
Follow-up Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"Take care guys, hopefully you enjoyed and I'll get you back all next time."
"The money's in the follow-up... The CRM comes in."
"I want you to write a follow-up to the book that suggests solutions."
"The fortune is in the follow-up, and remembering names can change lives."
"I'll have to take a look and circle back for you."
"When it's all said and done, come right back here to the ESPN MMA YouTube channel."
"That's a nugget: follow-up is where it's at."
"I do appreciate recommendations and when I can I do follow up on them."
"At the end of the interview when I got the job, I made sure to follow up with all the panelists."
"We might be seeing some answers to a question I raised a couple videos ago."
"A lot of people think they're just gonna buy right then and there, but it's the follow-up that really seals the deal."
"So if you enjoyed today's video and you'd like to see a part two, let me know in the comment section below and we can do more videos like this."
"We hope that we've answered all of your questions... stay tuned for part two."
"I keep up with the videos after the uploads."
"The money is always in the follow-up."
"Having a waiting for list is helpful because you can revisit every once in a while and you can be like okay, who do I need to chase up to move things forward?"
"Wow, he's going far on this alone. Doesn't say anything because I persisted. Persistence has gotten people jobs on here before. So I am not saying that, but he did send the resume and lots of follow-ups."
"We really need to start seeing either a relic, an auto, a shield card, even."
"This is just such a great pickup, I loved this as a followup to last season."
"Follow up is where all the money is."
"Keep working hard, don't give up. Remember like I said 25 of people are actually following up so the bar is already really low."
"Did you review any case or testimony or anything about the case since you were on the stand yesterday afternoon?"
"Being persistent and following up are often what make the difference."
"It's not just meeting someone at an event, it's following up."
"I like how it seems to be a direct follow-up, despite all the years in between. It's pretty cool."
"The deals happen in the follow-up. They absolutely happen in the follow-up."
"If you would have suspected he was impaired would you have followed up on that?"
"Just a great follow up that gives me more of what I wanted before without harming the mythology."
"The follow-up is so important. This can absolutely help the sale."
"Follow up, as the fortune is in the follow-up."
"Keep following along with me on this journey"
"Very few people come back to those topics to tell you what actually happened and that's exactly what you're gonna get here."
"No you gotta come see Sarah after what I said."
"I don't want to get a hold of her in a month and she goes, 'Yeah, I told you to call me back.' And I go, 'Yeah, I did.' She goes, 'I didn't get the message.'"
"Miss Corey, do you want to note your file that makes you to follow up to make sure she's able to get hold of a bondsman to bond out?"
"I will try to do the second part very very soon. I'm really gonna try, uh. In the meantime, you can follow me on all of my social medias to see what I do."
"Individual action is following up with a customer to understand what went wrong in the interaction."
"So at the end of a meeting, instead of just saying, oh, let's be in touch and hopefully they'll come back to you, you want to say like, hey, look, when exactly do you want to move forward with something like this if we were to move forward?"
"Because we can never get to all the cases we'd like to cover on a given list, we decided this year we'd do a follow-up video taking a look at two more terrifying crimes that took place on or around the holidays."
"We will be circling back with you with the scheduled for May 4th."
"But I'm gonna get back to you guys."
"Follow up. All the money is in the follow-up. It's not in the meet and greet. It's not on the internet. It's in the follow-up."
"The fortunes in the follow up, fix your leaky bucket."
"I sent him a text and asked him if he still had them."
"If I pitched a legit A Plus winning campaign could I turn it into an externship they haven't replied."
"What I would recommend for you Whitney is number one follow-up always follow up."
"Big talk, if it's not followed up by big action, was nothing but hot air."
"The most important thing is not to forget about it, is to come back in a year and see what's happened."
"They struggle to follow up with that."
"I called the ASPCA to see how the surviving animals are doing."
"What's our keep watching, we talk about it later."
"Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up. The biggest mistake every contractor makes."
"I really took so many notes, so lots to follow up on, personally."
"If your request stays pending and you don't hear back from a host, give them a call and check to see if they have availability."
"The key to any successful email outreach is that you follow up with that person again and again."
"They're revisiting the people after the reading months later to really see how the reading or the experience has changed their life or how it has affected them."
"Why doesn't the media ever follow up to tell us what happened when this thing goes away at 11?"
"The strength of evangelism many times is follow-up, that people can see your life constantly see that you're living what you're saying."
"This is why you got to do your research and your follow-up, bro, you know what I mean?"
"This system will mean nothing without the follow-through."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Please stay tuned, I will have some follow-up videos with the actual physical build of this amp."
"I very rarely make follow-up videos on this channel because I tend to include the best or most interesting examples in the initial video and therefore any part 2 is likely to be somewhat underwhelming by comparison."
"You might want to stay tuned on his channel for follow-ups."
"God will do the supernatural work, but you've got to follow it up and do the right stuff naturally."
"Finally, open the account in January, January 12th, they let me send the at once link, got the order, thank you. A month later, I hit him up for a follow-up and then he said early to mid next week we should have a new current ATS that we can send you."
"Absolutely no matter what, send a follow-up thank you."
"The doctor doing your procedure will talk to you about any follow-up appointments needed."
"...I knew it was going to be a big story and it has been followed up everywhere is."
"I feel like this conversation requires a part two."
"I'm looking forward to part two coming tomorrow."
"It's absolutely critical that once a test is ordered, there's a trigger to be sure to follow up on those tests so that the patients that do have valvular heart disease are not lost through the cracks."
"That's the thing if you guys watch these follow-ups for the for that stream you'll know."
"The key thing from an event like this is don't let it just be like going to a ball game. You gotta follow up."
"Just as following up is key to winning deals in the b2b sales space, it's just as important for self-improvement."
"The fortunes are in the follow-up. It's not in the meet and greet, it's not on the internet. It's in the follow-up."
"I think we covered everything, but if anything comes up, I'll let you know."
"Communicate throughout the week for follow-up. Voice notes are powerful."
"...always remember God is love and I'll see you guys next week with a follow up."
"If they haven't responded within maybe like four or five days... it's totally fine to send a follow-up."
"You will lose nine deals out of ten as a result of not following up as opposed to the one that you will lose from following up too hard."
"An inventive follow-up that covers new ground but also recaptures that same initial genius."
"So then can we go to the to what happened after the news story?"
"If you have in your head, 'I should probably follow up on that,' or 'I wonder what happened to that,' that's your trigger to follow up. Just go ahead and follow up."
"It is unhelpful. Now we're talking as a follow-up."
"How do we even follow up properly? Well, we want to use different channels. Hit them up everywhere. Every single way that you know how."
"This WrestleMania was on par to overtake WrestleMania 17 as the greatest WrestleMania of all time, but then that ending derailed that. Triple H better write one hell of a follow-up to this because right now it is looking like mistakes were made."
"Following up is how I generate sales, it's how I generate revenue, it's how I generate a living."
"We just tried to make as cool a follow-up as we could."
"I'll ask you later to give details of the address and the family."
"I kept calling Mr. Marquette. I've contacted him a few days before the 30th."
"I can look into that specifically and get back to you."
"This is such a cool build and I've been following it since you started getting into it."
"I think they've reached out to us. Has anybody rode one?"
"You guys always ask, 'Could you do a follow-up review of the things that you end up getting? Do you like it? What are your thoughts?' So that's what we're doing today."
"If we've broken bread, if we spent time, I've seen your eyes, other than that, a couple of phone calls, a couple of text messages, and it kind of fades away. I don't think there's a need for you to follow up and explain away."
"He said, 'Give me your orders. Okay, we'll get back to you.' Next morning at my house, I get this phone call."
"If there's enough demand I'll even consider doing a follow-up video to this one but for now let's go ahead and take a look at the basics of Git to get you started."
"Remember never leave a connection call without identifying next steps."
"The more people follow up the better they do in terms of losing weight and avoiding complications."
"People are the hardest. You follow up with them, they don't want to respond. You keep sending, you keep documenting, and they keep bombarding us to follow up on the logs."
"...if you guys want to follow along i'll put a link down in the description where you can click on that see where i'm at see if i'm still going or if i've bailed whatever happens you'll be able to follow along on the adventure so if you'd like it's down in the description..."
"So instead of saying 'following up' or 'checking in,' just say 'I just had time to get back to you.'"
"It doesn't get much better and a perfect kind of follow-up to those really strong albums they put out in the 90s."
"Remember, even the folks that you meet tonight, follow up. Practice your follow-up."
"Follow-ups are where all the magic is."
"Any questions you have please I'm sure this is going to lead to some follow-up videos."
"Regular follow-up is essential for monitoring tumor response and adjusting treatment strategies."
"Follow the money, right? Follow the money."
"Remember, what I said earlier about 50% of leads go without ever receiving a phone call."
"It's the perfect follow-up album."
"...if anybody is listening it has follow-ups or where are they now please send them in John deloney.com ask."
"Kasparov's follow-up was really powerful."
"The magic of actually getting people to respond is actually following up with them."
"I did not follow up that day on the decision."
"Keep your follow-up appointments with your doctor, with your dermatologist."
"Follow-up is so important to the lifeline of your business and follow-up is so important for the lifeline of your career."
"Building relationships comes by a simple thank you, so make sure you do your follow-up."
"Follow up either with thank-you cards or with an email just saying thank you so much for the interview I'm very interested say what you liked about the program that you learned during your interview it's also just another chance to kind of show your strengths."
"So, if any questions we don't get through now or any questions that you think of later, we'll be hanging around in there for a bit after this and checking back in on it over the next few days."
"If you don't follow up, it's a lost opportunity."
"There's magic happens when you follow up because that's where everyone else drops the ball."
"We're consistently hovering at 15 follow-through rates as in the top lit part of the list always gets followed up within a conversation happens."
"The magic of effective follow-up is in the consistency of it."
"The next thing we gotta talk about is following up..."
"You need a plan and you need to have good follow-up, so working with Keith talking about prescribed fire um and then I just kind of we stood here and I said you know Keith imagine if this was throughout your entire property this type of habitat."
"This video is kind of a follow-up to my Broadway boyfriend tier list."
"I hope that you guys found this helpful and maybe we can do a part two."
"How the [ __ ] gonna follow this?"
"Congratulations to you on landing multiple interviews so come back and let us know how it goes."
"Follow-up is king. It is not uncommon to spend two or three hours in our company to do follow-ups."
"I'll try and do some kind of follow-up video. If you go, tell me what you guys want to see in the comments and I'll focus on that when I do the follow-up."
"If you enjoyed this and want another taste of what I have, I'll point you in the direction of my video about the tragic reality of family channels."
"Trust me folks, these people are gonna call you; they had the interest enough to come over and talk to you."
"The most important part for the success of your online summit is your follow-up strategy."
"Return to Oz isn't a sequel... the movie is more of a follow-up to the L. Frank Baum book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz."
"Make sure you ask about the next steps in the hiring process."
"You meet someone, the next day you should send them an email."
"My secret sauce is the power of follow-up, follow-through, and follow-back."
"You got to have somebody that's available and willing to follow up and willing to make sure they're going to go the extra mile to get you pregnant after that procedure."
"We'll come back to see where we are with the services that I've just ordered."
"Please don't forget to come back on results day and let me know how you've done."
"If we don't get to your question tonight, then it will be addressed in a follow-up email."
"After the spring week, you don't want to end the interactions there; you want to reach out to the people you met and keep that relationship building going."
"I will see you all in the next video and don't forget to put your comments so I can do the catchup video."
"Having a system in place that reminds you of when to follow up can be absolutely the key between you making the sale or losing your opportunity altogether."
"You have a customer follow up sequence that increases your lifetime value."
"I really was excited to make this follow-up video because I know a lot of you guys like this."
"This has also been a project I've been following for over a year now."
"I'm always willing to make a follow-up to this video as long as you are also interested."
"I'll come back in a few months' time, I'll show you how the plant has responded."
"Offering value in the later follow-up might catch the attention of new prospects who have been ignoring your sequence up until that point."
"That's a really thoughtful question. I don't know the answer to that, can I find a thoughtful answer and get back to you?"
"Once you have that new contact in your system, you want to follow up with them through all of those channels, continue to build that customer relationship."
"If you have any questions, as always, feel free to get in touch, and I'll see you next time."
"Would you like us here in a couple days to maybe send you an email with a couple additional ideas that you could utilize in your business?"
"Make sure you check back in for that."
"Follow up with your client after the final images have been delivered to make sure they're happy with everything."
"If you haven't heard back from a company within a certain time frame and you're curious to know if they have hired someone already, or you just want to give them a little nudge so that they will remember you, then you want to send them a thank you note, a follow-up note."
"Best things in my life have come to me because I followed up."
"If you're second-guessing yourself on following up, just do it."
"Check back in a couple of weeks if you want to see how this turned out in the long run."
"A friendship is only as good as your ability to follow up. If you don't follow up, you can't make friends."
"I'm gonna pop it in the oven, and I'll get back to you tomorrow morning as to what it's turned out like."
"No outreach without research, and no follow-up without reason."
"Put a follow-up system in place... so that when the day comes... you become the obvious choice, you get the phone call, you get the listing."
"We have a wealth of questions so we'll do our best to follow up with people after this session."
"This was an unreal interview, thank you so much for your time, we should definitely do a part two."
"98% of sales come through follow-up."
"Everyone that has registered for this webinar will receive a copy of the presentation afterwards."
"Documenting how often collection representatives should be following up with customers... helps to create a more proactive department throughout."
"You rarely close the deal on the first go around; your following up is the key."
"The follow-up email is so important."
"I really think sometimes the follow-up email can make all the difference."
"Customers like when someone follows up with them and makes sure they're doing okay."
"The reason I'm calling you is I'm following up on a recent email. Does Trent's YouTube channel ring a bell?"
"...it would certainly be relevant information for you to follow up on."
"By following up, you are connecting the dots between their goals and your solution."
"Tomorrow you'll get an email with links to a survey, a study pack, and a link to a previously recorded version of this webinar on YouTube."
"After they sign up... how else can they work with you? How do you continue the relationship?"
"Follow-up is so important in real estate."
"Call people back. Grown-ups tie up loose ends; we don't leave people hanging out there."
"This is a big topic and one that I've kind of taken on with the intent of maybe even having a follow-up to this."
"I'd rather follow up and be so aggressive that it occasionally upsets clients than be in a position where I'm having to chase so often."
"We're not trying to upsell you or cross-sell you, it's just to follow up on your comments."
"Hope everybody's doing well; this is a follow-up video to one that I put out about a month and a half ago."
"We followed up with the clients this morning."
"The key of any sales is the following up process."
"It'll be interesting, I will keep up with this case."
"I agree the expert should follow up on it."
"Best of luck on your finals, and be sure to come report back and let me know how you did."
"We have another appointment next week to check and make sure everything's healing straight."
"If you have to leave now after the hour and you want to see more of the questions, then you'll get that follow-up link."
"It's always key in terms of litmus tests to see not if you can make a hit once, but how can you follow up that success."
"Send a thank you note to the company that interviewed you."
"Be the one who initiates the next step, always follow up."
"All questions will be saved, so if we don't get to answer you, we may follow up via email."
"The real challenges can come with the strong commitment you have to make to your long-term follow-up care."
"We'll repeat the malnutrition universal screening tool again in one week's time."
"Setting up a follow-up system is always super, super important."
"Right now, I would say 80% of my sales now at this point come from follow-ups and not new customers."