
Parting Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"God bless you, friend, and we'll see you soon."
"Kiss me, kiss me bye, I should have known we'd bring trouble."
"It's tragic because they ended with a parting goodbye that didn't go as planned."
"The hardest thing really is saying goodbye, isn't it?"
"I'm so glad I got to see you before I go, goodbye my sweet little friend before you go."
"It's not a long goodbye, only a short goodbye."
"Well guys this is where we're going to part ways for the evening I love getting to share my cool dragonflies with you."
"Have a good day, night, sleep, whatever you're up to, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!"
"Until next time, have a good day guys."
"The idea of parting from you, never seeing you again, pierced my heart like a red-hot dagger."
"Taking one last look at my friends."
"I've got something on the stove upstairs. Don't dance all night. Goodbye."
"Walt bids Jesse a reluctant farewell."
"This is the last time you can summon us," said the leader to Dorothy. "So goodbye and good luck to you."
"Parting business is what it is, yeah."
"On that note, we're gonna go cut it. Take care, bye."
"Goodbye, Dan, it's goodbye from me."
"Until next time, good luck and bye!"
"Goodbye, everyone! Bye-bye, everyone! We'll see you again soon!"
"I'll see you in the next one. Have a good day."
"Anyway, see you next Sunday. Bye."
"Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every coming together again, a foretaste of the resurrection."
"Till we meet again in London, Watson. Good day to you."
"Keep saying bye till we go. Bye bye bye."
"'Well,' he nodded at her. 'I'll see you.' He turned toward the house."
"See you in the next one, take care, ciao."
"We will see you next time, guys. Goodbye everyone, wonderful day, bye bye."
"It's not a goodbye, it's a see you later."
"The best parting gift: it wasn't a plaque, it was diamonds."
"Be respectful even if there's a splitting of ways or hurt feelings."
"Good night, Jim Bob. Good night, Ben. Good night, Aaron. Good night, everybody."
"It is hard to say goodbye forever, isn't it?"
"I'll see you again very soon. Bye."
"We part ways now, but we remain United in purpose."
"It's always going to be see you later and not goodbye."
"I'll see you before then, hopefully. But if I don't see you there, good night."
"I'm gonna miss this baby girl a lot."
"See you in the next video, and until then, bye bye for now."
"Let's go, love you all, we'll see you soon, be good."
"I've got to try and get back to Leighton Stone now, so have a great week, take care of yourselves."
"Thanks everyone, see you soon, bye."
"So long farewell to you my friends goodbye for now until we meet again."
"Genie, it's a goodbye, isn't it? Isn't it, Genie?"
"The kids were so sad when I was about to go, they gave me 10 million hugs."
"My last sight of her was her tear-stained face as she stood there watching me walk out of her life."
"Until the next time I'll see you later."
"Never say goodbye, just auf wiedersehen."
"The hardest thing of all is just saying goodbye."
"Like we say, we'll catch you on the next one."
"I'll see you next time, until then, take care."
"Until the next time you meet, it's goodbye."
"...hope to see you in the next one."
"But for now, it's time to say goodbye."
"It's hard to say goodbye sometimes."
"Until then, you take care, bye for now."
"Goodbye, and all the luck in the world."
"I'll see you again later down the line. Goodbye."
"I sure hope I'll see you next time. Goodbye."
"The sad moment when you form a bond with a random car on a long road trip and it's time to part ways."
"Good luck, and see you next time. Bye-bye."
"Until we speak again, dear friends, Navaer nîn dân caer menig, and farewell."
"Let them have that one last goodbye."
"All the love we will see you next time, bye for now."
"Stay safe out there, see you later."
"We know when it's better to say goodbye."
"Our star is shining its brightest light, for goodnight, my love, for goodnight."
"Take care, I love you. Goodbye now."
"Take care of yourselves and each other, and I'll see you later."
"One last hug for the road. See you soon."
"Until next time, you take care, bye for now."
"Even if we're not in the best of terms, we always give each other a hug and a kiss before we leave each other because you never know when the last time you will see that person again."
"Go in peace, until our paths meet again."
"It's always hard to say goodbye, ain't that the truth, that's life."
"We must say goodbye to you, but rather not goodbye, but see you next time."
"I'm gonna miss you, love you so much, goodbye."
"Peace be with you, see you next time."
"He was sorry he had no better parting gift."
"Keep safe, and we'll see you next time. Bye for now."
"You're the best friend I've ever had," she said, and scurried back to her house.
"My time among you is now drawing to an end."
"It's never a nice thing to say goodbye."
"Stay safe, be careful, see you next time."
"After 15 years of sharing a room, we're finally going our separate ways."
"Take care and much love, goodbye."
"You take care of yourself, goodbye."
"So let us part like we always do, and in a world without you, I'll dream of you."
"Until next week, I'll see you then, stay safe, take care, bye."
"It's okay, Naruto. I know you and I are friends, but if we must part ways, then I will always remember you as the greatest friend I ever had."
"I have to go now, I'll see you again soon. Goodbye, take care."
"I'm sending you loads of love and I'll see you soon. Bye."
"You never want the last words to be the wrong words; whenever you guys part, just always end with 'I love you'."
"Goodbye until tomorrow then, Marta."
"Take care until next time, we'll see you soon."
"We have to say goodbye sometimes."
"Take care and I'll be seeing you soon, goodbye."
"Before they turn off all the lights, I won't read you your wrongs or your rights. The time has gone."
"Until next time, bye, I love you."
"If we do meet again, why, we shall smile; if not, why then this parting was well made."
"But since it falls unto my lot, that I should rise and you should not, I gently rise and I softly call, Good night and joy be with you all."
"I love you, I'll see you soon, bye."
"Mr. Darcy deserves you. I could not have parted with you, my Lizzie, to anyone less worthy."
"Take care and I'll see you again."
"Stay safe, and I'll see you guys later. Bye!"
"We understood, thanked them, and parted ways."
"See you tomorrow, good night y'all."
"So until next time, look after yourselves, catch you in a bit."
"Goodbye everybody, goodnight, goodbye guys, have a good afternoon, evening, and pleasant dreams."
"Well, this is goodbye for now. See you around, my dear friend."
"Till next time, we'll see you around. Goodbye."
"We'll make a space in the lives that we've planned, and here we'll stay until it's time for you to go."
"It's not a goodbye, it's 'I'll see you later'."
"We love you guys so much, we'll see you tomorrow, good night everybody."
"Whatever the answer, the partings of these stories will certainly be such sweet sorrow."
"Good night, good night, goodbye. Thank you for being here."
"Take care yourselves, bye for now."
"Alone, I sing the sad song of parting."
"Let us at least part in friendship and love for one another."
"Parting without opening these cupped hands full of tears."
"Each of you will go away with a piece of it."
"I hope you have a nice trip back. Until we meet again, sayonara."
"Thank you for sitting with me. I enjoyed talking with you," she says as her hands slide apart.
"Goodbye," he whispered at the dear sight, "goodbye."
"Till next time, this is Darkness, and I bid you all the fondest farewell."
"Thank you very much, see you on the other side."
"We shall miss having you next door."
"I'll see you next time, people. Bye!"
"So until next time, y'all take care."
"If we could part as friends, it would mean a great deal to me."
"Every time you hold me, hold me like this is the last time."
"I wish you would stay," he said regretfully, but she shook her head.
"Let's bid you adieu, good night, goodbye, bang bang."
"Make sure to come back tomorrow, we love you so much, thanks for hanging, and we'll see you later everybody."
"Good night sweet prince, till we meet again."
"If you don't have a heart, then you can take it; but when you love someone dearly, it's difficult to say goodbye."
"Look after yourselves, bye for now."
"Every time we part from each other, we always let each other know, like, 'I love you.'"
"I love you, I'll see you next time. Adios."
"I think they'll see each other again, but it might be the last chance they have to spend time together properly."
"You guys, I love you and we'll see you in the next one."
"This is goodbye, I'm worried now."
"Sleep well, and I will see you very soon. Good night."
"Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye, 'cause now it's time to go."
"Until we meet again, have a blessed day."
"Enjoy every moment you spend with the people you care about and grieve when you part with them."
"Since ancient times, the saddest thing for lovers is parting, and even more when it's in the bleak of autumn. How's one to endure after the years have gone past?"
"God bless and I'll see you all next time."
"Bye, everyone, see you next time!"
"Hey Russell, all the best to you, man. Take care of yourself, see you soon."
"But until we meet again, look after yourselves, stay safe, and TTFN."
"Twilight and evening bell, and after that the dark, and may there be no sadness of farewell, when I embark."
"Whenever Lolly has to say goodbye to her friends for a while, she knows that she'll always be able to see their smiling faces in her photograph album."
"Until next time, all night, goodbye. Peace."
"He left on a great note, we were still friends."
"We may never meet again, but we won't say goodnight until the last minute."
"Good luck, goodbye, and take care."
"Parting feels less sorrowful if you were free to choose what would give you the most pleasure."
"The grief and sorrow of parting has been the same from ancient times to now."
"Stay safe; I'll see you next time. Bye bye!"
"We can part as friends, can't we?"
"Never the right time to say goodbye."
"I think it's finally the day that I part way with some of my scraps."
"Even if we can't be together in the end, I'm glad that you were part of my life."
"I'll see you on the flip side, adios amigos."
"I wish you to the best life; we may not meet again in the future."
"I'd really like to see you again, confess to you all my regrets in parting with you."
"Stay safe, and we'll see you very soon."
"For Maquia, the joy of meeting and knowing others outweighs the pain of parting."
"The most fearful thing is parting, no matter how deep your feelings, I'm afraid it's hard to stand the test of time."
"A fond kiss, and then we sever; a farewell, and then forever!"
"So long, farewell to you my friend, until we meet again."
"You take care and I'll see you after the holidays."
"God will keep us till we meet again."
"Goodbye, Xiao Lu. Come and say goodbye. Come quickly with a sincere heart. Amitabha."
"Good night, farewell, so long, I'll see you in the morning."
"Have a safe winter and we'll see you out there."
"How strange that we should meet like this," said the young man. "You and I could be husband and wife going on our honeymoon together, but instead of that, we'll say goodbye in half an hour, perhaps forever."
"Until next time, do be gentle with yourselves."
"Stay safe, stay crafty, and we'll see you soon."