
Misdiagnosis Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Not only does Jensen not have a medical condition, he doesn't have a phobia either."
"We are the ones that are the greatest allies of Asian people."
"Another theory that's out there is exposure to toxic mold. Mold toxicity is actually a very common cause of psychiatric symptoms that would look like a possession to some people."
"Your kid could be demonized and attacked but your doctor calls it autism."
"I guess your doctor gave you the wrong diagnosis."
"There's been three documented instances this year of people being pronounced dead and they're not dead."
"The symptoms of inattention... might actually be a phenomenon related to the OCD."
"Not every kid in first grade has ADHD. Sometimes they just have energy."
"Annie's case of Love Boat fever was later confirmed to be the coronavirus."
"If you are diagnosed with terminal cancer and survive, you are more likely to believe that God cured you than that you had three idiot doctors diagnose you."
"Because I didn't take the misdiagnosis and I didn't take the medication I'm able to speak to you guys clear of thought and transparently."
"This person isn't possessed, this is the case of dissociative disorder."
"So my point is, there's a lot of people out there struggling in silence, misdiagnosed, and they're taking pills and maybe the voices are quieting, but there are some people legitimately, a lot of people legitimately, that need freedom."
"You know this is one of those rare instances where a misdiagnosis actually fix the problem believe that."
"What happened to those poor type ones diagnosed as type twos 10-15 years ago?"
"Telling someone that they have Alzheimer's when they don't is one of the worst things that you can do to a person."
"So groin pain and buttock pain are the most common but I've seen people where they just have pain on the outside of their hip and they're told that they have bursitis or something like that when in actuality they have a stiff and painful hip."
"This misdiagnosis risk isn't just theoretical; 40% of individuals who meet the full criteria for borderline personality were previously diagnosed at some point with bipolar disorder."
"Individuals with hereditary alpha tryptazemia often show symptoms resembling mast cell mediator release and may be mistaken for systemic mastocytosis."
"Sometimes the doctor can make a stupid assumption that costs the patient her life when it could have been treated if caught early."
"So how aware is the medical community and the patience about chronic Lyme? Is this a disease and the symptoms that usually get missed or misdiagnosed? Yeah, absolutely."
"People need to hear it, both the professionals but also the patients, people who are suffering from pain that they think is caused by something that actually it's not."
"Patients who have migraine can get a lot of neck pain and they can feel like they are having more neck issues or they think they have issues with neck arthritis when in fact it's just from migraine itself."
"I was diagnosed when I was 12 with being bipolar, but I actually was misdiagnosed and mis-medicated for it. So, I was on medication at the time that in retrospect, I didn't need to be on."
"Every single doctor told me that I was depressed or I had chronic fatigue."
"If you have LADA, you have adult-onset type 1 diabetes, you do not have type 2 diabetes."
"Granular cell tumor can cause the mucosa or the epidermis to grow in a way that makes it get misdiagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma."
"ADHD symptoms in adults can often be mistaken for other health issues such as mood disorders, substance issues, or sleep disorders."
"So what's, what once had been misdiagnosed with some frequency as, as asthma or pneumonia, is now vetted via the use of pulse oximeters and, and if necessary, chest x-rays to reveal that."
"Some of you guys have mentioned you don't like it when I bring up the misdiagnoses that were done from people before me... well, I don't like it when professional mechanics charge a customer $1,100 and still profit off of their misdiagnosis."
"Don't mistake the emotions of ADHD for another disorder."
"It is better not to label someone with disease than to label them with a disease which they do not have."
"She was never dead at all, and the hospital confirmed that they'd never said she was physically dead, only brain dead."
"It was when she was brought in by Oxford Physicians... they realized that the supposed cadaver they had been given was still alive."
"CIDP is frequently misdiagnosed, as data suggests that misdiagnosis rates may be as high as 90 percent."
"It's a miracle, yeah, you know, people get misdiagnosed with all sorts of problems."
"It can be easy to misidentify this as a psychiatric or psychological problem."
"Women are at far higher risk of misdiagnosis."
"The neuropsychological profile of the prophet does not fit with the neuropsychological profile of someone having temporal lobe epilepsy."
"Misdiagnosis, incorrect troubleshooting, is arguably the biggest single waste of maintenance dollars that aircraft owners spend."
"The vet wrote it off as old age, but she was only five."
"A layer of fungus or bacteria on the very top of a chronic ulcer doesn't necessarily mean that fungus or bacteria are causing the ulcer."
"ATTR amyloidosis is really not that rare; it was just previously underdiagnosed."
"Postural tachycardia syndrome... affects predominantly women and it's often misdiagnosed as an anxiety disorder or panic attacks."
"Polymyositis is likely over diagnosed and rare."
"Panda's pans is actually much more common than people realize, it's just rarely diagnosed."
"Women are 50% more likely to be misdiagnosed if they have a heart attack."
"The problem is quite often not where the pain is; it's a symptom of a dysfunction somewhere else."
"If cognitive impairment is incorrectly diagnosed or missed, appropriate communication, worthwhile activities, and therapies may not be offered."
"Misdiagnosing someone, it does happen. It's a common thing that happens."
"Patient self-diagnosed as dead... he was just pretty high with a bad drug combination."