
Value Quotes

There are 70286 quotes

"Friendship and connection made through movement is perhaps the most valuable form of connection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Through our acts of service, we actually forge powerful connections and remind ourselves how much value we have to bring to the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love you guys and I want all of my content to have something of substance for you guys."
"A close male best friend... who you can consider kind of like a brother who has your back... that's incredibly valuable."
"Press accept, no, you want to know what's worth more than 10,000 gems? Love."
"Human life has dignity, and IQ is not the most important thing that defines human beings."
"We have to be very careful that we don't devalue the human dignity of people who aren't in the upper end of the distribution."
"The actual definition of creativity is along the lines of producing a new idea which has value to someone."
"Ideas are worthless unless you actually go and do something with them."
"Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value."
"Gatekeeping is good sometimes. There might be times where it's important where there's actually a real value in gatekeeping certain topics from certain individuals because it's important to keep the conversations responsible and grounded in terms of like the evidence of the data."
"Trying is one of the most valuable things you can do."
"You need to give value and when that clicks and when you get really good at that and you really are one of the most helpful people to your audience, the money just shows up."
"We're on a discount. That's the framework for high probability."
"Gratitude is the universal currency that holds its value regardless of the economy's state."
"I don't value money as more important than impact... Sharing my ideas, that feels like currency to me."
"Every entrepreneur knows that the most valuable currency of all is not actually money, rather time."
"Knowledge is not power, just having a book sitting on your shelf doesn't make you any better than anybody else."
"What would art be like without emotions? It would be empty."
"Self-respect isn't about feeling better; self-respect is about knowing your own value."
"The worst thing about the bus isn't the bus; it's the time you wait for the bus. Time is money."
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
"Courage is everything to me; courage is a very underrated value, but it's something that we value very highly on our deathbeds."
"To make a million dollars, you have to become confident, creative, a hard worker, and a leader. You have to be someone that adds massive value to other people's lives."
"Money is a byproduct of the process of providing value with the right kind of intent."
"Being able to share myself genuinely... that's the most valuable thing in the world."
"Real value is creative value, when you're able to come up with new solutions and inventions that solve serious problems in the world."
"You recognize how good it makes you feel to be altruistic, to have integrity, to add value."
"Please spend $50 on a churro. Okay, I tell you what, it'll be the most magical churro of your life."
"No one buys a book. No one buys a paid newsletter. What the person's buying is an answer to a question, they're buying a certain type of outcome."
"The most valuable thing you can have in 2022 is a following."
"Time is the most valuable currency that you will have."
"Your attention is the most valuable thing that you have."
"There is nothing more valuable than your own mental health."
"Freedom is not something we have; freedom is something we have to struggle for."
"Instead of giving compliments of 'Don't be sad, you're beautiful,' giving genuine compliments like 'I think you're a great person' or 'I appreciate this about you' or 'Thank you so much for being my friend' it really gives value to the inner core being of who we are."
"I did not think walking in those doors today that I would find a $116,000 dress that I'm paying less than $1,000 for."
"A basketball in my hands is worth about $15, but in the hands of LeBron James, it's worth about forty million dollars a year."
"Humans are designed to be valued. I need to value you for you."
"I consider myself to be a value investor, so I continue to look for companies that are high quality, have enormous moats, they have high upside and very limited downside."
"Don't ever mistake money as a competitive advantage."
"My circle has shrunk in size but has increased in value."
"The value of a masterpiece can transcend time and place."
"The concept of having access to physical media actually means that the user gets ultimately a much better deal."
"There's already value in what you have. You don't need to build it up from zero."
"While things are temporary, that doesn't mean that there's not meaningful. In fact, that can actually increase the meaning of those short times that we have with those people."
"It's about recognizing that it's not the amount of time, but the consistency of it."
"The two of you would also really value your alone time."
"Your time is money. At a certain point, you got to know what your time is worth."
"The most expensive kind of money that there is, is free money."
"Price is what you pay, value is what you get."
"When you lose freedom, you lose everything. What do you have?"
"The value of consciousness becomes much easier to establish once you establish an interpersonal dimension."
"Give ultimate value to consciousness, for the simple reason that it is our prime experience."
"If you're looking for something like this, you're getting a pretty good deal."
"Your future is worth investing in. It's just a fact."
"We're losing traditions of thought about the world that are very, very important, beautiful, inspiring, and so on and so forth."
"Sharon admits that there is none of his achievements in that house that could be compared to making a good friend."
"There is real value behind cryptocurrency and blockchain... but there is real value and power in this technology."
"There's no shame in like trade school and stuff like that."
"Virtuous woman, her price is far above rubies."
"Kindness is currency. Kindness is such an underrated superpower in today's world."
"The journey to self-discovery is never wasted."
"Rare items that feature Hall of Famers can go for big money."
"Texting is not a barometer for the relationship. The quality of time you spend together is a much more important and significant gauge of your relationship."
"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but unfortunately, you can't get more time."
"Learn to really, really come to terms with yourself and come to accept who it is that you are because a lot of people in your life are in your life because they love who you are."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have if your heart is bankrupt."
"Knowledge is more important and more valuable than money, and if you apply the knowledge, it turns into something crazy: wisdom."
"Russell is exceptionally clear, and the topics he discusses in that book are very interesting, and there is one chapter at the end about the value of studying philosophy that I think is a masterpiece."
"Do we need to be told that great art is great, or is it something innate?"
"If you have a deck of cards, the king is a more valuable card, or an ace is more valuable."
"They start by building up rare and valuable skills."
"What you gain in spiritual life is the greatest gain. There is no greater gain."
"Your love is the most valuable resource that exists and it actually has impact."
"Your love does have impact, it matters, and it's really valuable."
"Wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it."
"Simply by existing, simply by being alive—there's so much worth in that."
"Now Fumi told her that she was worth more to him than gold and decided to pay for it."
"Valuing your time is a central tenant of freedom. You need to learn how to value your time properly."
"Value is what's valued to the other person. You can't force value."
"My main goal with doing YouTube, with trying to create whatever small business media thing this is, is to create a workspace where the people that I work with know that I value them as people above all first."
"Your authenticity is your cultural currency."
"You guys are so valued and so loved and your existence is so important and so special."
"If something's valuable, you'll make sacrifices to attain it."
"Evolution will decide its value. I love that."
"If you go in and ask for a raise, you're not devaluing yourself; you're actually increasing your value."
"The world rewards value. So if you bring value to the table, you are more likely to be rewarded."
"Frugality... is a measure of joy per dollar spent."
"Spending time with friends, grilling burgers, is way better than a gaming PC could ever be."
"The advice section and the conclusion are both very worth watching."
"Relic sites tend to be more valuable than data sites."
"Life is precious, and it should be protected and guarded in all respects."
"You can't put a price tag on your own health."
"Cryptocurrency doesn't have any intrinsic value, just a value given to it by users on the blockchain."
"Let's talk about the human soul, the value of it. The practical value is that it's just the knowledge itself in nobles our perception of ourselves."
"Family is a beautiful thing, and without family, it can be very lonely."
"The fact that the symphony ends doesn't mean that it wasn't worth listening to."
"I think the most valuable part of this business is just having that freedom to do those things."
"I wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world."
"You are starting to see the value in being kind to yourself and saying kind things about yourself."
"Kids are innately good; it is good for people to have kids."
"Friendship isn't based on how much the gift cost; friendship's based on the fact that you thought about me."
"For things to come too easily, too cheaply, they're too instantaneous, there's no cost whatsoever, the human condition is such that you won't meaningfully engage with it."
"Seeds are going to be worth their weight in gold."
"The Miracle of Life is a gift that everyone deserves because every life is precious."
"A lot of this business is built on connections and sometimes those connections mean more than a check."
"Art is not a science; there is no means to universally or factually prove worth."
"Triumph with suffering is far more intrinsically better than a world without suffering and just pleasure."
"It's my hacker chicken." "He's very precious to me."
"Is premium economy worth it? Well, for $35 on American Airlines, yes."
"Red diamonds, rare and precious, hold a captivating allure, with a price of one million dollars per carat."
"We've heard these so many times in our lives that they can turn into cliches in our heads and forget how true and valuable these lessons are."
"Nothing is better than a cheaper alternative that performs exactly the same, if not better."
"The point of view of the person that's expressing themselves, you know, and what they mean to the world and who appreciates them, that's what makes a piece of art worth millions of dollars."
"You have infinite value to God, unsearchable value to Jesus Christ because you were made in His image and after His likeness."
"God sees you; you're His creation, you bear His image, so you have infinite value already."
"The default dance is the first place with 40 out of 50 points."
"The default dance... really gives it the edge is the value; it's free, so that's an automatic 10 out of 10 for the value score."
"You're not paid for your muscle power; you're paid for your mind power."
"A person cannot develop character unless they are valued."
"It's never a waste of time taking an opportunity."
"It's not about the money; it's about margin, options, and freedom."
"Truth is the highest value, absolutely. That's what I'm saying."
"Self-worth is about valuing, respecting, and knowing your worth."
"In a world where for the same amount of money we could buy a pre-owned copy of Spyro Reignited and the N. Sane Trilogy together for six genuinely incredible games."
"I'm consistently blown away by the quality of the items that I have from Fable, but I'm even more impressed with the value that you get from Fable with such a premium product."
"When you're doing things of high value, things that are moving you towards something that you want, you feel happy."
"No amount of money is worth selling my integrity."
"You have to make content that brings value to them, isn't a sales pitch for you."
"Your ability to disconnect from the internet and live in your body is very valuable."
"Profit isn't value. Value is value. Don't let them convince you they're the same thing."
"Self-compassion steps in and gives you a sense of being valuable, not because you've reached some standard, or you've judged yourself positively, but because you are a human being, worthy of love in that moment."
"If you have respect, you have everything. Even when you're dead broke, if you have respect for each other, you have everything."
"In him, we find our strength; in him, we find our value."
"You have to be specific about who you are and what you bring to the table."
"Isn't your mental health and your happiness and the vitality that you feel and the peace that you feel worth it?"
"Playing with Jude is worth more than any money or luxury you can offer me, so my decision remains the same."
"Thank you for the chance to practice that sort of charitable conversation with people that, like you said, do not agree will not move towards agreement likely, especially not in the next 60 minutes, and yet still see value in this."
"You have my heart. It's the most precious thing in my entire world."
"If you ask me if all of this is worth it, 100%."
"Freedom's always dangerous, but it's worth it."
"The most important things in life are free: friends, family, memories, experiences."
"The marketplace cares about one thing: it cares about value. It doesn't care about our sobbing stories, our victim mentality, or how hard we work."
"The most precious thing on the planet to a man is a woman."
"Now I know who I am because the enemy only attacks what's valuable."
"You're not paid based on effort but based on results."
"The most valuable thing you can have is a cool and level head."
"When you become experienced, become an expert, you become a master. Here's all these extraordinary intangibles: you have more security, more value, more self-confidence, more purpose, more self-worth, more self-belief. There's all of these intangibles that come along with that."
"Magic is not something you want to get rid of."
"When you have a family, you learn that you sacrifice for your family because in the sacrifice, your true value comes out."
"The most important and valuable thing in your life is your relationships. Honestly, the people you have in your life, your friends, family, and romantic partners."
"Time is literally our single most valuable non-renewable resource. We can always make more money, but we can never make more time."
"A thousand dollars in a situation of desperation can be more powerful than a million dollars later on."
"The vast majority of American consumers could care less about where products come from; they simply want the best quality for the best price."
"Frustration, if used correctly, is a part of engagement in any experience that's worth my time."
"I love you to death. You're on my ring. Your ring is very expensive."
"If you can't say no, then your yeses mean nothing."
"The most valuable things in life compound over a long period of time."
"All we want is great games that are worth what we pay for."
"People are going to love this game when it's $30."
"Consciousness is the gateway of all value, meaning, and significance in the universe, and yet no scientific consensus has ever been reached about how and why we have it."
"A universe capable of supporting value-sensitive conscious minds might have been a metaphysical necessity."
"You are loved. If nobody likes it, you're valuable. If it doesn't monetarily make sense, you are still chosen by God."
"The world is always desperately short of people who can think and speak."
"Time is the most powerful part of the equation."
"Overall, I think there's a lot of value to waiting. It allows you to feel excitement about what's to come, which sometimes can be almost as enjoyable as the thing you're waiting for."
"If it's not worth it to you, then that's a big thing. But I'm telling you, it's worth it. And you know it's worth it."
"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone."
"Human life is the most important thing in the universe, comes before all else."
"It's times like this where the people who can help out are incredibly valuable."
"Sexism is wrong. You're both equally precious."
"Exclusivity creates value. How much do you think you'd give a [__] about a Lamborghini if everybody had one?"
"You are valuable because you're made in God's image; you have an everlasting life and unique uncountable worth."
"If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless."
"Instead of thinking my videos as my asset, let's think of the community that I built as my asset."
"It's hard stuff to do that creates something really great."
"I think it's cheerful when somebody realizes they have something that's very valuable."
"You are so needed on this planet, you are so special to this community."
"Trust that the right projects will come. It's about communication and both parties valuing each other's worth."
"Views are one thing, but if you're making work with substance and meaning, that's what really matters."
"A great face, a great value, and a great message behind it, I think it deserves S tier."
"For the price of one major horror game from a AAA developer, you could play 60 of them that would arguably scare you more."
"If a message has value, it has to be simple, understandable, and repeatable."
"The willingness to pay more is where we'd call like, if we're going with the subjective theory of value, this is what value would be."
"What makes you a man want to marry you? What do you bring to a man's life that money can't buy?"
"Being attractive and appealing, comforting character, discerning and disciplined, enthusiastic and exuberant, loyal and liberating - these characteristics make a woman high value."
"The Meta Quest 3 is a much better buy for a gamer, capability wise, what it can do, you get so much more bang for your buck."
"Generosity is one of the most beautiful things you can find in the world."
"You can have money, you can have possessions, you can have things, but if you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman of value, you're going to have to have social skills proficiency."
"You don't have to use your autonomy to value it."
"Sometimes it's very useful to put numbers to something."
"The concept of loyalty is tied entirely to the value you bring as an asset. At that point, loyalty, which is a deeply human and personal concept, gets perverted into this ugly business practice."
"I think autonomy is something that is inherently valuable and deeply important."
"The more rare and valuable skills you develop, the more career capital you'll have."
"This inner transformation which is actually beyond money and almost priceless."
"They have an S tier packaging for the price."
"The amount and level of high-quality single-player content Hollow Knight has at this price is pretty much unprecedented."
"This stuff gets a lot more palatable if as a player you feel like you're getting more from the game itself."
"We all need to check in regularly on older parents, neighbors, friends, or relatives who live alone or in care homes, in whatever way is possible, so they know how much they're loved and valued."