
Siege Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"After a 51-day siege in Waco, Texas, the Branch Davidian compound is a blazing inferno."
"No way out. Russian troops do not allow even for humanitarian help. Even children. Even women. Adults not allowed. They shoot with armed air and push to go back to Mariupol." - Deputy Mayor of Mariupol, Sergei Orlov
"History repeats itself—the siege of Nice ends the same way like it did historically with a Franco-Ottoman victory over the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Genoa."
"Realize that not only is the country under siege, but we're on the sieges of people."
"By May 19th Ottoman siege trenches had fully encircled the city."
"We want to bring Siege to be more tactical, more purposeful, and more strategic than ever before."
"The best moments in Siege are when a plan comes together."
"We have learned so much. We will be stronger than ever."
"For over a month Hanno besieged the city, but was unable to fully prevent it from being supplied by sea."
"Finally, we've got my infantry making it to the walls."
"Tyre’s main city sat on an island just off the coast of the mainland, or at least it did until Alexander the Great’s siege path joined it to the mainland."
"The walls, being an impressive 15 meters high and 4 meters thick, would have presented a serious challenge to any incoming attacker without proper siege equipment."
"Jones first major military Victory came in the siege of Orleans in 1429 she led the French troops in a series of Daring attacks on the English forces and she broke the siege and liberated the city."
"The siege of Tyre is perhaps the greatest example of Alexander’s ingenuity, adaptability and mastery of siegecraft."
"For nearly 10 years, the Greeks besieged the glorious city of Troy and could not bring down the remarkable walls erected by the gods Poseidon and Apollo."
"The siege wore on, a test of endurance and will, the moments of silence were almost worse than the attacks, pregnant with anticipation of the next onslaught."
"Relax, you could have anything. Find your Beach and find your siege."
"Bastone is encircled today. Our envoy was over there. The offer to surrender was declined. Tonight Bastone will be shelled into submission. Tomorrow, it shall be taken."
"The siege of Acre was over, the Christians had regained one of the most important cities in Palestine."
"This mold is just one of the many examples of Siege being phenomenal."
"I would just like to say that um this island is now under siege by his esteemed lordship Avalo Pizarro."
"A tall man with flowing hair was seen firing from the same place on the parapet during the entire siege."
"Summoning lightning, attacking, besieging a human city—it's very useful."
"In 390 BC, Rome was under siege by 70,000 marauding Gauls."
"...he besieges bukar and he reduces it."
"For 872 days, the people of Leningrad suffered one of the most destructive military blockades in history."
"Taking Baldac after a 7-year siege."
"Germany and Austria are now besieged they are surrounded on all fronts from the Alpine front to the Western Front to the Eastern Front."
"They leave us in our castles, they go from town to town, looting and burning, killing every man who can't hide behind a stone wall."
"Edward moved to Calais and laid siege in an attempt to form a permanent English stronghold."
"...some of the best sieges ever put to film."
"This was a decisive victory and never again would the Caliphate lay siege to Constantinople."
"It's right here that about 1,000 last Jewish zealots who rebelled against the Romans... were the last stronghold before Rome completely conquered Israel."
"The besiegers were cold, hungry and stuck between the walls of Meissen and the hail of Mongol arrows."
"The Noldor and their allies had pressed Morgoth into a siege."
"The fate of the floating fortress is sealed."
"Berlin was fully encircled by Soviet troops."
"The siege of Tyre challenged Alexander in ways that none of his other battles did."
"If the defenders opened the gates before a siege became necessary, however, it was common to allow a peaceful surrender."
"Once you'd spent time and effort and money and blood besieging a city, you weren't willing to just let people just walk out and take all their stuff with them."
"The town had two sieges by the British, one in 1745 and another time in 1758 at the end of the French and Indian War."
"Human health is under siege today, and it is going to get far, far worse unless we address the causes."
"These Siege figures, including the reconnaissance team here, are absolute home runs."
"We are under siege here, and we have to be brave."
"Waves had besieged Cadiz, and pieces of broken ship had clattered on the stones."
"But after Rich's defeat in the Wars of the Roses, the castle passed into the hands of the Tudor supporting Bose family, who held it until a brutal siege of 1569, which caused the ruins that we see today."
"The Arab siege of Constantinople lasted from 674 to 678 and I don't think there's any real doubt that this was one of the key turning points in Byzantine history."
"Once the enemy has entered the city, the exits will be sealed and any hope of retreat will be dashed."
"The castle was too crowded to withstand a long siege, and too many of the lords here were of uncertain loyalty."
"The goal of the tunnelers who were besieging such a place was to come up inside the castle ready for battle."
"How did Constantinople fall? They just shot that wall like a hundred million times until it fell down."
"The house is surrounded with troopers and coast guard men," the voice continued.
"Throughout history, Constantinople had been impregnable. What was different in 1204?"
"They used massive wheeled siege towers to move protected archers close to battlements and rain arrows onto the city's defenders."
"The real peak of the Avars was when they lead a coalition to Constantinople."
"Demetrius won a great victory when his siege led to the fall of the island naval power."
"I've always hated the bells. They ring for horror. A dead king, a city under siege..."
"In the twilight moments of the Second World War, Berlin transformed into a city under siege."
"The traitors slowly grinding the Emperor's armies back to the gates of the Imperial Palace."
"The orcs were slowly, inexorably pressing the imperial forces back towards the silver citadel of the heart of the city."
"Their arrival marked the beginning of a siege characterized by subterranean warfare, delayed reinforcements, and an apocalyptic storm of Tatar raiders ravaging the hinterland."
"They came flying down a hill called the Kahlenberg behind the Islamic army on September 11th of 1683, broke the siege, saved Vienna."
"Surrounded and wounded, Nobunaga locked himself in a room of the temple."
"The siege of Leningrad officially begins on September 8, 1941 and it will last 900 days!"
"The 872-day siege of Leningrad had begun, which would decimate the city's inhabitants with hunger and disease."
"The detail and the ordinary life of the city and the tension that's built with the armies threatening at the gates."
"He actually forced Scipio at one point to abandon the siege of Utica."