
Studio Quotes

There are 456 quotes

"My mix is almost like you would have like in a recording studio."
"Black Ops 4 is a living example of what we do best as a studio."
"I got with him, and he had a studio. That studio got taken down, but we were still using the studio while it was not being renovated no more."
"It's no small task to build a studio and reinvent a beloved franchise."
"She's flex on me, just Michael Jordan me in my own studio."
"I like the way it looks, and this is my studio. And that's important to me. Take it or leave it."
"An incredibly exciting year at Bethesda Game Studios."
"Warner Brothers may be the best complete package of a studio out there today."
"It's very rare to be hot in the studio normally I'm really cold in here."
"First we met DMX, shout out to the OGs, he bought X to the studio."
"Welcome to the teaser preview of the new studio space. It's a lot of work yet to happen, so stay tuned."
"I truly hope that it helps give you a better understanding of acoustic measurements and how you can use acoustic measurements to improve the sound in your studio."
"We're in the film studio and the world of special effects. How exciting!"
"I've also made this space so it doubles as a photography video studio."
"Welcome back, we are back here in the studio."
"The low end on it is fantastic. I don't think there's another piece of gear in the studio that sort of, you can replicate that. It's just a wonderful bit of gear."
"Everything in here works. This whole studio was built with musicians in mind. It's supposed to be the best for everyone."
"We want to create the ultimate video studio."
"The reason why I have all this in the studio is definitely because of YouTube. YouTube kind of progressed and this is how the studio progressed as well."
"We're not alone, by the way. We're really not alone because after 14 months of being on our roof, our band is back in studio."
"This room has two windows and it's perfect for all of my content. This is going to be my studio."
"When you're in a studio, everything you pick out and put in your space should serve a purpose."
"It's frustrating to see a studio which once stood for something slowly turn into yet another product for moms to go take their kids and nothing more."
"There's a certain sense of abandon that I have when I'm playing live, and you want to sort of create as much of that in the studio as possible."
"This could be a studio, whether you're looking to film or maybe you like recording music."
"Every time I walk into my studio I feel I'm being enveloped by a warm hug."
"It just feels uh it doesn't feel very studio he feels slightly like a living room filled with good gear which was entirely the point in the studio from its inception."
"One of the main things that brings people to East Coast is actually that it was completely conceived as a studio that was firstly going to be comfortable for people to record in and secondly that allowed people to play live."
"I'm a studio writer. That's how I was raised. Locking myself in the studio and working on my craft."
"We stand Selena in this studio, government."
"It's funny that as we're hanging out upstairs we're here at our studio, you know, which happens to be a basement, a basement, but we're hanging out and we realize as friends we haven't even like hung out together."
"Let's build a recording studio and... we can have a party, have a concert."
"What do we got what do we got we're back in the studio Dreams and Nightmares it's life literally life back in the studio gang's all here."
"The studio known as DreamWorks SKG was founded with the SKG standing for Spielberg, Katzenberg, and Geffen."
"The studio's what's gonna always keep you running and keep you alive. Invest in you."
"Michael used to wear those loafers, and you used to hear this that and him hitting music stands. Michael, when he's in the studio, anything goes."
"I'd like a music studio, something with like a closet. It's a lot easier to soundproof a smaller area."
"I've never seen an energy like that in a studio."
"Having really high Studio ceilings also help me achieve my lifelong dream of putting a zipline in my home studio to help me get to work quicker when I wake up in the morning."
"Creative control is very important to us. That's something that with a studio you get more money up front, but that control can get taken away from you."
"The film was a Smash Hit and saved the fledgling RKO Studio from receivership."
"It helps keeps costs down because you know we spend most of time in the studio and on bed so we do quite large band sessions and sleep up to eight people here."
"Once your developer studio is loaded with your first app, you're going to notice that you're going to get a screen right out of the box."
"When you make a record and you're in the [ __ ] studio and you're smoking with the homies and then the beast's there and then you, the song's done, you're like, 'God damn, you listen to that [ __ ] and the [ __ ] speakers on high and that [ __ ]'s banging, you're like, 'Yeah.'"
"In the world of animation, Illumination is quickly solidifying itself as a top animation studio among Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks."
"The facility is amazing like you know it's it's beautiful like it's a Production Studio it's a film studio sitting on 9 Acres it's beautiful and it's it's in a cut like you wouldn't even know the magic that's back here."
"The major accomplishment of this film is the decision to make it fully animated from a major studio, and not another live CGI hybrid."
"To see how these songs take shape on a live stage is a completely different thing than writing and recording them in the studio."
"Enjoy these six tips from my studio Kopelli."
"Let's head back to the studio open them all up and get started."
"But life outside the studio was great."
"...the perfect area for me to convert into a studio so I could carry on bringing you these videos as me and my family cruise around the various waterways around Europe..."
"Things have changed in two years. This is a very high traffic area. My studio is right off the entryway, so a lot of DIY stuff is coming in and out of here."
"I want to hopefully have a studio where it's affordable for young kids so they don't have to go and do madness to get the studio money."
"Having been produced by Sunrise, an official Animation Studio operating under the Bandai umbrella."
"We are about to head out to this design studio... I don't really know how to describe it but it's kind of like a vintage antique home and design studio called All of atier here in LA."
"The techniques I'm going to show you are the stuff that I use in my own studio all the time every day, so I hope this is stuff that you find handy."
"...not mine well ladies and gentlemen I uh I hate that I really hate that but you know what I love I love being back in the studio and making content for you guys."
"You could see me right now, also just FYI, this is my studio."
"Speed seems to be one of the occasions where the deluge of studio notes actually helped improve the movie for the most part."
"Best branding studio in the Philippines."
"Getting stuff cleaned up and organized, having a place for everything, that's a big deal. This makes your studio feel more professional because there's a place for everything."
"That's my thing, is that, you know, being in a studio, doing records, you always need all these things - 'It needs a Tele, or it needs a PRS, or it needs a Strat, whatever it may be, and I have one of everything.'"
"Welcome back to The HoneyDew y'all, we're over here doing it from the Night Pants Studios."
"This is the story about 10 of the craziest years that Walt Disney Animation Studios had to go through."
"The lighting in here is optimal, the sound, it's like I'm in a little studio."
"Some of the things you learn when you build your first Studio."
"It's been great putting this studio together with you."
"It just feels like the studio says we gotta show them how much money we got so let's what do we always do tear up the city."
"Honestly, it feels like a real studio. It is so stunning."
"Filmation would eventually become the last All-American Animation Studio."
"It feels like home. That's a massive compliment because I want to create that feeling of comfort in every studio."
"As you can see I'm back in my studio now and I am recording some voiceovers this is how I do it."
"I would honestly say surprisingly enough the studios I saw looked nicer overall than the one-bedroom apartments in that area."
"They decided that it would be easier and more constructive musically to work in the studio."
"I don’t think fifteen years ago any studio would have made this movie."
"This new home of Tyler Perry Studios is larger than the Burbank California-based Warner Brothers Paramount and Disney studios combined."
"I'm like if you're doing this, I'm gonna do this, but I ain't been in the studio with somebody like I can't be because I only think I end up in the studio like, 'Yeah, I swear I'm not that like, uh, I'm not like a real friendly like, let's collab ass artist.'"
"The studio's one and only mega-hit was Code Lyoko."
"This is what happens when studio greed outweighs the intention to make good art."
"Cursed, like many films before it, was just a prime example of a studio getting too heavily involved and ruining their own product."
"Armman Animation is a real Underdog of an animation studio."
"...so this is me just starting the underpinning for that before I literally went back into the ceramic Studio because a Lord knows I need to get this stuff done because it needs almost an entire week to fire from start to finish."
"It's like with guitar pedals and the same thing in the studio, sometimes the... funkier stuff really gives you a better sound, you know?"
"Everything we do in the studio is spontaneous, yeah, we don't really ask, I mean, I've never heard the tapes before, and right, so I just go out and play."
"The temperature in the studio down 30 degrees, there'll be like ice on people's beards and stuff."
"Man, we had so much fun, we rented the studio all night to the next morning."
"The fans are not your enemies. But the thing is, is that these studios and especially the media outlets that support them prematurely make the fans their enemies."
"Every day really looks different and going to the studio...this crazy magical thing exists."
"I ran around with Diddy for two years and we never went to the studio one time."
"The Sonics was a dirt cheap guitar it was basically the studio before the studio but even a lower grade guitar than a studio of today."
"...I've gone through these kind of sessions many times...late night collective dinners and rounds...it was always very bonding...very, very interesting and nice studio too."
"Crazy in the studio with killers all day. Like, those are some of the best sessions ever, man, ever."
"Honestly, if I go in the studio for four days, five days, I can have my album done."
"So, like if we were in the studio now if you're in the studio now uh no not the question okay."
"Every studio in town turned this down."
"Doors...just these giant gaping holes in your studio that affect the soundproofing."
"When I started with ITV, you guys obviously did it first. We used to be strapped into the studio, didn't we? Couldn't move."
"I've never been more uncomfortable but comfortable in an interview in my own studio ever."
"So I'm just doing a little bit of admin this morning in the studio."
"...the 660 S2 is a reference headphone that can be used in the studio."
"Hopefully you guys liked seeing how we transformed it I think we have to say goodbye to the studio it's actually officially gone but we can say bye now like this."
"There is no Creator like Studio Ghibli because in a world where content is based on quantity and profitability Ghibli continues to focus on crafting beautiful lesser known stories that teach people about themselves and the world around them."
"Perfection is what we're after in the studio. Every single word needs to be proper, delivered with intent."
"Something big has to change at the studio."
"This is the first time ever in the studio, in the studio!"
"Nevertheless, I will say this about Apple Watts: I respect the level of integrity that she had when she met with Rockstar in the studio."
"I mix maybe on my Phantom Focus curve for a lot of time."
"In the end, we ended up recording the drums in this barn next door to the proper studio because the studio environment was too dry and too dead sounding."
"It's important to always have a lounge in your studio."
"A large console like this is the centerpiece of the studio. I can control and have access to anything that's going on."
"...there's something to be said about having a centerpiece to the console. And so for a commercial studio, that's very important."
"I think really is the tell of, like, wow, this is a studio combo."
"The reality is if you have the right equipment at home you can make a recording as good or better than you can in a professional studio for a small fraction of the cost."
"But loved being in a studio and recording, it was so much fun, so I mean it's worth releasing some music just for that."
"Manager/producer Chaz Chandler was having a tough time during ladyland production he couldn't get anything done because Jimmy was essentially treating the studio like his own personal Crash Pad."
"The only thing entry level about this is the price. This thing is powerful. It really packs a punch and is a great addition to any studio setup."
"Let's crack on with the studio tour."
"Moving on from here, go back studio, look at the images, choose the images, and then we're going to send them off for print."
"In the studio, I use P90s which they just cut through, you just see a little bit of that more transparent grind."
"If you want the key to the mystery, find out the secret of the studio."
"It's Darrell here and today it's a build day in the studio which is always super exciting."
"...as outboard and something occurred to me which I haven't suggested to you yet okay so g3's got stereo input now right yeah and the atom yeah most people use a patch Bay in a studio where all your stuff's plugged into the patch Bay."
"He was everywhere in that studio, he touched every one of us."
"Kanye, Mike Dean, and others are putting the finishing touches on Kanye's tenth studio album in the visitors' locker room of the arena."
"When I'm in the studio, I won't be able to make these blocks, you know, like you don't see me doing no crazy [__] like that."
"There's a reason that studios cost three million quid, yeah, totally, totally."
"...transitions will definitely be a lot smoother than the preview here in the studio."
"Animation Magic wasn't a triple-A game company, nor did they have the time and budget of Nintendo. They were a newly formed, underfunded small studio."
"Netflix is more of a studio but they're also a tech company."
"Now, all these guys were very temperamental and from the very get-go, they were not gelling well in the studio."
"I'm a big believer in doing everything as well as you can possibly do it. I think I do it the best when I'm right here in studio."
"The producers knew who to call and the combination of musicians to put together in the studio."
"What's the name of your studio, guy? Abby Lee Dance Company."
"Hey man you gotta open your own studio."
"I'm not going up against somebody that can sing for real that don't mean that you ain't seen it in the studio but everybody doesn't learn how to sing that song the way it was on the record and still do all that choreography."
"When you can, you're always welcome to come in the studio."
"Usually, audiobooks are recorded inside studios."
"The most I can create a WEP for is some attractive character animation and even that is not worth the major crunching the studio had to do."
"Spread the word, please, because I see the comments of like 'Oh they're about to get back in the studio.' We are not. You will know. I don't very much know when it's going to happen and it is not right now."
"I've been secretly working on something big: my own 3D animation studio."
"So this is the brand new studio space. I'm so excited about it and it's just as much yours as it is mine because you're gonna be seeing it in all of my videos moving forward and I'm super excited about that."
"30 Rock today is the home of NBC Studios. So if you are a fan of SNL or late-night, any of that, this is where that happens."
"We're in the big studio so we're doing some stuff with the big board."
"I said I just came out of the studio and I wounded it, you did so good I sprained its ankle."
"The biggest challenges of running a studio is employees, so it's not just us, we have staff, so you have to pay kind of rent on them, but it's not as much. There's dealing with people in front of you as customers, and then also it's students."
"Now a dog controller falls in the category of nice to have. I certainly don't think it's integral in building a home studio."
"I would love a guest house that I could outfit as a studio."
"If you listen in your studio, you really hear that it's an empty track or it's full."
"Golden hour in the studio is the most beautiful time of the day."
"Connor Barwin got it set up and next thing you know, like, four trainer Camp socks were in the studio."
"That's my natural progression, you know? That's where I belong. And so, it felt good to really be in the studio."
"It's not like in the studio where we have stereo and people are hearing both speakers equally."
"So I was trying to make some money, you feel me at the time for sure. So I used to have everybody come recording at my studio, you feel me?"
"There's never a dull moment in this studio."
"I invite you into my studio to look over my shoulder."
"There’s a wonderful couple: Janet Harper and Fred Nida, Harper/Nida Studio."
"Any problem that you have organizational in your studio, if you want to solve it and you're focused on solving it, you can solve it."
"I want to open up my half of the studio. You can use our space for sure."
"I just want to say for me Sony animation has become one of my favorite Animation Studios in the last five years."
"I wanted a room that I can trust what I'm hearing in here and know that it's not lying to me when I leave."
"When asked about building the Studio's brand identity, OTA had the following to say about turning mappa into a household name."
"The film is animated by 20th Century Fox’s Blue Sky Studios."
"I think it's really bold and brave to wear like really shiny material on a studio set because it's just, like, overblown."
"That's the build of that studio, it took about three weeks, but did it work? It is time for the big reveal, are you ready?"
"This is the place where all the music making happens."
"I just love being in the studio and experimenting."
"It's so much fun to see all the studio books that these guys would come up with."
"It's the I love seeing those, look at the studio, see that makes me feel warm fuzzy."
"It's such a beautiful painting, it's so cool for the studio."
"I hope to one day build it up a little better, make it into a sort of a proper studio."
"I hope you enjoyed this video, this is just some of the tips I found made my speakers just sound a little bit more studio-like."
"It's a building built in a building; it's a real studio with floating floors."
"An audio mixing board is the central nervous system of your studio."
"In the studio, Velvia will pop with color."
"I really want this studio to be full of stuff, functional and also functional and that works."
"It corrects the sound of your room in your mix position."
"It's the best piece of gear in any studio, in any bedroom home studio, is a hit song."
"I want to start a studio... using my expertise to help other people's dreams of making their series to like another media."
"It's been an absolute pleasure to be at V Studios, just a wonderful place to be."
"Charlie was a god... in this studio, he was the only person whose opinion mattered."
"In a nutshell, Addictive Drums 2 is a complete software drum production studio."
"Velcro is definitely an unsung hero of a good studio."
"Always be iterating, always be innovating on your current studio space."
"It brings together an incredible array of analog and digital I/O and tons of features that make it ideal to be the centerpiece for both your studio and for a live rig as well."
"This area is going to be my recording studio... this is where I'm going to film a lot of my YouTube videos."
"The studio wasn't just a workspace, it was a gathering space."
"This is the workhorse of my studio, but more so, it is the workhorse of my live playing."
"She loved her new flat; it was a single occupancy studio and a really nice building."
"Their approach has always been to provide a complete studio in the box."
"When you move out into the three windows you can see everything at once and it's so much like an original studio."
"Thank you so much for joining me, and I'll see you next time in the studio."
"It's the studio stuff for me more than the live stuff."
"Welcome friends, a lot of people have been asking for a studio tour, so let's do a studio tour."
"It is a pleasure to have this man right here in studio."
"I've had the quad cortex for a couple of weeks now. I've used it live a few times, I've been recording with it a lot here in the studio."
"It's like going through a museum, it's going to see a working studio."
"As artists, we are in the business of capturing light in our drawings and paintings, so we should also consider the light in the studios that we work in."
"One of the brilliant things about recording at Rockfield is it's not just a residential recording studio but it's a massive residential recording studio."
"I am thoroughly glad to have this as a part of my studio."