
Processing Quotes

There are 524 quotes

"These three pieces of equipment, the Jaw Crusher, Hammer mill, and Shaker table, these are our Three core pieces of equipment that make up our TurnKey systems."
"I will not be pushing any feelings aside. I will be feeling them and I will be actively working through them."
"Leave your mind trusting, chewing a little, until you are truly through the keyhole."
"It reflects how we process the world in such a deeply eerie way."
"Be authentically present with your emotions and then dissolve them."
"Astrophotography processing is very demanding and so having control over the stretch and even more importantly when you apply the stretch from what we call a linear space to a non-linear space is part of astrophotography processing."
"Emotions want to be felt. You really cannot surrender something until you deeply feel it."
"It’s deeply emotionally formative but those emotions can't all be processed at once and maybe you can't make sense of what happened."
"There's a ton to cover. I just had to take a second to let all this sink in."
"Formula One drivers just have this amazing ability to process a huge amount of information."
"Both of you are aware you're meant to be together... it needs to be processed."
"I'm now writing this to try and make sense of what had happened to me, but I don't think that'll ever truly happen."
"The post-processing is real, no matter what the process."
"Most of us have to learn how to allow feelings to occur."
"I need time to process info and formulate a response."
"I have a lot of thoughts and I haven't fully processed them."
"REM sleep is this perfect condition for emotional overnight therapy."
"The DOES acronym stands for Depth of Processing, Overstimulated, Emotional reactivity and Empathy, and Sensitivity to Subtle Stimuli."
"I have vowed to assist people who have had experiences to be able to psychologically and emotionally handle and process the experience."
"The five series is the best processed BMW from the interior so far."
"There's no one that could help her talk through process what had happened."
"I'm still trying to just process what just happened."
"Decja might actually be something like a brain processing lag."
"Tonight was going to be a long night my mind was trying to process what had just happened."
"Conscious processing... is accompanied by quality of experience."
"Horror is a way for us to process our real fears about the world around us in a safe way."
"Thanks to DTOs and validation pipes, we ensure that our data is validated before processing."
"I shut my laptop, I was like, 'No, no, I can't process this right now.'"
"2022 in three months. Me still processing 2020."
"Wow what an ending what an ending jeez I'm in way too goofy of a mood to process how dark that ending was."
"Upgrading RAM can help increase the processing ability of computers and improve system performance."
"I'm literally in shock. I'm literally not even processing what's happening in front of me."
"That day she went through so many different emotions as she tried to process what her life had turned into."
"It's great for organization but it's also great for bus processing."
"...an attack and release determines how fast it reacts... much faster kind of result."
"Wild blueberries are sorted, cleaned, and processed within hours of picking to ensure freshness."
"My body and brain would just be like nope that was way too much processing you know."
"You can go into each one, the high pass filter, the de esser, the noise gate, the compressor, the equalizer, the exciter, and just panning, and you can adjust them individually."
"We need the space to feel, to allow the emotion to happen, be acknowledged, and pass. This is huge when it comes to developing our emotional intelligence."
"How do you constrain the way that you’re processing that world, in order to avoid the mistakes that you might make in mapping an outcome to, why did that outcome occur?"
"To keep pace with the pollock being hauled in on deck, five filleting machines work at once, processing 45,000 fish per hour."
"Various software options are available for processing hyperspectral data sets."
"Allow the tower to happen. If you want to be angry, if you want to feel sad, if you want to feel upset, allow yourself to feel every emotion."
"How long does it take to be processed into your body? Um, we have our patients drink about 32 ounces of water."
"...what we're really trying to do is not just feel better in the moment of course that's good but what we want to do is ultimately change the way the brain processes information..."
"Lifechanging...it'll probably take me months to even process."
"The crew knows the high of being home will wear off, there's still so much they have to process."
"This is the point that you can focus on the emotion of the vocal because it isn't overly processed."
"I just finished, people. I'm going to need three business days to process this because what was that ending?"
"I don't quite know how to explain what happened at the reunion. I'm still processing it. It seemed like it was gonna be pretty tame tonight."
"Why not just sit there for a moment and let yourself feel the sadness?"
"You hang out with someone you don't enjoy it. You're processing how that feels right then, right there."
"It's as if every piece of ivory from the ancient world was transported to Babor where it was processed in this factory."
"I feel like they know that they need to have that conversation, they know that they need to tell you, but they need that processing time."
"Not every opinion needs to be processed."
"Feeling relieved yet shocked by how easily she had believed him, Tekagi left the place still processing the encounter."
"I'm going to share with you my five-step vocal processing system."
"It was still too raw to try to make sense of the things that we had just seen."
"During withering, you're effectively building the aroma profile of the tea leaves through stress activation."
"Aroma formation from wounding stress happens over an hour-long timeframe of resting."
"The goal of yellow tea processing is to reduce the astringency and increase the sweet and savory elements of taste."
"Writing about trauma is a way you can process this stuff and move it."
"This guy's out here processing like a sun [__] all right now."
"...Deirdre is caught off guard, her breath hitching for a moment as she tries to process Jacob's unexpected revelation."
"...secure attachment is all about having a healthy balance of processing both emotional and intellectual information..."
"This is actually your reading for this month. I am seeing it move forwards, but probably not immediately. You might just have to let it sort of unfold and be processed, or for you to process things for the other party, whichever party is you."
"Whole food and not processed... the processing tends to strip things out and basically you're removing lots of the healthiest bits."
"The daily practice helps process the backlog of thoughts and feelings."
"Emotions have taken over. There's been so much sadness for this group, but it's necessary and it's not going to be a waste of time."
"Sony's processing is on another level."
"What it's doing is it's rolling the variable again with adding some more data points, that's all it's doing. It's not really sentient and it's not really sitting there really thinking like I could do better, it rerolls the data and it just adds the latest input to it."
"The map spits out its result into a variable."
"The autonomic nervous system is constantly doing opponent processing."
"If we want to get to that stuff and we want to be able to process that stuff, we have to find a way to let our bodies know it's safe to process this and there will be an end to the feeling if I go into it."
"Letting men be alone while they process their emotions is really, really important."
"Our brain is like, 'Hey, I want to work on this. Let's get with this, let's process this, let's move through this,' but we don't have any tools yet."
"sometimes we just need to be able to process what we went through in our past or you know our previous therapist experience in the current therapy setting."
"You can really smell a very distinct sour aroma which is coming from the drying and the fermenting of the cocoa."
"Those words that story helped them to process and come to a deeper understanding of their experience."
"Our last one is our re that is for manipulating our regular expression so when you get to that part of importing our data we have to do a lot of reformatting so it's something we can use."
"It's always a question in bringing in data whether you convert the data coming in at the beginning or do you wait till you have it open it up and then convert it when you go to use it."
"All that I need is to process everything that is happening."
"I feel like my brain hasn't fully comprehended it yet."
"... just coming to a connection with how you feel can make all the difference in whether or not you're going to process that sadness."
"Two years worth of information went through their minds in two tenths of a second."
"Emotions are meant to be worked through, not avoided or whisked away."
"You finally processed something, something that I suspect for some of you was a little bit hard to swallow actually, you finally process it and you can move on. It's behind you."
"We have to somehow find a way to make processed food healthy."
"Journaling as a form of memory keeping and processing."
"When something upsets you and it's time to have a reaction to it, try your best to not have your reaction to it while upset. Give yourself time to process it, separate yourself from it, and you'll realize that all it really takes is some time, and time will heal it."
"Crossed by Emily McIntyre I finished this book and then I couldn't even talk about it because I needed so much time to like process it."
"It's hard to fully process and grieve something that hasn't finished yet."
"I feel like a lot of times you sit there with your thoughts all day and you think but that's not enough cuz thinking just makes it, it's kind of like a snowball effect so sometimes just getting it out of your brain helps you process it."
"Wow, this is amazing, this is wild, this is a lot to process."
"Fluency is a psychological concept and it dictates that people tend to prefer easily processed information."
"I think it's actually okay to have emotions, to process things, you know?"
"If there's something to be felt, let it be felt. If there's something to grieve, grieve it."
"This makes me so happy and I've just been processing it for the last 30 minutes."
"This coarse-grained mineralization combined with the high grade makes the processing very efficient."
"Grief transforms and it must be allowed to be processed."
"everything happened too fast I couldn't I had to like take time to like register it"
"The transformer network processes an entire sentence in parallel."
"The multi-head attention is really where all the good stuff happens."
"We get our cup up to this top, and something pops in, and we spill out. What are we going to spill out? Are we going to spill out healthy processing or are we going to spill out rage and destructive behavior?"
"They're processing their pain so it no longer keeps happening the same way."
"Mid/side processing means affecting the center of a stereo track separately from the sides."
"I don't think she really gave herself any time to process her divorce. I mean she was with Justin Hartley since 2013. they weren't divorced until almost 10 years later like eight years later that is a long long time."
"I just watched helplessly as it disappeared over the roof's Edge still trying to process what I had witnessed"
"As long as you're giving grief its due."
"Allow yourself to have times where you remember and emote and grieve, and times where you have a break from the grief."
"I hope that writing in this journal will help me process my emotions."
"She's trying to process that information quite clearly."
"We process them just to make sure we document who comes across, and then we are just releasing them because there's no way of housing them."
"Stemming isn't just a passive thing you do, okay? It's something that helps process and cope with emotions."
"I think both can be true, I think she can have a real moment of dust settles she processes."
"His language showed that he had processed, she's not coming back, he had to be asked, sure you're holding out hope, aren't you?"
"Deferred grief is Multiplied grief, it increases many digestive issues are connected to this."
"This is what we're looking right now. My hair is really, really, really curly, so I had to straighten it just a little. Definitely under-processed."
"Sometimes people feel guilty because they think, 'Wait, I was so heartbroken and now I'm not, and there's something wrong with me.' No, no, you're just processing the information."
"But there's something you do that has kind of the feel of an Artistry too... I had the ability to process fairly quickly and I think... actually became my advantage..."
"The depth of processing matters; an intention to learn doesn't."
"People are having a tough time processing and dealing with something that didn't meet their expectations."
"As I'm processing sometimes it helps to just talk about it and verbalize and hear myself talk about it."
"It's all about processing. If you need to take a moment to go to the bathroom, sit in the stall, and just process, and allow yourself to just calm down, allowing yourself that space will also help you grow."
"For me, it's all about the data and processing that data."
"White tea is really cool, the processing of white tea is very unique."
"Processing the promises that you made in the last cycle and saying okay we had the last full moon we had was in Libra we had a partial lunar eclipse and lunar eclipses are about letting go."
"While whole fruit is still fine, the problem arises when you denature a piece of fruit. When you juice it, when you dry it, when you blend it."
"Luckily, Lightburn does all the processing internally, so no matter what you bring in and no matter what you're going out to the laser, it knows enough. It's smart enough to make the image correct on the output side."
"Self-attention is an operation on sets rather than sequences."
"The more and more the processing and more and more the combination of things that don't exist naturally in nature, classic example is chicken nugget, right? Nowhere in nature does protein, animal protein exist with carbohydrates. It just doesn't exist."
"Every time you see an unboxing, we actually process everything in those boxes pretty quickly."
"All you're going to do is now take the information that you've gotten from the first three steps."
"Voxlab is an intuitive audio shaping tool for achieving perfect processing in just a few seconds."
"Sometimes when adjusting your processing it's easy to go down a rabbit hole where you're adjusting settings to the point where you don't know if it's sounding better or worse than when you started."
"Once you have all of your processing just right you can save all the settings as a preset which can be loaded at any time."
"...so in this demo we are going to reuse the same file reader and writer and we will add an item processor here to simulate some processing on each transaction let's imagine the processing takes five milliseconds so we were going to simulate that with thread dot sleep."
"From 5 minutes to 35 seconds, that's the power of asynchronous processing."
"Pi-cone supports splade vectors natively without pre-processing or post-processing."
"Processing is a major indication factor for streamers that's happening in real time the TV's actually cleaning yeah yeah that that's yeah that's happening in real time."
"This film is a phenomena. It is an experience that I still feel like I need another month to fully process."
"Let yourself have whatever emotions you're having and let them wash over you and don't suppress them."
"Writing is scientifically proven to help process the stuck."
"Feel your emotions, process them, then act."
"What do we do with all those big feelings? We honor them, right?"
"This is how I process things a lot of people don't process like this and that's okay."
"Take time to process your feelings."
"I need to process this, holy [ __ ]."
"But I think it's you know it's a question I love Ryan but still I thought I don't know this is uh there's a lot to process"
"Give yourself time to process the complexity of the situation. It is fathomable with time."
"The sooner we can allow the emotions to come and to feel them, the better."
"We're drowning in data. Data does not become information until you process it."
"Conscious agents have finite capacity... that means that most of the processing of all the agents that constitute what I call me is beyond the consciousness of the agent that's talking to you."
"GPUs are able to do extremely high throughput, parallelized processing."
"...information being ambiently computed and then fed to us."
"Sewage treatment involves primary, secondary, and tertiary processing."
"Essentially everything happens by putting data into and pulling data out of this memory circuitry."
"You don't get to dictate how somebody processes their trauma. You don't get to define for somebody else what their traumatic experiences are."
"People comedians, in general, are sensitive instruments. If they're good or whatever style they do, they're sensitive instruments. They have to process the world in this way, and there's a downside of that."
"All computers follow the same four basic operations: input, processing, output, and storage."
"And this is all done on less than 40 gigabytes of VRAM. It took a grand total of less than 30 minutes to do the whole process."
"So many people are like don't ever mention COVID, and looks like we're all processing this, and his special is so funny."
"Processing the trauma is almost harder than the trauma itself."
"Writing things down has been very, very helpful for me to process and think through things."
"I'm so excited I'm not even processing that it's real."
"Sometimes there needs to be space made for negative energy and just for feeling the challenges and for facing them and for processing them."
"Sometimes you can't speak up in the moment because it's just so much you're trying to process. And that is okay."
"When I think about processing, I think of all the good things that came of it instead of the bad things."
"Reflective journaling... writing out my thoughts and emotions and processing the things that have happened."
"Most cakes, cookies, crackers, commercial cereals tend to be ultra processed."
"Ultra processed foods tend to be highly calorie dense, nutrient poor, and hyper palatable."
"But what helped me a lot was Tim and I, Tim Wilkinson, the pj, we would go out and smoke a cigar on the sandbags and just, you start processing and you, and it's a, it's a natural human healing thing."
"I need time to process after that."
"It isn't just you have really really good electric piano sounds. You have electric piano sounds plus the effects that were quite common to use in processing of the time. Wonderful. Really really love that."
"Journaling Therapy: Write letters, poems, or journal entries to process trauma and share with therapist."
"I myself usually shoot RAW, but I do also enjoy shooting JPEG from time to time and doing no processing at all. It's a bit like shooting film but much cheaper."
"Sometimes we feel taken over by it because we're not done feeling what it is feeling."
"It was just so excruciating that my mind hadn't been able to immediately process it."
"I don't think I've ever fully processed things. And I think partly it's a generation that I'm from, I think it's partly because I'm a guy, and there is this sort of stigma around that, and you don't show weakness, and you know, you just deal with things."
"You have your own processing to do, allow yourself to do that, I give you full permission, you have every right to feel how you feel."
"I think dreams can help us process feelings and emotions and experiences both good and bad."
"If it wasn't hyper-threaded aware it might schedule it on that second logical processor of that first physical processor and so that would end up leaving your second physical processor totally idle."
"C is our memory where we remember what we've read so far so once we've summarized the input into this context vector C then we'll want to produce the output sequence."
"Now, hold up a second. I gotta process everything here."
"You gotta learn how to process your emotions. If you hold things in, at some point, something's gonna trigger you."
"I feel like we didn't really process what was happening."
"My brain is still trying to process the dark unreality of it all."
"Having a correct schema or a framework in order to process information is so important."
"You have unlimited power to process, transform, explore, clean, and extract insights from your data."
"What a parser does is it takes a string of characters like that and it tries to recognize the structure in the form of a tree."
"How can we continue moving into the future if we don't even remember where we've been? If we don't spend any time assimilating that, processing, it's all happening under the surface, it's all happening subconsciously."
"This experience, I'm still processing to shake it out of my body and my mind."
"I'm curious to know if this is going to swell because the shortz cough lightener does swell a little bit while processing."
"Tea is defined by the processing, not the plant."
"Boy, we must have been laughing about something because that's way too long to process those seven words."
"They act like theyala takes the beans to one of its processing facilities employing thousands of workers across Madagascar. But even these large operations still have to protect against thieves."
"Opponent processing is a powerful way to get optimization."
"Every one processes emotions differently and at different speeds."
"I went to therapy for the first time ever because I'm trying to process the fact that I had testicular cancer."
"The basic idea so to avoid all that controversy they're simply called s1 and s2 right and like I say I'm not claiming that they're discrete systems or even discrete styles it's quite possible that they are polar positions with on a continuum of processing."