
Child Psychology Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Meanwhile, what a kid feels like when we say, 'I believe you,' to a hard experience or hard feeling is, 'The feelings that overwhelm me don't overwhelm my parents. They can tolerate it. They're not scared of me being a loser in gym class one day.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Conventional wisdom is wrong. Challenging kids do not lack the will to behave well; they lack the skills to behave well."
"When a toddler throws a tantrum, it's not just a random outburst; it's their brain's threat detection system working overtime."
"After some big experience...there's this drop in the total amount of time the children elected to do this activity."
"Mary Bell's story, in one sense, gives us hope that children who do dreadful things, children who commit murder, can change."
"The baby was at ease once the mother returned. This type of reaction in the child showed a secure attachment style because the baby was easily reassured once the mother returned into the room and quickly returned to play."
"Kids after they're kind of yelled at, in the absence of repair, they really only have two options for how to regulate and feel safe again: they can self-blame, 'It's all my fault,' which is why I feel like most adults when they have a hard time, they tell themselves like, 'It's my fault. I'm not good enough.' It's like the legacy of that story from childhood."
"It's a real issue with social media in particular with children in that we're just not designed for that."
"Zero-tolerance policies are completely wasteful... It also damages children's psychology."
"A child... understands what they're feeling by looking at the facial expressions of the people around them."
"The death of self-esteem can occur quickly, easily, in children, before their ego has legs, so to speak."
"My experiences the child psychiatrist it seems clear that three and four year olds do not have any meaningful understanding of death he may say it but not running of any means."
"This is a kid who has gone through some trauma, okay? There is no doubt about it."
"The best tools to cope with this condition would be should be borrowed from trauma therapies and from child psychology."
"Logic is this just doesn't add up, I don't know what it is, I don't know what the actual equation answer is but it's not this, sorry."
"Validate their feelings and help them move on."
"Dismissing the fears of children is going to be detrimental to all of us."
"Children can be very resilient but it's all about really rebuilding healthy relationships."
"When there's a kid who acts out and has behavioral problems in school and you punish the kid and you tell them, 'Hey, you're a bad kid, bad kid,' what happens to that kid?"
"Kids experience hurt feelings, betrayals, rejections all the time. They'll be utterly devastated for 45 seconds and they forget about it."
"As a matter of child psychology, children are actually pretty receptive to new things."
"Kids are not harmed by being teased. Kids are not bullied into committing suicide because people are making fun of who they are."
"You can't blame a child for what they don't understand."
"Nurture groups also return challenging children more ready and willing to learn."
"Children are just showing you, hey, there's something big that you're missing."
"Good parenting does not mean preventing your child from ever feeling negative emotions."
"The child gradually dies because his external separate existence is not recognized via the parental gaze."
"Kids don't give a [ __ ] they'll tell you right off the bat."
"Once they feel like chores that they're being forced to do, they will most certainly not want to do them anymore, and you do not want to squash that innate interest that they have."
"It's unfair to tell a child that they're a victim because of the color of their skin."
"Strict being a strict parent does not create better children, it creates better Liars."
"Children are capable of understanding their gender identity."
"Kids react appropriately to behavior that makes them feel uncomfortable."
"Babies feel, you know. They can feel the tension, they can feel when there's something wrong."
"So, you know, you put that in perspective. Kids aren't as complex as us, man."
"Children can be capable of the most horrific, premeditated, and violent murders."
"Kids attached to their caretakers and having a revolving door of caretakers when you grow up will cause you to develop some pretty severe psychological issues."
"We give children participation certificates versus giving the winners certificates because we don't want this child to feel like a loser."
"Boundaries and structure make kids feel safe and calm, especially those struggling with anxiety."
"I look at the kids and their faces speak a thousand words."
"Children love consistency and they love predictability. People think that stops children from being creative when actually the opposite is true."
"What kind of person do you have to be to not accept the apologies of a child?"
"That's the biggest deal here because the children feel that."
"A child, however, is actually born with full knowledge of his purpose and destiny."
"It's not the deed that you do to a child, it's the memory."
"Possibly a toy that they haven't seen for a while, novelty often attracts deep interest and independent play."
"Children are completely innocent, their minds are fragile."
"In this stage, the child acquires an understanding of object permanence and starts to understand cause and effect relationships."
"The improvements in parenting... kids who would sit in a row and when they didn't have the same kind of stimulation outside of school compared to what they have inside a school they think they'd be even less depressed."
"Verbal praise is basically at the same level as tangible rewards for a child."
"Children who were intrinsically motivated were most likely to continue doing those behaviors."
"In essence, that's all a child wants is to be loved."
"Validating your kids' feelings are important."
"They interviewed this very prominent child psychologist who said that an 11-year-old has no concept of consequences. They just don't. They their brain isn't developed enough in order for them to be actually able to understand consequences."
"It's not even the shock content you have to worry about, it's the psychological training of kids."
"Children believe robots are alive enough to relate to emotionally."
"As long as the conflict persists between parents, children will feel the need to choose sides."
"A lot of y'all are mixing disrespect with hurt and what that child is feeling is hurt."
"Children are naturally very tolerant about these things; we teach them our intolerance."
"It's impossible to prove that violence in the media causes violence in children. The two are not even strongly correlated."
"Behavior is communication. If a kid turns up on you, they're communicating that they have unpacked emotion that they've never dealt with."
"Children want to feel free just like you do."
"Parents mistreat their kids to make them feel like [__]."
"There's a lot of angst in children right now and a lot of attention issues."
"Just because your child doesn't bring up to you what bothers them does not mean that there is nothing that bothers them."
"Kids don't come up with 'don't be nasty' over a one-time thing, this is a pattern."
"This is the saddest thing ever but these children believe that their worth stems off of this social media network."
"When kids know you're on their side, there's nothing they won't do to help you."
"Eric struggles to understand how the child could overcome an adult and inflict this much damage if it was, in fact, Megan that did this."
"It is important to reward and praise desirable behaviors than to react negatively to unwanted ones."
"Psychological well-being of children: neglected but essential."
"Teaching your child how to be in touch with their feelings can be very beneficial for them."
"Second, you never ever want to shame a child's feelings and you definitely never want to gaslight their feelings."
"Kids like to be organized and they like it when people give them a little bit of help structuring what they're going to do."
"By the age of 10 Ryan's psychological struggles became glaringly evident he was prone to Violent outbursts often tearing through rooms breaking anything in sight and wreaking havoc over minor disagreements or unmet expectations."
"Listen to the children, they're not telling stories, they're telling truth."
"Children are egocentric... they literally can't understand that others can see the world differently from them."
"If a child runs away, what that says is that the one place where they are supposed to have complete safety, the home, they deem that so unsafe that they leave it."
"...it is important to the court that a child of divorced parents is made to feel and understand that divorce is not the child's fault."
"When you pick up the child the cortisol level go down when you don't pick up the child the stress gets worse."
"When a child experiences abandonment, it can affect their sense of safety and security."
"With age, children acquire the ability to understand the perspective or point of view of other people."
"Kids are biologically wired to seek protection and comfort in their caregivers."
"When helping children talk about their fears and talk about how they can cope with their fears, have children generate some of those solutions themselves."
"The greatest stress that a child can have is being separated from its primary caretaker."
"Children are in what's called a Theta brainwave State, a meditative or even hypnotic State."
"The gold standards of Children's Entertainment like Sesame Street and Mr Rogers Neighborhood were developed by people who worked hard to understand how kids perceive and respond to the world."
"Your kids' issues, whatever they would be, either developmental, emotional or whatever, are pawned off on people that aren't trained to handle children."
"It is a reminder that for a child, even a brief time with caring adults can outweigh a home filled with violence and despair."
"Children who can sense that their parents are unhappy often play up."
"One of the worst things you can do to a kid is to try to undermine the child's relationship with their parent."
"Kids don't always present like adults. They're not little adults."
"Listen to what children are saying, that I think is the best advice I've ever heard."
"Children have very fragile minds, and you can inflict a lot of mental abuse on a child, which I think is more devastating."
"So you have the power to cultivate it and bring it to life. The parent does or to conceal it. What happens when a child is hurt? When a child is criticized again and again? When a child is put down? When a child is silenced?"
"Desperation with which children grasp at words because it's this desperate desire to express themselves."
"That's the best environment for a child, from a psychological standpoint it still is, statistical standpoint too, it still is mom and a dad."
"Children are really receptive and resilient."
"They respond really well to positive reinforcement at this age."
"What fascinates me more are the kids and their relationships."
"In her book, she emphasized the three C's to help children cope with the loss of a parent: connection, continuity, and care."
"Because of neuroplasticity, we really change that kid's brain."
"Children are not only processing language but thinking about relationships, judging behavior, learning about life, and guessing what's going to happen next."
"Temper tantrums... occur because the child is becoming independent; they have their own will."
"Children's language development reveals the movement of their thinking from immature and illogical ideas to very logical ideas."
"Children with ADHD often tend to have deficits in being able to delay gratification."
"I'm a child psychologist. I am trained to identify when a child is confabulating or lying... these kids were not doing any of that."
"In the mind of a little child, the children prefer looking for humans' faces than any other."
"Children do not make sound decisions, reason decisions, or wise decisions."
"Humiliation does something very interesting to children."
"Toddlers are egocentric; they can only view situations from their point of view."
"Their innocence and openness can be appealing, and children often respond to treatment much more rapidly than adults do."
"The child internalizes a sense of shame and even guilt over having needs."
"Maternal happiness significantly impacts a child's development with a focus on emotional regulation and responsive parenting."
"The psychology of a child is very fragile in those stages."
"Children do blame themselves... it's too dangerous to think it's the adult's fault because children need adults in order to survive."
"Children learn about the world and about themselves through their relationships with their primary caregivers."
"Sometimes kids will do just the opposite of what you tell them."