
Counterplay Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Remember the rock-paper-scissors logic of warfare: every unit has its counter."
"This is incredible. Wow, this is incredible. Rook to D5, okay, so I'm gonna have to create my own counterplay. They're gonna get this pawn. Amazing, I mean, honestly, just amazing stuff, really just showing the levels."
"Chandra awakened inferno... can't be countered... clock is ticking."
"The ultimate rat counter to the ultimate rap player is really just running cap can or proning around corners with a shotgun."
"Wasted assassin, that's exactly how you have to play against this killer though."
"Being able to target graveyards, I think that way too much broken stuff happens in the graveyard and being able to spend a single mana to answer that is really good."
"You know I've played against teams that are man marking and what we've always tried to do is create counter movements."
"The counter card exception is what brings everything together... because the deck has good counters to the cards in the other deck."
"I like complicated. I don't mind complicated kits when... it feels good, it makes sense within the thematic, and it has clear, understandable counterplay."
"I think it was pretty naive to assume that in a game where you're making Heroes that are distinct from each other, that you could avoid counter swapping."
"This should give Vamana a reward for being aggressive but also allow the counterplay."
"It's a very dangerous Pokemon and it requires very specific counter play."
"It's such a hard counter it's such a like a like I said the word brain-dead earlier and it's kind of how it feels."
"An anti-large build: great if you're facing factions with powerful monsters."
"Killmonger let's both counter those Zoo decks while buffing our own."
"Fiora is always going to try to parry... but you can destroy her."
"Break spell shields with Proto belt; it's crucial in countering Annie's counters."
"Flex picks circumvent the issue of counterpicking, as the enemy team doesn't know which role they're specifically going to."
"Experiment with units while paying attention to what seems to counter what."
"Namely a Varian taunt, a Brightwing polymorph, anything that can silence him that's point and click that stops him from doing the things he wants to do can be absolutely devastating."
"This stage right now is currently the ultimate Bayo counterpick."
"Just basically hard countered that strategy."
"Senna is very strong against low-range marksmen. She counters Lucian, she's good into Samira, she's good into a lot of these kinds of things."
"Annie is such a phenomenal pick for solo queue right now as she's so simple to play yet hard counters a majority of the meta mids."
"If everyone else goes one roommate like they're all going one style if you play the natural counter to that style... you immediately become contender status."
"Necklace of Durance: countering regen-based heroes."
"Agatha and she's just easily countered by the like Sido Queen spamming earthquake and one shot in Gengar with gobat being the only exception"
"The ultimate not only has more counterplay for people who are playing against it, but Loki gets a lot of extra utility out of this."
"...introducing a new keyword Menace that prevents a creature from being blocked except by two or more creatures. This is a form of evasion that adds way more counterplay."
"Even the ultimate ability can be countered with the same type."
"...Shutting off your opponent's best answer to your board is really strong."
"... healing Ward is one of the best things that you can get against someone that has antimagic because you can use it out of combat."
"Enables him to fully counter any defender."
"If he had taken my pawn, I would have played b5 and then if he had taken that pawn I would have taken with a knight."
"Lesson number four: know your opponent's counterplay, find a solution against their counterplay by looking at more than one possible move."
"If you know how to take advantage of this weakness, it's gonna backfire really badly."
"Timing is key for backdoor counters."
"That's again how you can win when black tries playing similarly to the King's Gambit but it actually fails."
"We can clarify the tension in the center and get some queenside counterplay."
"White has to figure out how exactly they want to drum up the counter play on the King side."
"If your opponent plays on the flank, you strike in the center."
"If your opponent ever tries that sneaky c3, you can just strike back with the third move of f5."
"It's really important to learn some of the typical themes and motifs that Sicilian players use to create counterplay."
"I think it's really important for Alekhine players not to just sit around and play passive moves... we have to get in this game and create some counterplay."
"Link's items counter a lot of Mario's arsenal."
"I think even in Gelfand's book, you know, he says that one of the best ways to convert is to kill all your opponent's counterplay."
"This is a kind of counter gambit, giving back a pawn and creating a situation where both of Black's bishops seem quite good."