
Self-competition Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"All you can do is outwork the man or woman in you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're really only in life competing against yourself."
"I'm not in competition with anybody else; I'm in competition with myself."
"Your biggest competition is always with yourself."
"The only game that can kill Genshin Impact is Genshin itself."
"The audience has gathered, your task as usual is not to lose to yourselves."
"The only person that's gonna beat you is gonna be you."
"Run your own race and not somebody else's... You're racing against yourself."
"I'm not trying to keep anything that's not wanting to be kept. I'm not in competition with anyone but myself."
"You can always learn; you don't never stop learning. I'm only in competition with myself; all I see is me."
"We already have the record, but I'm going to try to break my own record."
"They are not in competition with anyone else but themselves. That is the culture of excellence."
"Once you're number one, you chase yourself. Try to beat yourself."
"The only competition you have is the person staring at you in the mirror."
"The competition is yourself. Let them make their own metrics."
"You can't win someone else's race, you can only run your race."
"The race is long and in the end, it's only against yourself."
"Your biggest competition is that man looking back at you in the mirror."
"That's a good deck when you can only lose to yourself."
"I think the greatest competition is when you are competing with yourself and even you're happy."
"Your biggest competitor is yourself. What's gonna stop you is you. Your own fears are literally going to stop you. So don't let that stop you."
"The competition is only against me, nobody else."
"Keep your eye on the mirror... your only competition is yourself."
"This is a race against other people but also against yourself."
"You simply focus on where you are winning rather than saying what needs to improve."
"Not near person on this planet is your competition except you."
"In a very real sense, you are only ever competing against yourself."
"The only thing I had to compete against was myself."
"It's really about the opponent within yourself. It's the most important. You win that battle, being you win the rest of it's a game within the game."
"If you really want to be in competition with somebody, you're only in competition with yourself."
"He's still the man to beat; he's still the man to beat himself."
"You can't beat me. The only person that can beat me is me."
"Finite players play to beat the people around them, infinite players play to be better than themselves."
"My mom was a gangster, she taught me and my brothers don't be a punk [__], I'm competing with myself, that's what the G is out."
"I'm literally in a competition with myself to become an old man."
"I'm always the only competition I am facing is myself."
"Essentially the opponent is an illusion in there. It's you versus you so it does not matter who's across from me."
"At the end of the day, the only person Jordan is fighting against is himself."
"BTS sets new records. They smash decade long records and then they replace themselves by breaking their own records."
"They persist and keep breaking their own records."
"I'm still competitive, but I compete with myself."
"You're not competing with me, this is your challenge."
"When a guy comes in to compete, he's competing against himself and he's competing against that bar."
"Let's make one thing clear, your only rivals in the mirror. We don't beat you, you beat yourself. Pathetic, go and get some help."
"I'm in a different lane nowadays, I'm competing with myself nowadays so I ain't tripping."
"There's no competition, absolutely none except the person in the mirror."
"It's more of a dance and less of a competitive thing with yourself. It's really about finding that sweet spot and staying in that sweet spot."
"It's less about revenge or anything like that. It's the joy of the journey, me versus myself, me for myself, it's just that growth mindset, that improvement."
"It's not a competition where you battle against other people, it's an internal journey."
"You gotta compete with yourself at the end of the day. How does where you are stack against where you were yesterday?"
"This became me against this race, me against me."
"This became a personal thing. Me against this race, me against the odds, and me against me."
"I suppose my competition is most often with myself."
"The biggest competitor Nintendo faces is itself."
"You cannot fail, it's impossible the only one that could beat you is yourself."
"I wasn't competing against anyone else out there, I was competing against myself."
"You should learn to become your best competitor... you can control what you do and you can control the level of innovation you do for your products and services to continue to stay on top of what's changing with the consumer."
"The only person that can defeat me is myself."
"It's the season of creativity in me versus me. You gotta be creative."
"It's competition with myself, and that's the only real competition that matters."
"It's you versus you. How bad do you want it?"
"Look in the mirror, that is your one and only competition."
"In the real world, there are no trophies waiting for us at the end of this competition because the only person you're competing against is yourself."
"You're only in competition with yourself dude, and that's the [ __ ]."
"The only person you're competing against is yourself."
"You are your own best friend and your own worst enemy, you're only competing with yourself."
"It's not about competing against others, it's about chasing yourself."
"If you can do better than you did yesterday, you've won."
"The goal is to be better than yourself yesterday."
"Viewing yourself as your toughest competitor is one of the best ways to multiply your results."
"The only person I can compete with is myself and be the best Neil McDonough that I can be."
"I'm not competing with anyone. I'm competing with myself every single day."
"Not compared to anyone else, just you."
"Ionic, the King, the only one that can beat it is itself."
"Only person better than you is yourself."
"I'm my only competition even though you look at other other people and things for inspiration I'm my only competition and the truth is you're your only competition no one can do what you do like you do it that's your secret sauce."
"Just always have competition with yourself and yourself only. But you're very, very intuitive. So you definitely have a lot of things working in your favor here, pile number three. You should be very, very grateful."
"I don't compete with anybody. I compete with me."
"It's me versus me. I feel like I'd be the best man on any given day."
"Only compare yourself to yourself. Aim to be 1% better than the person you were yesterday."
"Think of self-competition as a quest for evolution."
"You are not in competition with everyone else. You literally are just in competition with you."
"You look in the mirror every day and you focus on bettering yourself, you don't focus on competing with these women."
"This person perceives you as having won some kind of competition between them that I feel like this person made up in their head honestly because that's the first thing they misunderstand about you is that they think you're competing with them and you're not."
"You're not competing because you're competing with yourself it's you're existing on different planes almost and that actually brings me to the next thing."
"That was a good win, this Ralph never quits and rarely ever loses to anybody that, Ralph beats himself."
"I want to be in first place against myself. I'm in competition with nobody but myself."
"It's just about you versus you right here. A little bit better than you were yesterday, right? Rep by rep, put in that work."
"You're not competing with anybody else."
"You versus you, it's all in your head."
"It's just you versus you, well on for the ride."
"Your most fierce opponent is you."
"Each person that's running this journey right now, they're not competing with anybody else's."
"Remember, you are inherently your biggest opponent."
"It's you against you. That's what you should be focusing on."
"I am the only one who I can compete with because I'm the only one on a level playing field with myself."
"You can't beat me. I'll beat myself before I let someone else beat me."
"The competition is actually all the things you're doing leading up to that show; you're competing with yourself."
"You only have one winner in a contest, but every day you're competing with yourself."
"The race is very long and in the end, it's only with yourself."
"It's you versus you, Goku. It always has been, and it always will be."
"I'm trying to always compete with myself, which I don't think is a bad thing."
"I'm running against the ghost of myself that's always next to me."
"The only person you need to compete with is you."
"You're only really competing against yourself."
"I'm in competition with one person and that's myself."
"My biggest competition isn't anyone outside, it's myself."
"The only true competitor is yourself."
"I'm trying to prove that I can be the best I can be."
"It's not you versus them; it's you versus you because you have to do the work every day."
"It's you versus you, go at the effort that you know you can sustain for 26.2 miles."
"The first opponent's always myself, my own brain."
"I'm not competing with anyone other than myself."
"Look in the mirror, that is your competition."
"I think my biggest competitor I'd say myself because everybody's capable of beating me out here."
"The only competition is you; you need to compete with yourself."
"I'm in competition with myself. I just keep trying to top my own videos."
"The only person I'm competing against is myself."
"The competition is not with others; it's with yourself."
"The only person that's gonna beat me is me."
"It's you versus you. Master yourself. Self-mastery is everything."
"The fact that I won is winning enough."
"In life, you will compete against yourself."
"If you can't win the battle against the person you see in the mirror, then you're already losing."
"I'm competitive to myself and at the end of the day, I'm doing what I think is cool."
"You are not in competition with anyone but yourself."
"The only way I can improve is by beating myself."
"We just thought, hey, let's go out there and do what we're capable of doing. We always feel like the biggest opponent is ourselves."
"I like sports where you're playing against yourself."
"Of all the things I've ever done, trading is the hardest thing because you are competing with yourself."
"The only battles with myself, if I ride my best I know it'll all work out."
"We're competitive with ourselves; we care about what we're building."
"I'm constantly in competition with myself, not always to make a bigger record, but just to continue to be true to myself."
"True self-love and body positivity is constantly improving and competing with yourself while accepting what you cannot change."
"Your only competition or benchmark is yourself... seek progress not perfection."
"It's me against me, make sure you laugh at everything today, okay?"
"The only real competition you have is who you were yesterday, who you were last week, and who you were a year ago."
"Be happy in bodybuilding; don't try to beat everybody in the sport, beat yourself."
"The only person I'm in competition with is the person in the mirror. It's me versus me."
"Greatness comes from within, from pitting you against you."
"It is you against you at the end of the day; you're not doing this for anyone else but you."
"It's really like you versus yourself."
"The only person I'm in competition with is myself and with a better version of me."
"The only person I could compete with was myself."
"Don't compare, don't try to be better than someone else, but whatever you're doing, try to be the best you can be. Make each day your masterpiece."
"It's you versus the new you. It's you versus who you want to be."
"I compete with me more than I compete with other people."
"So this time think about it as you versus you, you gotta do better than you did last time."
"I'm only competing against who I was yesterday, and I'm going to be stronger than her."
"The only person you're ever actually in reality competing with is yourself."
"Compete against yourself, look in the mirror and compete against yourself."
"You have to compete with yourself to basically keep going, keep your motivation."
"You have to compete with yourself to keep going, keep your motivation."
"No one can beat you better than you."
"The marathon is very much kind of you versus you, and I don't care what anybody else does on that day, it's my race."
"My competition is with myself, not with other people."
"Playing golf is like you compete with yourself."
"You have to realize you're your own competition because otherwise, no one in the world will be your friend."
"You're not competing against the test."
"Don't compete with anyone but yourself. The only person that is your competition is the person in the mirror."
"At the end of the day, the only person you ever have competition with in your life is the person looking back at you in the mirror."
"A chosen person runs their own race; they are not competing with anyone."
"Anything you gotta beat is yourself."
"She was very competitive with herself, always setting goals as to how fast and how far she could go."
"I'm my own competitor, I'm my own player, and I deserve that respect."
"It's you versus you at the end of the day."
"The only person that you have to answer to is the person in the mirror and the only person you compete with is the expectations you put on yourself."
"The goal is to try to land your run, you're riding against yourself and that's what's so cool about BMX."
"I compete against myself; winning or losing is not important. Well, I'll give it all I have."
"It's you versus you. It's you figuring out what you need and where to feel happy and healthy and be successful with your goals."
"You ain't got nobody to compete with but yourself."
"When you work out, especially at home, you are your only competition."
"You're not in competition with us, look in the mirror, that's your one and only competition."
"You're off the treadmill and you're only competitive with yourself and what you want to do."
"I'm really competitive with myself. I just always want to make sure I don't let myself down."
"Your only competition is the person you look at in the mirror every time you wake up."
"My competition is me yesterday. How can I be better, do better than yesterday? How can I grow? What can I learn today that I didn't know yesterday?"
"My number one competition is me. It's always you versus you."
"The only team that can beat us is ourselves really at the end of the day."
"It's all about completion, you know, at the end of the day, it is you versus you."
"We're not playing the team on the other side of the court, we're playing ourselves."
"Embody the 'you against yourself' mindset."
"It's not us against the world, it's me against me."
"I work for my own satisfaction, it's like being a runner, you're running against your own best time."
"I fought to push down others, you only fight to push yourself."
"It comes down to playing the biggest game of you versus you."
"The only person that can beat me is myself."
"See you versus you, push yourself, look in the mirror, that's your competition."
"It's a battle against myself and I won."
"Competing against myself because there is no one else."
"Give it your best, don't listen to nobody, don't compete with nobody but yourself, and just push."
"It's almost as though I woke up one day and decided to go and compete against myself because, in the end, that's really what it was."
"The real question is, can Roman Reigns beat himself?"
"The only person I want to go against is who I was because who I'm becoming is better than who she was then."
"You need to compete with yourself, but you're still competing."
"Her opponent is herself, that's the right attitude to have every single time."
"There is no race in the first place."
"Marathon, not a race. I ain't in competition with no man but myself."
"I'm competing just to play with myself at this point."
"The only person that can beat Monson is Monson."