
Narrative Anticipation Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"It's so exciting to pick up a book where you wanna know what happens at the end."
"I even feel like he might have a chance to die because def's been setting it up so that plunger hates dark speaker man."
"A scene that is both heartwarming and absolutely tragic knowing what's going to happen."
"Readers love this across the board. This is why the promises are so important. Readers love being able to say read the book and be like wow I bet Luke is going to get good at the force."
"Seriously, because she is the most dangerous, and she's not gone. She's coming back, baby, and she's pissed off, I'm telling you."
"I think Aruge could actually show up in Elbaf."
"Vivi already has a dynamic with the Straw Hats, and that's really important thematically because we're entering this final part, we have Egghead and maybe a couple of arcs left and then you're going to Laugh Tale."
"We slowly unraveled the mystery of their past, watched them grow closer in the present, and while we knew they were in love, we didn't know if it was going to get confirmed."
"So what's next for Chip Whistler? Well, I believe he's going to face severe consequences unlike anything we've seen before."
"It looks absolutely phenomenal, I like that they're actually upgrading on the graphics and I also like the story the direction it's going to be interesting."
"I wonder, is this...is it gonna be upsetting at the end?"
"I think there's gonna be some big huge reveal as far as how this stuff shapes into play."
"How are they going to resolve this issue? What is the resolution here?"
"I feel like it's nearing the end of one piece that gets people thinking about stuff, how the story is going to end, how is the straw hats Journey going to end..."
"No matter how Oda ends it's like it's probably gonna coincide with a fan theory at some point."
"When Crow finally takes his place, I suspect there'll be just as much cheering."
"There's so much to tell you, how did it all start?"
"I feel like Oda has been holding back until this moment."
"It's finally time we see the Dragon King's return in one way or another."
"Buggy's introduction... Buggy's gonna [ __ ] kill it."
"If you don't know whether it's over or not and you trust in Oda as a writer then you would expect that Oda would make it pretty climactic."
"What if that ice planet is best been frozen over?"
"Calling it now, 1:59 is where that figure will reveal Ray's origins."
"There are a lot of stories Bungie has yet to tell."
"The two most likely locations are probably either going to be the first one that I really think is going to be the Nibelheim visit."
"Whenever we get this flashback to the Void Century, Wano is going to be a center stage for that, I guarantee you."
"how can you not Marvel at Tom Cruise in a high-speed car chase with only one hand free I'm intrigued to see where the AI storyline goes in part two and it remains to be seen if this will indeed be the final mission."
"Let's spend this time that we have and let's just enjoy the story that Oda gives us and see where it goes."
"The strongest warrior in the universe will soon rise up."
"The Thrawn stuff alone just gets me so excited."
"Let's see how the ending happens. I don't know if Meerus is going to come back to life or there's going to put god rules on Goku."
"Maybe they'll play a more significant role in future events."
"Our first look at teenage super genius Riri Williams has come in the form of two brief but impactful cameos in the Black Panther Wakanda Forever trailer."
"What can be guaranteed, however, is wherever the Fantastic Four appear, Dr. Doom is sure to follow."
"It's a great story. We're all very excited for it."
"I think that makes for a nice little contrast as we go through."
"Jimbei's promise almost definitely means that Big Mom herself will appear in Wano."
"I think it's heading towards Kang because of all these things have laid the groundwork."
"I think this works great and I can't wait to see more from these characters."
"I'm really curious to see where things go for her in this series."
"We need to know what's happening with Armin."
"I really do think we're entering the most exciting phase of one piece that we will ever have in the story."
"I mean, hey, we got 30 minutes left of this movie, so I'm sure things will turn around."
"Through that section of the chapter, we're getting closer and closer to the actual beginning of One Piece."
"If this is what the slow-paced in-between chapters are like, the next proper arc is going to be full-on insane."
"I fully expected a cliffhanger... I think ultimately everybody who was erased from existence will come back."
"Why look at the glass half empty when you can have the full cup freshly brewed drama delivered straight to you?"
"Oda is deliberately saving Smoothie to have a more important role later down the road."
"I've heard the Legion's planning to unleash their best man again. Just turn this into the end of a Quentin Tarantino movie."
"I'm really interested to see where the story goes."
"If you have moments you know are coming, it makes the other moments that are unpredictable much better."
"I love this Arc so very much; can't put into words how much I love these characters and this world and what's being set up and what's to come."
"It's time to turn the page and look at some of the storylines heading into this evening."