
Weekdays Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"I understand that you feel like Monday's the first day of the week. I understand that when you google it, both answers come up."
"Weekdays are the times that people are buying."
"It's Monday, I never host on Mondays, I'm really excited!"
"Thank you everyone for patiently waiting for me to come back to TVs."
"We're back. It's Thursday, and I'm ready to go out."
"Mondays is usually the best days of the week for me because it allows for me to get a head start on everybody else when everybody is still reeling from the weekend."
"Happy Monday! Alright listen, I want everyone to get it out of their system right now... Monday sucks."
"It doesn't feel like Friday, you're streaming tonight?"
"Give me gloomy Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays, no, let's not."
"Opportunities can open double doors to opportunity Monday Tuesday Wednesday."
"It's gonna be a long day, but I'm excited. It's Friday!"
"This show right here helps me to stick around, enjoy Mondays, something to look forward to."
"Happy Monday to everyone! I think we need to stop hating on Mondays."
"Mondays and Tuesdays are very similar because I have like the whole morning to myself."
"Tuesday lunch? What? Tuesday lunch, that's today? No, Monday is today."
"Fridays are like my favorite day of the week."
"It's Wednesday." "They do have Wednesdays in space?" "Yeah, of course we do. It's the eighth Wednesday in Clarks."
"Tuesday, the most underrated day of the week folks."
"I'm thinking it's pretty [ __ ] cool, man, you know what I'm saying, on a Monday."
"Friday seems like a good day to go on a date."
"Tuesday is just like right right right like Monday... Tuesday's a do-over to Monday, right?"
"It's gonna be a good day because it's Wednesday."
"Another Monday, baby. Love Mondays."
"Mondays can't wait to see you next week."
"'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.'"
"Weekdays are more like tequila, just to kind of, like, really tell them."
"I am just gosh it's Monday dude it is Monday."
"Monday is the biggest decision day for four men as far as you know diets are concerned."
"Honestly, I really only cook during the week."
"Monday and Wednesday mornings have just become my favorite."
"I love Monday through Friday because I love my career."
"Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you guys had an okay weekend maybe, you had a decent Monday."
"Which day of the week is named after the Norse god Odin? Wednesday."
"It feels like the weekend, but it's only Monday."
"If Monday had a face, I'd punch it."
"Best day of the week. It's Friday and it's 10 o'clock in the morning."
"Thursdays are so underrated, you know."
"No one has more fun on Mondays than we do."
"It's my favorite day of the week, it's Friday."
"Good morning, it is about 6:30, and it is Friday, which is my favorite."
"The seven days of the week are named after the seven classical planets."
"It's a Monday, we're gonna start this week properly."
"It's Monday, that means it's the motivational check-in."
"It's Friday, I've been waiting for this all week."
"Good morning, it is Monday, which is not my favorite as you already know, but today I'm excited."
"This was probably the best Monday I've had in a long time."
"I guess Mondays aren't so bad after all."
"It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays."
"It's Friday morning, I'm excited."
"Typically Sundays are quieter in London."
"I love waking up on Monday mornings now."
"It's Friday, and everyone loves the Friday."
"It's Friday, and the best day of the week for Rampy Chris Staples."
"I'm so relaxed, it's Friday not Monday."
"It is Monday, and we're slaying the day."
"Those who want to beat the Monday blues."
"Tuesday hot dog, Wednesday tacos, Thursday hamburgers and chocolate milk, Friday these sloppy joes and burritos in a bag, Saturday was pizza day, the best day of the week."
"Thursdays are a great day, it's not overly crowded."
"Why does anyone have a wedding on a Thursday?"
"It's Monday, you know, getting things done."
"Fridays will always be better than Sundays 'cause Sundays are my suicide days."
"I'm so happy it's Friday; y'all know I love my Fridays."
"It's chicks in the office with Rianne Fran giving you that Friday energy on a Wednesday."
"Good morning, it's Thursday, holy moly it's going so quickly."
"Good morning, you guys, happy Friday! No, today's Monday. Oh my gosh."
"Tomorrow's Thursday, and that means you're one day closer to Friday."
"I love Mondays. I'm so charged for a Monday."
"You can only have weekends if you have weekdays. That's what makes them weekends."
"Don't close the door on Tuesday; open the door to Tuesday."
"What a weekend, and it was only Tuesday."
"Happy Monday, it's almost Friday, people."
"Good morning, you guys. It is Friday; this week has really flown by."
"It's Monday, Megan and Finley just left probably 20 minutes ago, it was so good to see them."
"It's gonna be a great Monday, it's gonna be mostly a chill day."
"In English, Wednesday means Woden’s day."
"Mondays are the worst, but on Fridays, I'm like yeah!"
"What is your favorite thing to do on a Tuesday?"
"This is the type of Monday that I can get behind."
"Good morning, happy Monday! It's a new week."
"I could even get to like Mondays."
"Happy, happy Friday. Fridays are always good days."
"I'm kind of glad we don't meet on Mondays because I'm just not much of a Monday person."
"Good morning, it's Friday, my favorite day because Benji comes home."
"Happy Tuesday, good people, happy, happy Tuesday."
"The letters stand for the days of the week: Monday, Friday, and Wednesday."
"I hope your Tuesday is going to be spectacular."
"It's an exciting Monday though, it's a good Monday."
"Happy Thursday, happy one day till Friday, baby!"
"I'm in a relatively good mood considering it's Monday morning."
"I woke up thinking it was Monday, so then when I realized it was Sunday, I felt like wow, I just gained a day on the week."
"It's a beautiful Monday in New York City."
"It's Monday, embrace your Mondays, right?"
"It's Friday, it's Sammy's favorite day, obviously it's a good day to be Friday."
"I love having days off on the weekdays because no one is out."
"You can have days off that are weekdays, and you could go to the beach where everybody is not at."
"Welcome to our favorite day of the week."
"We're the only group in the world that loves Mondays."
"It's Friday, and that's just where I like to be."
"Not a bad way to start a Monday morning."
"This must be a Thursday, I could never get the hang of Thursdays."
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, but more importantly, it's a Monday."
"We have the cure for the Monday morning blues."
"I'll never understand why Monday is so far away from Friday, but Friday is so close to Monday."
"I should be miserable because it's Monday, but I'm actually, you know what, I'm okay."
"Good morning, it is a Monday for me, which is not my favorite, but today I think it's gonna be a good day."
"It's Monday, it sucks, so let's have some fun instead."
"Nothing ruins a Friday quite like remembering it's actually Tuesday."
"It's Tuesday morning and it is a good one."
"Which day of the week has the highest number of accidents?"
"Good morning, it is Friday, which is my favorite, and it is a beautiful day here in the state of Wisconsin."
"Good morning, it is Friday, be blessed and thankful."
"On the average Monday, thirty-seven coffees are made."
"Happy Monday! I feel like it's a Saturday."
"When you wake up and it's only Thursday."
"Mondays in general just aren't a very profitable day for restaurants."
"Every day is the same, but I still get excited for Fridays."
"It's gonna be a good day, it's Monday, that's one of my favorite days of the week."
"Hope everyone's having a good Monday."
"I love Fridays. Fridays are live; everybody loves Fridays."
"It's so much fun, and it really blows me over that people say they look forward to Wednesdays."
"Happy Tuesday, it's a new day, and today has gone a lot better than yesterday."
"Dedicated to Venus in ancient Rome was which day of the week? Friday."
"I hope you're all in a good mood, even though it is the second Monday."
"Happy Monday, if you're watching it on a Tuesday, Wednesday, happy days. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, well, welcome to that day."
"Monday is actually my favorite day of the week."
"It's Monday, beginning of a new week."
"Saturn is also the namesake of Saturday, arguably the best day of the week."
"It's Friday, started with inspiration and joy. I like Fridays."
"We lived through Tuesday, we survived."
"It's Monday, and he sounds upbeat. I like that."
"Sunday rest is for Tuesday, it's for Wednesday, it's for Thursday, the recharging of your batteries."
"I mean, who likes Mondays? If I can make them better, then so be it."
"It's an easy day, makes for a good Friday."
"I love me some fish fingers, fish fingers on a Monday."
"Have a great week, yes it's a Monday today, Monday, oh the best day of the week."
"It's Tuesday, try something new today."
"It's been one of those days, one of those Mondays, right?"
"Good morning, it is a beautiful Monday morning."
"Monday is named after the moon, and Thursday is named after Thor."
"She'd never looked forward to a Monday as much as she did tonight."
"It's a Monday kind of feeling on a Tuesday afternoon, I can hear Wednesday calling but then Thursday comes too soon."
"The days of the week also made reference to Germanic deities: Monday came from Mani, personification of the Moon."
"Yes, very, very exciting. I can't believe it's only Tuesday."
"The idea of freedom is great and the idea of weekdays becoming your weekends is really neat."
"Tuesday can be one of the most entertaining nights of the week."
"It's Friday and we love Fridays, don't we folks?"
"Thursday doesn't feel that weeky, it feels like a weekend day."
"It's Monday, it's gonna be a great week."
"Day of week might matter because our behavior is different on weekends versus weekdays."
"Saturday indeed is the best day of the week."
"Friday, because today is the best day of the week."
"What a great Monday, I really needed it."
"The week begins as it tends to do, with a Monday."
"It's like the nicest thing to do on a Monday."
"Happy Wednesday, my favorite day of the week."
"Monday, it'll be here before you know it."
"Thursday, the gateway to the weekend."
"Good morning, y'all. Happy Monday!"
"I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too, Thursday I don't care about you, it's Friday I'm in love."
"It's Friday already, I cannot believe it."
"It's Tuesday, come on Wednesday, come on Friday, y'all have a great day."
"Mondays are always better than Fridays."
"Mondays are some of my favorite days to look forward to nowadays."
"Even though it is a Monday morning, there is still quite a beehive of activity out here."
"It's Friday, yep, have you had a good day? I had a good day."
"Even though as much as I love my job, it is very difficult to get up and going on a Monday."
"Good morning, it is Tuesday, and winter is just playing us again."
"I love Fridays. That's my favorite day of the week."
"What a great way to spend your Monday."
"You make Mondays feel like weekends."
"This makes Monday nights so cool."
"Enjoy your Monday, enjoy your week."
"It's Monday morning, I'm feeling good."
"I'm up before 9:00 a.m., Monday just hits a little different."
"I don't quite know how we got to Friday; the week seems to have gone pretty fast."
"Enjoy this gorgeous beautiful Tuesday."
"Brunch with breakfast on a Tuesday? You got a problem. You do it on the weekend, you got brunch."
"Yeah buddy, Thursday's the best day of the week."
"Hello everybody, it's the best day of the week, Thursday!"
"Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Monday. Hope nobody's got a case of the Mondays."
"You don't hate Mondays; you hate the pain of existing."
"I love Mondays now because I go live."
"The weekdays are my break from the weekends, if that makes sense."
"The week is as good as done; Fridays never count anywhere."
"And the week begins as it tends to do on a Monday."
"Hope you've enjoyed your weekend because now Monday's coming."
"Thursdays are always cool, I always say Thursday is where cool people hang out."
"Monday is like that annoying cousin you don't want to see but have to."
"It's Monday, guys. All Monday time is good time."
"Hello, today is a great day because it's the beginning of the week."
"Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday. Tuesday isn't exactly the funnest day of the week, but I hope you guys have a good Tuesday because I'm gonna be enjoying mine."
"No one actually hated Friday; everyone loved it."
"Monday being done always feels so good."
"Is it Monday yet? I love Mondays."
"If Thursday is Friday junior, is Saturday Friday senior?"
"Happy Monday to everybody, I hope everybody has a good productive week."
"Nobody has more fun on Mondays than us."
"Where is your favorite day of the week? Thursday. It's like a pretty Friday."
"Watching videos on Terror Tuesday, get lit on a Tuesday 'cause it's not a Monday."
"Hey guys, we're the reason you love Mondays."