
Cognitive Load Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I can only do a piece of information at a time, man."
"Flexibility itself is actually emotionally overwhelming and cognitively taxing."
"Possessions possess the mind, literally increasing our cognitive load."
"Minimalism drives flow because you reduce cognitive load and free up mental capacity."
"Declutter the English that is currently in your brain."
"We're constantly fragmenting our limited attentional focus with both external and internal distractions and multiple tasks."
"When you're programming, the more of the program you can keep in your head at any one time, the easier it is for you to know what's going on." - Michael Seibel
"Every time you have to make a decision, you're depleting willpower."
"The more stuff that your mind has to hold on to, the harder it is to do things."
"You only have so much mental bandwidth in life."
"The human brain was not meant to be pulled in so many different directions."
"During any typical game, everything is just happening too quickly for your mind to absorb and make sense of all the information."
"You can be informed without being inundated."
"You need to load your RAM, your working memory with that problem."
"When you have to do mental stuff, it can be just as draining."
"The point is to make it easier for your brain, your brain doesn't want extra work."
"I completely underestimated how much brain power was going to go into this project."
"There's too much information there's so tools that are people are being bombarded why I don't I don't think the human brain is actually able to tolerate or compensate for the bombardment of information that we are on the receiving end."
"Diagrams help reduce cognitive load."
"Habits reduce cognitive load and free up mental capacity so you can allocate your attention to other tasks."
"Multitasking over a long period of time can diminish working memory."
"All of these aforementioned axial rotations tend to exert a lot of tension on a person's cognitive map."
"But at the same time, we interact with it every day. Do we really have the bandwidth for that kind of cognitive overhead?"
"The reuse of names helps to reduce cognitive load."
"There's only so much your brain can handle in one sitting."
"The goal of teachers whether they know it or not is to reduce extraneous cognitive load and communicate information in a simple and effective way."
"...and you know you only have so much mental bandwidth."
"...good medicine in the 21st century is taking five minutes before you walk in going through that cognitive load understanding what's going on in this position said and look 75 percent of time I shock the patient with how much I know about him or her and they are delighted."
"...there's a real cost of cognitive context switching, so if you're trying to keep track of multiple different things at the same time, it's very difficult to sort of go back and forth between them."
"...you can focus on one thing at a time in your head, you can also juggle a bunch of things to see their connections because when you're looking at them all written down and not trying to hold them all in your head, you're not paying nearly as big as a context shifting cost."
"Our brains were not meant to hold so many things all at once."
"Science has shown us that making multiple decisions every single day actually wears down our ability to think critically and to make good decisions."
"Assessing the cognitive load of the interventions we're attempting to do and the importance of being mindful."
"Design good complexity that doesn't consume too much mind share."
"When learning something new... our brains can only really handle so much new information at one time."
"Humans are not good at looking at many different types of charts at once."
"If you have options, even if you don't exercise those options, it is a drag on your brain."
"We're trying to reduce cognitive overload by giving some powers to the user."
"There are fewer pixels moving on the screen. And with fewer pixels moving, there's actually less cognitive overhead for your user."
"The beauty of Rust is that it shifts the cognitive load back from software when it's running in production to the developer in development."