
Feud Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Their families hate each other, but despite that or possibly because of it they fall madly in love and get married the next day whereupon immediately a family feud breaks out."
"When asked by a fan if he had any hard feelings towards Todd about their feud, Gaiman said, 'Read the timeline. How could you have any respect for someone who behaved like that over and over?'"
"We have family feud, but at the end of the day, no one wants nothing like a family."
WWE should have let "No More Words" play at SummerSlam. Cross should have won tonight and lose at SummerSlam and build a feud with him and Jeff.
"The seeds are definitely planted for Randy's epic feud with the McMahon Family in 2009. I love the storytelling."
"The feud gained a lot of attention after it ended up on the local media, causing widespread support from social media and other neighbors."
"This feud has been so well done. It's been so intelligently done, and now we're going into whatever Punk's gonna do. And I have a lot of faith in CM Punk's quality control, maybe more than almost anyone in wrestling right now."
"No, I agree. I had said beforehand if it was me, I would have had MJF win the first two and then Punk win the blow-off. After this, they can't blow anything else off. This was so good."
"The murder of Johan Martin sparked a vicious feud between Birmingham's two major gangs."
"He could have won the series; he was going to win the feud."
"This may be the single greatest feud in the history of AEW, just based on the logic and the fact that it's connecting with fans."
"Titan then ended up in a feud with Benjamin Franklin."
"Anyway, so um the feud between she and Kanye is reignited, uh, rather, in the song, her song 'This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things.'"
"From the very beginning, this feud was handled... has been the worst booked major program in AEW history."
"John Cena and Edge... the ruthless aggression era feud."
"CM Punk versus John Cena... the summer of punk feud."
"He was absolutely excellent down in NXT and his forever Feud with Adam Cole makes me laugh."
"How do you guys feel about the entire Feud?"
"The end of the world class Championship wrestling's most storied feud."
"This was a great women's feud that does not involve a title. This should be front and center. Love it."
"The whole thing came to a head in 1890 when Ellison Mounts, the illegitimate son of Ellison Hatfield, was tried for the murder of Alifair McCoy."
"The Hatfields held a perfunctory trial, they took the three brothers, tied them to paw paw trees besides the tug fork and executed them with a firing squad."
"Nobody wins when the family feuds."
"Isn't it so sad that these two families were feuding so badly and it took for their kids to die for them to just make up?"
"This victory is huge because it ends the long-standing feud between their families."
"This is the best feud in the history of AEW."
"From mid 2018 up until just recently in 2021, Kanye and Drake had been at odds with one another."
"This is one of those stories that's dragged on Daniel Garcia should have been out of he should have won a feud against Jericho by now and sami's already left Jericho before and now he's May again I think this is the start of Garcia versus Jericho."
"Grimjao's rivalry with Ichigo leads to some of the most iconic battles within Bleach, showcasing their intense feud."
"I'm really unexcited about a Matt Hardy-Christian feud."
"I think I could bring [Chris Jericho] on over to my show and make him feud with Jeff Hardy like it used to be back then."
"AEW planning a feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho after double or nothing."
"Moms love Michael, that's Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy started a feud that can never be resolved."
"Last time I felt like we were feuding fighting."
"That man, he's first of all he's got me blocked on Twitter still, he's had me blocked for like three or four years, I don't know what I did, I think I just tweeted him saying fight me and he blocked me."
"Their insanely hot feud culminated at AEW Revolution 2022."
"The absolute highlight of my wrestling career was my feud with Vince McMahon."
"The storytelling in this feud is quite literally off the charts."
"CM Punk's feud with MJF was highly anticipated by fans."
"This is very promising, a special moment and a special feud."
"As Kawhi chose his spots before fully closing the door shut on expressing his true feelings, this feud went far beyond that concept, which left us constantly grasping onto the absurd pieces surrounding one of the most unique beefs in NBA history."
"The feud itself really brought out the best in him promo-wise."
"...it did see the two newcomers get into a feud with the at the time tag team champions paul london and brian kendrick."
"You've been fighting with Ron Hermione asked why yes I've been fighting with Ron he said what's new the Weasleys and the malfoys have been mortal enemies ever since 1325 when a Malfoy cut a Weasley poaching on his land and sneaked off his head with an ax."
"...it finally gave the Brock and Roman Feud a good ending."
"The very first interaction that we know of between the Hatfields and McCoys was during the Civil War."
"After the murder of Asa Harmon McCoy by the Logan Wildcats, which convinces many historians it is a dispute over a pig and a betrayal within the family ranks that actually kick-starts the feud in 1878."
"It angered them and so they lay in wait and ambushed John C. one night when he came to see them."
"But that portrayal betrays the very real and very tragic figures of the feud whose bloodshed still impact the people and culture of the mountain state."
"...it was just there it finally gave the Brock and Roman Feud a good ending."
"Damien Priest was given the once in a-lifetime opportunity to have one of the best feuds of the year with Bad Bunny."
"Drake had push a t and he lost that one he had Meek he won that one."
"This one just felt like it was setting up the rock feud."
"It was beginning to look like there was no way I could keep this feud from turning into open warfare."
"The feud between sisters Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland was the longest running in Hollywood history."
"The relationship between Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine is one of the most famous feuds in Hollywood history."
"You don't really have a feud that lasts as long as the Hatfield McCoy Feud did, with as many people killed, as many fatalities, without both sides being a little bit crazy."
"The whole town is trapped in this interminable feud between the two families."
"After seeing these two feud for as long as they had, it was nice to see this family come together one more time."
"It is almost criminal that the world never got a proper Austin vs Flair singles feud when both were established main eventers."
"That starts the animosity between Devil Anse and his group."
"The story of the Hatfields and the McCoys is really a foundational story of our nation."
"The Hatfields and the McCoys repeatedly attacked one another in the rural Tug River Valley."
"Two patriarchs, Devil Anse Hatfield and Old Randall McCoy, let their hatred of one another infect first their entire families and then an entire region of the country."
"We've told of the feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys, probably the most well-known historical event in the Appalachian region."
"Even though I don't remember exactly what happened to me, I have always known that it's possible that I'm sitting in this chair for a very stupid reason because of some ancient feud between two families, and it's time it stopped."
"This whole Feud is by definition what every wrestling company should strive to do."
"The feud between the Hatfield and McCoy clans has been a part of the American identity ever since the two families began killing each other in the late 19th century."