
Rewriting Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Often I see it in the rewrite process... that's the place where it's hardest."
"When rewriting, you can get more analytical and use these questions so that you can find and fix your scenes' problems."
"Beneath our feet HECO T is rewriting them in her own language."
"I'll rewrite it and I'll rewrite the whole thing and make it about the experience that I'm having right now."
"He basically just rewrites the rules of reality."
"They're rewriting history with their dominance."
"You want to heal? You have to rewrite whatever you've been through. That's the power of prayer."
"Rewriting your bad scripts, rewriting your good ones is a good way to gain that experience over multiple drafts."
"You're rewriting what's not rooted in truth or love."
"History is being constantly rewritten, and frankly, that is the one thing that will remain constant."
"Lowkey I also kind of want to rewrite wish. I've already started rewriting it."
"Rewriting a thing is so much better because you don't make the mistakes you made the first time."
"In this narrative everything could be rewritten making us ponder what we'd change if we could turn back time."
"I can rewrite possibilities in my life and in the lives of others."
"Jos Whedon came in and did an almost complete page one rewrite."
"How to create instant internal conflict without any rewriting."
"Writing a book is really about rewriting."
"You can always rewrite the story."
"Let's see if we can't rewrite and improve this letter."
"During production of the movie, they were probably constantly rewriting it because that's how they make movies."
"They can rewrite the whole universe if they unify."
"It's already happening; the history is getting rewritten."
"The take-home message from my lecture here today will be that we are in the process of rewriting European prehistory and it will never look the same."
"You get to rearrange your life, you get to rewrite the story, you get to write the new story."
"Rewrite it in Rust is so prevalent because rust's choices of low level control and high-level ergonomics are wildly useful to any application building."
"History is being rewritten as we talk."
"It's like, literally rewriting the entire reason why the United States of America exists. That feels like a relatively big 'you'."
"They wanted to keep that footage of him and keep his character alive. So they rewrote, they wrote another character completely."
"Through the power of understanding and the strength of the human spirit, even the darkest of fates could be rewritten."
"With Tony Gundam not only did he manage to unify the whole franchise but also rewrote it back to himself and it was always right there in the name turned a Gundam AKA for all Gundam."
"Writing is thinking, rewriting is rethinking."
"...if I have ten days to do a rewrite, the first six are usually procrastination."
"Loki is rewriting the future by changing the past."
"How are we going to rewrite the story of how Africans believe in themselves?"
"You don't have to die. And I can start rewriting the script of how I wanna live my life."
"Jan vowed to alter the course of Destiny, being the only human who had witnessed the end game and now returned to rewrite the fate of humanity."
"There's a direct thread between rewriting the past and writing a very dark future."
"...there is no good writing, there is only good rewriting."
"The main point of the two queries we just looked at though is that sometimes the way to improve the performance of SQL statement is to rewrite the statement in a different way."
"The most difficult thing is rewriting. It's much harder than writing in the first place."
"Anne was overjoyed to have her family history rewritten."
"...if the research team is correct and humans were butchering mammoths at this site almost 40,000 years ago, all our history books will need to be Rewritten."
"So, we know subtract our index, so it's going to be, I can rewrite it several ways, right guys, so I can rewrite it as 3 to the sixth power subtract 3 is equal to 3x."
"The true Bible is perfect, but again it's been rewritten."
"You can always rewrite your life story, but number one, you gotta take responsibility for whatever you did wrong."
"The movie itself might be salvageable with rewrites and re-shoot although that's debatable."
"All we're doing is we're rewriting it in a different form, in its completed square form."
"Rewrite that story, say yes this did hurt me but no, I am not that moment."
"I rewrite completely, rewrite the story."
"For us, it's not just digging; it's how we try to write history again."
"Artificial intelligence is very intelligent; it will take the concept and rewrite it, everything is going to be rewritten, so it's not plagiarizing."
"You can ask it to paraphrase, keeping the length and rewriting in a different way while retaining meaning."
"We are witnessing complete rewriting of history or remaking of history because it has very little to do with history as we know it."
"You're not going to be able to express your ideas clearly off the bat; you're going to have to write and rewrite and rewrite until you get to something that clearly communicates its intent."
"Have you ever started working on someone else's code and your first thought is: I don't understand this, I'm gonna rewrite it?"
"We're rewriting the possibilities of what human beings can do."
"You can rewrite every day as you would have wanted it to go."