
Budget Constraints Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Despite the low budgets, almost all of these games are putting in real cracker trying to recreate footy accurately."
"We've got no money left. This is gonna be our only signing for season one, and it's insane."
"In modern football, it doesn't matter how well you run a club. You cannot win the Premier League title with a Championship budget."
"Armed with a tiny budget and an ultra enthusiastic crew, things could have gone so wrong so very quickly."
"Can an under $200 deck compete in an over $4,000 deck format?"
"You're still here? Oh, you're expecting a teaser for Deadpool 2? Well, we don't have that kind of money."
"Truth be told, we didn't have enough money in the budget."
"I'm so happy to be here this weekend. Thank god I've made it through the whole year."
"Nowadays the thing that's hampering beautiful graphically appealing games is not the hardware it's just pure budget."
"What a billion dollar franchise and you can't afford to motion capture one [ __ ] ref? Get out of here with your [ __ ]."
"It's not like you're gonna get a unibody chassis at this price point, but the fit and finish of this multi-piece chassis is so good."
"This year's YouTube rewind ended up being the great value version of a WatchMojo top 10 video."
"The best thing for a director is saying, 'This is what we're going to do, you only have this much money. Do the best with what you've got.'"
"Indie titles represent everything good about the old days, they focus on fun gameplay and innovative things however they don't have the same marketing or development budgets that the big titles do."
"The plastics look like they spent maximum five dollars for this entire interior space."
"You can really feel the passion that went into this film within the confines of a limited budget."
"Among the main reasons for the U.S Air Force's refusal of the YF-23, one can't help but mention such an obvious and stereotypical thing as money."
"We really do rely on you guys because we don't have the big budgets."
"The injuries have definitely changed arsenal's transfer strategy and they now can't spend as much money on a wide forward if they're gonna sign one."
"Antoine Griezmann and a whole host of superstars, and we didn't even have an insane budget to work with, but we still managed to get some business done."
"It's a reflection of the special. Done by inexperienced artists on a shoestring budget, a project that nobody believed in, ended up becoming one of the most important pieces of animated media ever."
"It's sort of strange such a low budget title would do this well with an aspect of the genre even big AAA developers often trip over."
"This isn't a Dubai police station, so they're not going to have Lambos for all the police cars or anything like that, unfortunately. You know, this is just a regular police station, they do what they can with the budget they have."
"It felt like the first movie accomplished a lot... It had a lower budget than a typical Marvel movie." - A reflection on the success of the first Deadpool film despite budget constraints.
"Someone came out of nowhere with much less budget with passion and made a better game."
"So did I like it? I did. Is it great? Is it absolutely outstanding? No. Could it have been better? Yes. But I think they've done really, really well with a budget they were given."
"You can still build really cool stuff if you design a workaround."
"Compared to Snowpiercer and Okja, Parasite had a much smaller budget and the film is very focused on these two spaces but in terms of the themes and story I was more ambitious with this film."
"It's just so surprising how you could have got by with a shoestring budget."
"It's definitely ambitious for the budget that they had."
"The budget constraints are also what gave the film its resonance. The film is science fiction, yet Carpenter chose to populate it with classic cars."
"The fact that like the studios don't want to take those gambles... would anybody make the Matrix now like at the budget it was in 1999? It seems unlikely."
"Let's see if we can cast them out a bit further, see if we can push them to their limit of a 100 pound budget rod. Maybe we'll keep it at 50."
"Australia just doesn't have the budget for that kind of thing."
"The Kyoto brothers did not return due to the low budget, but having gotten their start in low budget films, they were happy to hand off the opportunity to someone else."
"It's extremely important that we realize that we do not have the money."
"Nearly 51 million households don't earn enough to afford a monthly budget that includes housing, food, child care, health care, transportation, and a cell phone."
"Astronauts say the reasons humans haven't returned are budgetary and political, not scientific or technical."
"Tom Hanks revealed that he and director Robert Zemeckis paid for some of Forrest Gump when Paramount limited its budget."
"The public sector is generally subject to tighter budgetary constraints than a private business."
"It's almost like the studio couldn't afford another X-man."
"The slope of the budget constraint graph represents the opportunity cost."
"Sometimes we have a champagne taste and a beer budget."
"They're gonna look at all the financial restraints that they've had, they're going to analyze the situation."
"You know how that is when you do these old cars on a budget."