looms high in the sky like a natural giant over the rest of the jungle."
"What an incredible experience here in the jungles of northern Thailand."
"Life can get better than this in the jungle, trust me."
"The lion is often called the king of the jungle, which is weird because they don't actually live in the jungle."
"The jungle is one of the most challenging environments in the world."
"Jungle life is certainly a challenge, but it's a rewarding test of their skills."
"It would be unfair to even hint that animals are the only source of interest in the jungles."
"Ta Prohm is an incredible reminder of the awesome abundance and power of the jungle."
"What a great vibe in the jungle, you can drink caipirinhas while eating piranhas."
"You're in the jungle, you need to get out. You’re not planning a whole paved road with road signs and traffic lights and everything. You just use the machete to cut your way straight through."
"It was our first jungle experience and we were completely alone."
"The jungle is like my favorite, it's so pretty."
"The theme of my bedroom is Rainforest slash jungle."
"She fell from the sky, from three kilometers into the jungle, survived."
"She lived for several years in the jungle like Mowgli who happened to have scientist parents."
"He loves the jungle, he really loves adventures."
"The merciless jungle killer that prowls the plains, the jungles, dominates the region."
"We had a great night last night, listening to all the songs of the jungle."
"Life is beautiful, especially in this part of the jungle."
"Lions don't live in jungles. The king of the jungle is the tiger."
"In the bush, the lions are considered the king of the jungle."