
Parenting Quotes

There are 22522 quotes

"When a kid says, 'I was picked last and nobody even wants me,' to sit and say some version of like, 'I'm so glad we're talking about this, and I could tell that was a really hard gym class. Sweetie, I believe you.' You will watch your kid. It is crazy to me what parents tell me happens when they say those words to their kids."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As a parent, you just want to take that pain and suffering away. That's how I'm defining empathy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our own children give it a sense of urgency."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having children definitely changes your time horizon."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The smell of children... the back of their neck, and how it's associated with that feeling of missing them."
"As a parent, you spend your whole life trying to protect your child... you never would think you have to protect your child from harming somebody else."
"Speak into your children. Even if they don't seem to listen, they are hearing you."
"If you have children, speak into them. See them on the other side of their troubles. That's how powerful prayer is."
"Kindness is the greatest gift we can teach our children."
"If you are not within yourself happy and compassionate, you cannot give this to your children or anyone around you."
"The most important thing we never taught our children is how to deal with the emotions inside us."
"For the machines to become amazing teenagers in 10 years' time, we need to become amazing parents today."
"You can be friends with your children when they are children or when they are adults, but you cannot be both."
"Let your children know you love them; they must feel love from you."
"Protect your kids' beliefs and ensure that they know without a doubt that you love them."
"This is about putting parents back into their children's lives."
"Having kids, very low tech, but it is a technology for opening new portals."
"Through healthy parenting through healthy self-governance, we become hopefully better and good more than we are bad."
"It's really interesting like this woman was working part-time from home, two young kids, getting up at 5:00 a.m. to meal prep for the day as a super mom would, like insanity."
"With children, if you get the first five years right, you're awarded the rest of your life; if you get them wrong, you're tortured the rest of your life."
"If you're a mother feeding this to your child and thinking, 'Well, I'm doing a plant-based thing,' and you're feeding them a totally deficient diet."
"There'll be nothing more enjoyable that you do in your whole life than spend time with your little kids because they really want to like you more than anything else."
"Most of the time, we love our children, and we would like to facilitate their development."
"One of the very interesting developments was how did the Western parent, when asked what do you want the most for your child, say 'I want my kids to be happy'."
"The proper balance for a child is something like an embrace, that's the maternal embrace, and encouragement to transform, and that's more the paternal territory."
"If you raise them right till 18, from there, they're going to make some decisions, some of them you can agree with, some of them you're not going to agree with."
"Your kids get the message that they really matter to you and that a phone or a device or computer is not more important to them."
"He said he believes his kids can learn more from the bazaars of Egypt than they can from the regular schooling system."
"Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world."
"Having a kid is really helpful for humility definitely because kids don't care."
"It's a great equalizer; it just keeps me in check, keeps me in alignment."
"I need like guidance, and my kid is serving as some kind of ultimate like north star."
"We just needed them to be empathic...it was the only thing that mattered because I wanted to put two decent, kind human beings into the world."
"If you are bringing your kids to sporting events, football games, concerts, and you don't buy your baby or toddler those little ear headphone things, you're a bad parent."
"This has to be the hardest storm I'll ever weather, but damn, I know I'll sail through it, if not for me, for my children."
"Parents could make sure that their kids know that they're available, so they don't have to rely on the internet for information about their own bodies."
"You have to step up, and you have to be the parent."
"Freedom is overrated because people, for example, have children. Are they free? No, they have children at home they need to take care of."
"Nurturing the emotional vocabulary and world of children can prevent narcissistic tendencies."
"Parents play a crucial role in raising empathic children by focusing on their emotional development."
"The highest level of fulfillment is not stuff; it's not even legacy; it's actually having children and seeing those children become great members of society."
"I loved a woman so much that I married her, a woman who, despite all of this, I still love as the mother of my children."
"It's not realistic to tell your kids they are perfect because it sets a standard they will always feel they can't measure up to."
"I tucked my kid into bed every night. I'm not missing that for nothing."
"The best we can do is a loving course from compliance to commitment. That your kids need to do what you're asking them to do out of compliance, but at some point, if all I teach him is compliance and don't give him the why, then when he's there... he's moved to a commitment to our family values."
"I want my kids to like me. No one gives a [__]. You want your kids to like you when they're 25, they want to come back, can see you, and they're independent leaders."
"Children need love, they need affection, they need growth, they need correction but appropriate correction."
"We promise to do the best job we can as your parents."
"I think a parent's role is also to be there no matter what. That's really like your number one job."
"The good enough parent makes just enough mistakes that the child has to figure some of this stuff out on their own."
"To be mindful and present with children to the degree you possibly can... to really allow that child to feel heard, seen, and recognized."
"Allowing children to experience disappointment... because the incapacity to self-regulate is a real problem."
"We don't have to pass our Brokenness on to our children."
"If your potential is to raise a great family and raise really great kids and you've done it, that's greatness."
"I think if mum can start to manage her own emotions and regulate them, then she'll teach the kids to be able to do the same as well."
"You've got to handle your business yourself here with your kids."
"This is great, not having to put your kid in daycare and they get both parents for 2 years."
"Children are happier when you impose limitations on them... By imposing structure on them, it gives them comfort."
"If you raise your kids with kindness, they'll be kind."
"Our children are learning from what we do, not what we say."
"If you're showing them that you respect yourselves, that you honor yourselves, that you want the best for yourselves, they are going to respond to that and learn from that."
"I believe I'm a good mom because I do give my son unconditional love and space to be whoever he wants to be."
"There is no job that is more rewarding or tougher than raising human beings."
"Your kids aren't gonna be who you want them to be; they're gonna be who they are."
"You have to let them brush up against the guardrails of failure from time to time."
"I know technology is the way of the future, but as a parent, the most important thing to do is to be present with your child."
"Human connection is the most important thing for our daughter."
"The most important quality that affects the circuitry of the child's brain is the quality of parent-child relationships, especially in the early years."
"The hardest thing about being a dad is having to exercise the patience required until your children believe what you see in them."
"You're a great kid. Gosh, how lucky am I to be your parent? What a joy it is to raise you."
"I want to show her that a dad can have hips, a dad doesn't have to have a perfectly flat chest or even be able to grow facial hair."
"Keep being amazing to your kids, keep being the best mom you are."
"Imagine the power of asking your kids, 'What do you think?'"
"I'm raising my kids to be respectable. I'm raising my girls to be princesses; they got to know their worth."
"Your parents, unless they were actually terribly abusive, were doing the best they could."
"Joe just gave me the willpower to persevere. You know, I've done this, it works. Keep going. You're not hurting your kids, you're asking something very simple."
"For some parents, it can be highly embarrassing when you're in a restaurant and your kid is screaming down the house. But if you don't learn to stick with it and push through, then you'll never go out to a restaurant and enjoy yourself."
"I always tell people, so I think the way you end up with daughters like me and my sister, the best thing they did is they encouraged us with anything we had any interest or aptitude at, often in very unusual ways."
"Any man can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad."
"Parents have to nurture; they have to support their children."
"Fathers have to teach their sons that women and men are equal, even though they may not have been raised with that belief."
"You changed the course of your life... because you wanted to be there for the child."
"I work hard for every dollar I get to provide for my children."
"America needs to understand exactly what you just said. I'm only the man I am and the dad I am because I've taken the mistakes I made in life and I've turned that into a body of knowledge called experience."
"Parents have really done an amazing job of protecting their children."
"I love having a kid and having a baby. It's awesome, but it's really hard."
"Once I was able to experience being a day-to-day dad, that [expletive] meant the world."
"Kylie is teaching her growing daughter how to stay humble."
"Kylie is also teaching Stormi about the importance of body acceptance and self-love."
"I want to be an example for her. What kind of example would I be if she said she doesn't like her ears, and then I didn't like them either?"
"Megan Fox prohibits her kids from using the internet and TV."
"J.Lo's rule: No technology until all homework is done."
"Your children's happiness is the number one priority."
"It was just so classic, like parenting in hindsight. Like, I'm and retelling this story, I'm really kind of, I like this memory."
"Anytime you and I ever go through anything that's like classic parenting or struggle parenting, it always makes me just go, we're like such a great team."
"It's important to have good communication with kids."
"Sometimes the best way to take care of your kids is to take care of yourself."
"The best thing I can do as a parent is to work on my own [stuff] so that I don't project it onto my kids."
"The Bible says encourage each other and build each other up... You've been raising your kids... with kindness and compassion and courage, and that's a huge encouragement."
"Our job as a parent is not to add in the chaos when kids are emotional and upset; our job is to share our calm with the kids."
"Parenting is inherently imperfect, and no one will ever be a perfect parent."
"Parents who practice apologizing and modeling accountability for when you make mistakes... that's a much more useful method of parenting."
"Parenting doesn't exist in a vacuum. Parenting and child-rearing and families exist in these many complex, multifaceted environments that are all influenced by each other."
"Trying to find a method that works best for the family, trying to meet everyone's needs."
"When you adopt a child... you are establishing a parent-child relationship with that child as if that child were born to you."
"Parenting isn't always an easy job... but parenting is a necessary job."
"Let go of that unfounded fear and give your child permission to be human. We all have days like that, and none of us are perfect. We must stop holding our children to a higher standard of perfection than we can attain ourselves."
"Remind yourself of your children's brain development, that their brains still have a lot of developing to do, and to be gentle, kind, and empathetic towards their learning journey on how to process and explain their emotions calmly."
"Don't ask yourself at the end of the day if you did everything right. Ask yourself what you learned and how well you loved, then grow from your answer. That is perfect parenting."
"If we really want a better tomorrow for our kids, we have to be really serious on how we educate our kids and how we bring them up."
"I'm still goofy with my kids. I laugh with them, play with them."
"I feel like I cross over the borderline of being a parent and being a friend."
"I feel like, as a father, you have to teach whatever you learn. If you don't do that, you aren't a good father."
"It's really challenging for parents to have a child with ADHD...how hard it is to be a parent with a child with ADHD."
"Parenting style affects the severity of ADHD."
"Authoritative parenting styles...are structured and supportive."
"Being a parent is on-the-job training; there's no manual for parenting."
"Loving parents need to communicate two basic facts to children: First, you are the center of my world. Second, you are not the center of the world."
"Her ideas are so fresh that they cut through the clutter of the books designed to tell you how to fix your child, and instead ask you to fix yourself first."
"To truly love someone takes faculties that we haven't developed yet, and least of all the parent."
"Kim Kardashian on work ethic: 'Growing up, Kim learned about hard work from her parents... these days Kim is making sure her kids know the value of work ethic.'"
"What Hogwarts house is our baby in? Clearly Gryffindor, with rising Slytherin."
"I'm the cool dad. 'Yo, your parent won't play games and watch cartoons in other languages? Cool, you do you.' That's the plan."
"Put the kid in front of cartoons in foreign languages so that way they're learning those foreign languages just automatically."
"Parenting is my real test, to train them is my cause."
"If we can have her and the rest of our kids live a good life, then that's all you want as a parent."
"Toddlerhood is going to be a trip, but so far, it is so fun. I am literally loving how he's just... We can communicate with him now."
"Talking to your children with respect because they're human beings."
"It's almost like teamwork and a collaborative effort instead of like a power struggle."
"We are the leaders in the household... but if we do it calmly, confidently, and respectfully, there's no fight."
"There is a huge lack of support in general for Millennials to be the best parents that they can be."
"How we talk to our children becomes their inner voice."
"Someone to be proud of us so you are never too old to not need that parental figure to be able to share in your journey with you."
"Parenting is one of the hardest jobs that we're not taught how to do."
"You're either making the world a better place for my daughter or you're creating more problems for my daughter and her peers."
"There is no rule book, no right or wrong; you just have to make it up and do the very best you can to care for your family."
"True freedom without boundaries is terrifying for children; it's chaos."
"You help make your children socially acceptable, and you will increase their self-esteem."
"Remember, friends, take care of your daughters so they don't have to spend a lifetime healing wounds created from unhealthy choices that you're making today."
"Think about how you're showing up. Think about your fears, your own anxieties, how they're showing up in your parenting. How I can do things differently. Where do I start? What's the one thing that I can do today? How do I begin to separate my own childhood from my parenting."
"Taking accountability and responsibility is important for parents so kids will know okay this isn't right. This is a mistake. So that when they are making the same mistakes, they don't leave their house thinking that this is just a way of being, but that these are things that we are growing."
"Loving even when it's hard, finding a way to love even when it's hard."
"It's really important not to give them everything. You have to have those boundaries."
"The words that we say are powerful. They are powerful in the way our kids think about who they are."
"I don't think there is a right or wrong way to parent, because kids are all very different, just like human beings are all very different."
"The goal for me is to have a young boy who's able to express himself well because society has taught boys that they're not allowed to have feelings and emotions."
"We have no idea what we're doing. This is just what we've done and it works well for Flynn because he does really well when things are explained to him."
"Parents often play a critical part in forming their child's first relationships."
"Children are actors, and they act out what they see in us."
"Loving a child is like a really moist brownie."
"First of all, Black men talking to their sons in that type of manner is important."
"I would just implore you to consider the long-lasting effects that this will have on your kid."
"Parents need to make sure their kids are happy...we care more about the judgment of our contemporaries about what our children are accomplishing more than caring about our children."
"Parents are the biggest fucking problem in society because parents use children as collateral for their own self-esteem and it needs to fucking stop."
"It's just, it's the best anyway. I love you all. Thank you so much for all your support."
"The greatest gift you can give children is self-esteem."
"We want our kids to have enough money to do anything they want in life, but not enough so they don't have to do anything at all."
"If you love your children and they ask you for something that you know is going to hurt them, do you want to give it to them? Well, what do you expect God to do?"
"It's your job as a parent to use your maturity and wisdom to guide your child and lead them through their own confusion."
"It's by challenging your kids, not by protecting them, that you make them resilient."
"When you're a dad, and not just a dad, a single dad, you got to have a lot of tricks up your sleeve to keep these kids occupied, to keep them happy, and to keep them knowing that you love them no matter what."
"We still need to maintain the stability of the kids' upbringing whilst doing what else needs to be done."
"If you do not show humility to your children, they will not learn humility."
"Kids are so much fun; there's a horrible amount of work, but it's so rewarding."
"Kids will ask you what happened on 9/11. You will straight up at the kitchen table go, 'I don't know. Go to school, ask them. I pay taxes, let them tell you.'"
"My mom raised me to believe in myself and that my exterior had nothing to do with my worth."
"You can't shelter and helicopter parent your kid forever."
"It's a very courageous thing to bring a child into the world. And then it's a very responsible thing to do it properly."
"My job as a parent is to raise kids with good self-esteem."
"We teach our kids to go through life being kind to people, standing up for themselves, and being confident."
"Our job as parents is to help our kids grow in wisdom, maturity, and virtue."
"Your children should be looking up to you, not Batman or Superman."
"Your children are autodidacts; they teach themselves. All you need to do is give them the tools, equip them so that they can teach themselves."
"The way you raise your kids in terms of what they eat, how much they move, and their lifestyle can affect them 30, 40, 50 years later."
"You'll never have the opportunity in your life to have as high-quality a relationship with anyone as you could potentially have with your child."
"It just illustrates that not everybody is meant to be a parent."
"Raise children properly, and keeping your career after a marriage is a good thing."
"So many of the problems in our communities because parents haven't set healthy boundaries on you, they haven't taught you how to set healthy boundaries."
"I'm a really good Mom. I have a well of patience for my child that nobody in my life, myself included, knew existed."
"Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they get older, they won't depart from it."
"The children had been the priority, they wanted to be able to tell the three children when the time was right."
"I don't want to compel my child through fear."
"My approach with parenting is to be very loving, very tender, a very good role model."
"Parents get mad because they want their child to have access to better opportunities in life and they don't want them to make the same messed up mistakes they did."
"One of the best things I've done as a parent is I've placed my kids in an immersion program at the age of three...in a language immersion program."
"Happiness is something you feel when things are going well, but the thing about having children is they make you more alive. You are both happier and sadder, more afraid, and more hopeful."
"The best way to show your value for your kids is to show the values for your spouse."
"If you want to raise a great kid, you have to be the example."
"The overwhelming majority of people who have kids would not give up their children to go back to lying in bed, sleeping in naked, and smoking pot."
"Raising a kid is tough if you're not prepared to do it, if you don't have the money to do it, if you don't have the support network to do it."
"Good parenting is about more than simply keeping your kids alive."
"As parents, we can only influence our children in the positive way, we can guide them in the positive way, we can show them what the right path is, but we can never force it upon them."
"It's not easy raising children these days. You're all doing a great job despite all the challenges out there."
"Love is protecting your child until they are mature enough as an adult to make their own life decisions."
"The best thing that you could do for your kids is figure out what's going to make them happy and support them in doing that."
"The way you speak to your children is going to be your children's self-talk when they're older."
"If we can sit with our own fear, then we can sit with our children's fear."
"We need a society that really supports children and babies and mothers, and parents at a young age."
"I'm a father of three, and I want to show them that it is never too late to chase down a dream."
"If your partner says no, that has nothing to do with parenting; that is a core relationship problem."