
Research Skills Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Thinking clearly and critically assessing your sources."
"Whenever I'm in doubt about something, I go to Google and I look it up."
"There are some fantastic deals available on secondhand marketplaces, anyone can take advantage if they're willing to do a little bit of research."
"Know when to stop doing research, know when you understand enough."
"Through doing so much research, I've gotten really fast and efficient at actually figuring out the stuff that I need to know."
"Ultimately the best thing about OSINT is that it teaches you how to get better at finding things online."
"So being able to formulate research questions like this is just kiss perfect."
"Research and reach out. Do the best you can to research before you ask someone for advice."
"Letting you evolve into a top-tier internet sleuth."
"We need to find reputable news sources and do our homework."
"We have to stop mistaking googling for research."
"We should feel empowered to ask questions, do our own research, and set boundaries."
"Sources frequently do not agree on key facts or subjects, so you'll have to do a lot of comparison investigating."
"You've got to dive in and do the due diligence and the research."
"Knowing how to Google well, knowing how to find the answers, that's most of the time."
"Learning how to use Google effectively is very, very important."
"Research is easy, people, just takes patience and delayed gratification."
"It's not beyond your capability to research who Matt McKinley is."
"It's important that everybody gets educated on what's going on... how do you do your own research and how all the things you want to know."
"If you can't figure it out or look it up on Google later on, that goes to show you that you don't know how to do your research."
"Develop deep research skills to gather accurate information, particularly regarding auditions in K-pop companies' training programs."
"As researchers, especially young researchers, you need to understand your own discipline very well."
"Google is your absolute best friend before you ask anybody a question, no matter how complex."
"So you learn to do this research for yourselves with any other marketplace or anything in life."
"Being able to research well independently is a critical skill of a student."
"Every research question needs to start with a search, and becoming competent in using online search engines is imperative to that skill."
"Learning how a thesaurus helps or when to use special parameters can vastly increase your ability to explore a topic."
"This person knows what they're doing, they're a great researcher, they look like they've got a lot of potential."
"Being good at Google is going to save you a lot of time."
"This ought to give you an approach to data and the ability to ask the kinds of questions you need to ask."
"Research, analysis, and essay writing will help you be better at visual research for your design projects."
"The reason you study history and the reason you become a historian is to become a better researcher, to learn analytical and critical thinking skills."
"With the good research skills, you can break down those brick walls."
"Good research skill. Transcriptionists require a high level of research expertise."
"Valid and reliable, assess the validity and reliability of information."
"Don't try to memorize all these functions; what you need to learn is the art of searching for the answers."
"I genuinely and wholeheartedly believe that Googling is a skill, particularly with programming and software engineering."
"The first thing they teach at university is how to do research."
"You have to be able to clearly articulate a connection between two sources and then use one of those sources in an essential way."