
Unexpected Encounter Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I woke up with a startle only to register that there was a man standing silently at the foot of my bed."
"Seeing the deer stand on its hind legs right in front of the camera made the individual think it was a skinwalker playing with him."
"Little did Chelsea know that this night, she would encounter a real monster."
"We couldn't resist looking and right there, standing behind the guardrail was the man in black."
"It's gonna come in the form of an animal, it's either gonna look at you, it's either gonna fly in a bizarre way, it's either gonna do something unusual or it's either just gonna be unusual in itself."
"A woman was driving her car onto the beach when she spotted a man in a tent apparently he had kind of walked up to the car and just kind of looked at her and she immediately knew who he was by his wanted posters."
"I woke up in a hospital and a drop-dead gorgeous man was staring down at me."
"It's what I heard breaking the silence, then a hand patted my shoulder twice and started squeezing it."
"Taii proudly presents his new form to the guild master."
"This nurse did not expect that behind her was her sister who served in the military."
"It was the first time I was hunting with my dad's rifle, a lever-action Winchester. That day, I was hunting northwest of basket lake. When I got up to it, what do you think I saw? It was a Sasquatch."
"If you woke up at 3:00 a.m. and saw Catnap at the edge of your bed, that would be the scariest thing ever."
"I didn't scream. I couldn't believe what was in front of me. Then the creature's ears ruffled. It dropped Mark and started backing up. Its deer head hung lazily to the side as it moved."
"As a concept, in the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, oh here we go, he met Dracula!"
"It's kind of like one day your doorbell goes, you answer it, there's Jesus Christ stood there on your doorstep..."
"Nice to meet you, I'm not supposed to be here."
"An old version of you with a half cyborg face just teleported into your living room from the future."
"He's honestly surprised that she actually came back for him... she notices him and immediately draws her sword out of fear."
"I was amazed, I did a lineup for a show once, and there was a royal presence."
"I didn't think we fought you down in this place."
"What would you do if you came across this? Before you freak out, that's not a gorilla."
"Not even a foot away from the window, I can't even begin to explain the sheer fear and horror I felt looking him right in the eyes."
"At first, we just stared at each other, until suddenly, without warning, this creature let out an extremely loud growl and then charged right at us."
"A venomous cobra snake appeared out of the blue."
"I merely smiled at a TSA agent and he asked for my phone number."
"Who the [__] are these little white children?"
"I said, 'Was a word Russell Simmons?' He said, 'You're here in the back room.' So I mean my man go in the back room and it's just do laying in the bed with some Puccini drawers on and awesome leopard print sheet right side see."
"You're gonna be shocked at who this is and it all starts with you reaching out or posting something."
"Your person feels as if, you know, they went fishing, they were trying to find a partner, right, and when you go fishing, you go fishing for fish, but they ended up catching this mermaid and that's you, baby."
"Oh no, I was aiming to kill myself. You just happened to be here."
"Why is there a merchant down here"
"I just bought it from a music store in LA. I didn't think I'd ever see him again."
"Of all the people in the face of earth that I really really didn't want to run into that evening, it had to be them."
"once the dingy was Secure and our highs were set I saw this dog out of the corner of my eyee and my heart skipped a beat"
"So basically this little blonde girl broke into someone's yard when she got in there there was three roots in the ashtray."
"Wait do people know how I got this money nobody nobody knows but that that person would know so like you feel it fresh and he just happened to pop up at the same 7-Eleven."
"She walked into a house and he was standing on the lawn holding a lantern."
"I had crawled down to the creek to get breakfast. Along the way, I heard somebody say, 'Is that you, Michelle?' 'Yes. Where are you?' 'I'm having breakfast.'"
"It's really rather bizarre walking down a trackway in the 21st century and coming across a bloke singing a medieval song."
"Excitement turned to shock when the fisherman's massive catch was suddenly attacked by a great white shark."
"She was planning on telling this guy off, but when she stepped out of her room at the same time that he was stepping out of his room and they laid eyes on each other, it was love at first sight."
"I'm in an open relationship. And so, came across Bryn and his TikToks, and I didn't think it was gonna progress."
"I didn't come here for a drink," he said. "I was looking for you."
"If Bigfoot ever pulled up on me, breeding, brother. Breeding."
"'Didn't expect to see you yourself this morning... made my day.'"
"I really went to encounter some fried chicken. I didn't go to encounter Jesus Christ but if I had to listen to some Jesus trying to get the pork chops, okay, it's a fair trade-off right?"
"You nervous at all, imagine seeing Richard Nixon right before you die, like, your life doesn't flash for your eyes, nothing, it's just an ankle gun, no white lights."
"It was mad though hearing his voice and the things he was saying. He was like 'I've seen a lot of you' and I was like 'Cheers for that Ian'."
"I was driving by when I saw a man in a clown costume walking on the sidewalk."
"Recently, I had a pretty strange experience with someone or something in the Walmart parking lots."
"I now notice the long semi-curved horns protruding from its head like those of a goat."
"She longed for adventure, and then one day, a stranger turned up at her door."
"What's up, ducky? Why are you in our yard?"
"He found her waiting in the rain in front of the closed mall and offered her shelter under his umbrella."
"He was something different than she was used to."
"You hear something rustling out in the woods, you arm yourself, and through the trees comes a strange man with a backpack."
"Well, hello Lion King, I enjoyed you before but did not expect to see you in dinosaur form."
"You're not the woman I expected, but you know, I think we can make this work."
"Robin was walking home when he saw a puppy on the street."
"I was exploring the forest behind the house, just enjoying the Summer Breeze when my dog started growling."
"All of a sudden I saw red eyes staring at me from out of nowhere."
"I was out dancing in a club one time and somebody comes up and goes, 'Excuse me, did you drop this?'"
"OJ lifted his head at the wrong moment and made eye contact with the prettiest girl he had ever seen."
"They enjoyed the hike despite going up the wrong path and experiencing that strange encounter."
"We saw what looked like a man-sized dog in the middle of the road ahead of us."
"I came here looking for someone else, I'm glad I found you."
"You didn't expect to see us, punk. You're f***ed now, Nabbit."
"I snuck out of the house and went with my friends over to the party, and who's sitting on the couch? My dad."
"I was walking home when a man stopped me on the street."
"They're scared because they weren't expecting to find someone like you so soon in their lives."
"Somebody very unusual, somebody really beautiful is going to cross your path."