
Small Joys Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I'm such a believer that the things that you do every single day, those small things, your morning coffee...those are the things that make life worth living."
"Those little things make the day we're enjoying one of the best days of our life."
"I honestly thought, 'This is gonna bring people like five minutes of happiness or joy in their day.'"
"How sweet it was to bring that coffee to her."
"It's the little things that make life worth living."
"It's the little things like that that people don't do anymore that kind of stuff and it's those little things that give people joy."
"Appreciate the small things in your relationship."
"It's one of those little things that stands there and it just makes me so happy."
"Small Unexpected Delights are part of what makes life worth living." - Elon Musk
"It's those little things, guys, that make my heart melt."
"Small things sometimes give me way more happiness than some big event."
"It's the little things, man. He knows they're my two favorite little things."
"Anything that can make you smile a little bit more is always a win."
"It's those small things that drip feed so much more loveliness into your life."
"Oh, the small things that can just make you so happy."
"Simple little things make the difference in your life."
"These are the little things that bring us together."
"Simple things like some cake will make her happy."
"It's the little things that count, like finding a charm still on a cane."
"Recognize the little miracles along the way."
"Everyone likes a little parcel or a little delivery; it makes us feel better."
"You have to find the little things in life that make you happy."
"Grateful for... even the little things... say thank you... I appreciate them."
"It's just the small moments right those are the ones like that can bring the biggest Joy."
"Hand warmers can make a really miserable cold day just a little bit better."
"Cute mugs... It just brightens my day to like grab a cute mug off the shelf in the morning."
"the little things that make your life better"
"Happiness does not have to be big."
"Funny how something so small can make me so happy."
"Bringing little things into your life one by one to allow your life to feel more purposeful and meaningful and lovely."
"Life's about the little things, man. The little things, small details like that really fill in the color of the story."
"Sometimes it's just those little moments that make all the difference in a driver's day."
"It's stupid little things that like really go a long way sometimes."
"Being aware of these little things can make a big difference in your attitude."
"It's the little things, I feel so lucky like it's unreal."
"Sometimes you get those little things in life that let you know you're on the right path."
"Even though the universe didn't let me have my car, they let me have my favorite prep baguette, so little victories."
"It's little things that make us feel like we're part of something bigger."
"Little things create big memories."
"It's little stuff like this that can make your day so much better."
"These tiny little things... it's absolutely delightful."
"It's the little things that can make a really big difference in their overall life."
"It's not about the high highs, it's more about having little highs in life."
"Sometimes I get my hot chocolate and they spell my name right, and I have the best day."
"It's the little things that make you fall in love, right?"
"It's so fun how little teeny tiny things can be so exciting."
"Don't underestimate the power of those little things."
"If little things like that make you happy, then you should get it."
"All it takes is a couple tiny fish to completely change a bass fisherman's mood."
"It's something small to hold on to."
"It's the little things like this that I feel like make the biggest difference."
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our heart."
"Just these little things, just small conversations, make everything so much better."
"Sometimes we are so focused on the big things that have to get done that we don't have time for the small things."
"It's really the little things in life that make life worth living."
"I just love these little things, they are fantastic."
"I always think it's so nice to have little things to look forward to."
"A smile from the chipper is your lucky day."
"It's little things like that that just mean like make all the difference in my life, honestly."
"I feel like you should let yourself get excited about the little things even if other people don't understand it."
"It's always the little tiny things in life that matter the most and that really contribute the most to your mood."
"Sometimes it's the really small things that actually encourage you to keep going in gardening."
"Thankful for the smaller things in life, it feels as though you are in a state of gratitude."
"I'm really grateful for the little things."
"Good things come in small packages too."