
Catch And Release Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I'm just an avid fisherman. I will always release everything I catch."
"There's something really, really cool about catching a big fish and releasing it..."
"There's nothing wrong folks with letting the fish go... you know?"
"I think this is a really good fish to end drawing and we've decided that since she's so fat, we're actually gonna throw her back, yeah, she deserves to live, she deserves lay some eggs and she's really feisty she going awesome."
"Probably should throw it on back. That's one of your biggest of the day though. Yeah, it is. He was fighting good. Beautiful white crappie."
"That's a keeper, that's a short. Oh, he's a keeper. Just goes by any part of their fin, yeah. Just check the oven, he's a keeper."
"These vermilion snappers are so good to eat. If he touches 12, he's a keeper."
"My personal belief is, 100 pounds bigger. Why? You get in, you look him in the eye and say, 'Uh-huh, I've got you,' and then you cut the line and release him and let somebody else have a chance at it."
"What a fish we're gonna go for a release on hambone here thank you sir thanks for playing"
"It calls a tiny one that he has in the live well."
"A striped bass that he let go just a second ago."
"There's a lot of fish jumping, let's toss back in."
"Another little rainbow trout, hard fighter. Look at that, pretty fish. She's a pretty trout, she's probably 12 inches. But I've already got a bigger one so we're just gonna let her go."
"90% of the females that we catch they all go back because they breed."
"I mean just nuts, that's catch and release fishing at its finest right there for y'all."
"This is just an incredible trout. Let's get it back."
"Look at that, wow, that's a nice one, thanks buddy."
"First fish of the day, very lightly hooked, not a mark on him though, beautiful."
"Thank you, girl. See ya, that's awesome."
"I'm barbless, what the heck, that's 100% marvelous."
"Anytime a fish is hooked deep, if you'll just give him the hook, you run a good chance of helping him survive."
"We encourage guys to practice catch and release if we want to see these fish get bigger."
"Let's go baby, nice fish, let's get her back."
"See how he swallowed the hook, they say if you ever catch fish and swallows the hook and you don't want it to die, just cut the line."
"Awesome fish, we'll go ahead and get this lure out of his mouth there and throw him back in the water."
"Beautiful little brook trout, and you know, guys, this would be a perfect one to keep."
"I'm gonna get this fish back in the water and keep trying a few things out, beautiful stuff."
"Beautiful little fish, let's let him go so he can get big and we can find him and catch him later."
"Gotta love it, beautiful beautiful pike, let's get them back."
"You can only kill him once, but to come back and be able to catch them time after time, it's priceless."
"Sketch and release, giant, unreal, look at these fish, unbelievable healthy."
"Every time when you hook the fish, the hook is always at the corner of the mouth."
"What a nice, what a nice bass. So beautiful. Ready? Catch and release."
"Catch, photo, release... that fish is out of water for no time at all, and more importantly, it's released back into the environment that it came from."
"They're epic fish; they're amazing how they eat and how they fight, and they're extremely addictive, but they're also very easy to catch."
"Your main goal is to get the fish out of the water and unhooked and back in in under 10 seconds."
"These native brookies will not be hurt in any way, shape, form, or fashion, and he can swim away and live another day."
"The beauty of catch and release right there."
"I'm going to do this fish a solid. I'm going to release him back into the water to fight another day. It's just how much I appreciate this fella."
"It's truly incredible and we want to let her go of course, strictly catch and release with tarpon guys."
"See you later, let's get you back down before it gets too cold."
"Wow, look at that beautiful fish, I'm going to release him real quick."
"What about that for a brown trout, people, a beauty, there we go, let's get it straight back."
"Catch and release, just one of the conservation efforts of Ray Scott."
"That's how we're going to end it, nice 23in fat female going back."
"If you pinch your barb, it's gonna come right back out that hole you did basically zero damage."
"We could choose to throw them on hot grease if we wanted, but we decided to release them because we enjoy catching them that much."
"What an incredible fish, how does it come out here, catch a great fish, and choose to let it go."
"Awesome man, we'll let her go back and swim another day."