
Singing Quotes

There are 1174 quotes

"Listening to sad music can help us process our feelings of sadness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to sad music for 13 minutes or more has been shown to be effective in allowing people to process their somber feelings."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning how to play an instrument and singing are a gateway to neuroplasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Singing with other people is good for your health."
"The habit of group singing... improves your mood, builds your confidence, relieves loneliness."
"Some people should sing, and other people shouldn't sing."
"Singing is an incredibly powerful tool of togetherness and transformation."
"It's fun if, even if you're a great singer, it's fun to have fun with it."
"Singing together with other people, it's just something that should happen in more places."
"Humans need to dance and sing. It is part of the human condition."
"Singing is one of the things that can help people navigate all kinds of emotional challenges."
"I only sing for my parents' birthdays. So if my parents have a party, I know that it's their favorite thing when I sing."
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."
"It is way easier to sing it than to believe it."
"She's singing to the snakes. She is singing to the snakes."
"People who sing, me included, know that voice cracks happen."
"Joan Baez is already a star. It's not hard to see why, really. I mean, she had this pure, almost operatic voice."
"The time to sing is when your emotional level is too high to just speak any more and the time to dance is when your emotions are just too strong to only sing about how you 'feel.'"
"It's a fun, swinging kind of twisted number where Mark Hamill gets to show off his singing chops."
"She's not a good singer, she's an amazing singer."
"Whitney Houston is famously known as the voice and it's not hard to see why she earned that title as one of the most prolific and beautiful singers and actors in American Music."
"Singing things, chanting things helps us remember a lot more easily."
"This girl's got it all doesn't she? The confidence, the vocal ability."
"You have pure gold in your throat, believe me."
"Sing by yourself, yeah, that's how it sounds."
"With her singing capabilities, we can definitely say that Olivia is another doppelganger for Ariana Grande."
"To sing unashamedly requires an ability to be okay with being vulnerable."
"Tell me that's not exactly how you sing when you don't know the words."
"Your voice is a musical instrument people just think it's a fluke some people are just born with it."
"I got melody and harmony whistle harmony, you got a soprano."
"Everybody wants to sing from the president to everybody."
"Background singers save people, they usually do what the artist does and more."
"What follows is a cute number of her and her sisters singing 'It Won't Be Long'."
"You genuinely have an amazing voice for this."
"Singing through a straw revolutionized how we train in voice."
"A bird that does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."
"Singing's always been my dream, if you can..."
"She's so calm and collected, and her vocal control is so natural that it kind of feels like she's not even trying."
"Singing with you was the most fun I've had on this entire vacation."
"I always wanted to sing... I was always singing"
"Her singing voice for me, at least, is unparalleled in her era."
"Sometimes when I have a mic near my lips, I just can't resist the urge to usher in a melody or two."
"Your music has changed my life because nobody sings like that."
"I'm just like, no, you should sing, you'll last longer."
"My mother would always sing around the house... she had such a pretty voice."
"I've never done anything else other than sing."
"Having everything in his head helps you as a singer."
"What did I tell you? Don't let people tell you you're bad at singing."
"There's nothing really perfect about singing... sometimes we fluctuate in pitch, say a word weirdly or something."
"If I know anything about ladies, it's that they love a guy who can sing. Besides, it's called being romantic."
"There's so many reasons why he's considered a great singer and a great dancer."
"Any argument instantly goes away when we start singing with each other."
"For the first time, just singing along to every song at the top of my lungs and just feeling so free."
"I have heard you sing, you've got a good singing voice."
"Singing is a wonderful, amazing form of expression."
"Her vocals during live performances are unmatched."
"Learning to sing is easy. Having an amazing singing voice is not something that has to be difficult."
"Good singing is keeping as much stuff the same as you can. One of my favorite quotes about singing is that it's the art of minimal changes."
"Great singers don't hit the note exactly, and that's why it sounds weird."
"BRR BRR BRR cheerfully skipped along, singing."
"There was an honesty in what she was saying, and that's what I'm getting back to: whenever you're singing, you have to be honest to what you're singing."
"What are you going to become when you get big? I'm going to be a singer."
"Singing is first and foremost; it's a god-given talent that I'm grateful for."
"I'm grateful for music, I'm grateful for being able to sing."
"It's just one of those songs that when you hear it, you're singing it."
"Thank you for singing that with me."
"There's no denying that she can actually sing."
"It's true, one thing you don't know about Ariana Grande is that she literally sings everything."
"All the countries of the world love singing together in harmony."
"Trolls loved nothing more than to sing, dance, and hug."
"I've only heard a clip of him before, and what I know about him is that he has an incredible, incredible vocal range."
"It takes a lot of vocal control and a lot of skill to be able to master and use all those different colors at will."
"It is a sign of a very advanced singer to be able to change like that on a dime."
"I'm going to sing another sea shanty tonight."
"I love singing because I get to express myself."
"Every vibrato is different; it is very much their footprint, their identity in their singing voices."
"I'd rather preach a sermon in front of people than sing a solo."
"I'm something of a songbird back in Gloucester and I would be just so pleased if I could share my gift with you before the dinner begins."
"If you want to sing, you have to sing; it's just that simple."
"When you sing, you open up your soul and let who you really are shine through."
"Learning how to use your voice and diving into technique is not going to make you less creative, it's going to give you more options."
"The sound is fuller and more resonant and more efficient, and for us, that's the goal."
"There's something so vulnerable about singing."
"I'm very confident that's what she's singing."
"I've been singing since the age of four."
"Would you rather sleepwalk every time you go to sleep or hiccup every time you sing?"
"Your voice is angelic when you were singing, it was crazy good."
"Don't stop singing; your songs are iconic."
"The angels are more excited to hear you sing than you are to hear them sing."
"When people are going to war, they sing songs to be courageous. When they sing, fear goes away."
"There's something so special about artists that can not only sing but the storytelling is beautiful."
"We started with the singing stars, we end with the singing Lord."
"We want to sing Louis Louis Baton. We want to sing on a Gucci level. We want to sing as high as we could sing when we had pyramids."
"I don't know if Josh has ever been able to properly sync up one of the songs he's trying to sing."
"You're crunching, you are singing for its nature."
"Don't be discouraged if you don't have a nice voice. It's fine."
"So you can get as intimate and small singing as you want."
"Sometimes you do want that slight variation so for the great singers imitating a crowd is really difficult because they can't sing out of pitch enough."
"He can do that, like he has really good breath support, incredible vocal control, vocal agility."
"He's got such a nice consistent sine wave-like vibrato when he allows it into his voice."
"What he is doing well is he's not getting hung up on the consonant, which I like, so he's minimizing the consonant to keep a legato line."
"Listen to that vibrato, beautiful, absolutely beautiful."
"That vocal fold efficiency is just wonderful."
"...by hitting a note in head voice it's going to sound a lot cleaner and lighter than belting out in chest voice when you want to go for a little bit more emotion."
"...just having one octave in a performance is great, it will take you on an emotional journey but Mariah's just got the range for days."
"She kind of flips up into a lighter head voice."
"Since I was little, I was singing. I would always ask for a karaoke machine since I was little."
"Singing in prayer, those have been linked from the beginning."
"That's not what he sings, he might sing that but he'll be like, Lord bless you, that's how he sings, that is not how you sing."
"A little child singing is never a good sign."
"Good versus great singers. Good versus great singing. It's subtle."
"Singing is so physical and we forget."
"Gladis Knight's early life was marked by her discovery of her love for singing at a young age."
"...if you commit and you're really bad you're the best singer of the day."
"I want to sing along and say every word, and I will, I'm just not going to do it on camera."
"Do you ever really sing that song?"
"They want you to sing. I want you to feel joy."
"Typically when I wake up, my cats are just singing."
"It's that raspiness that is Iconic it's that raspiness y'all know what I'm talking about my singing y'all know what I'm talking about I am it hits different."
"Grande's vocals continue to improve throughout her career."
"You know what? Singing in the shower."
"I just love to sing a song out loud."
"I'm a singer dad, and I will be America's Next hit Teen Idol or whatever."
"I appreciate that he actually does do his own singing Parts it's really cool yeah damn right"
"It's all that I have, a heart singing Hallelujah."
"Some dogs bark and some dogs bite, but Romeo sings like a dolphin in the sea."
"He's a great singer. Well, he's speaking of great singers."
"The joy of the Lord is our strength. And when we start singing to the Lord, and it doesn't matter how tired you feel, when you start singing to the Lord, that joy will begin to come forth out of your spirit and your body will respond."
"You have a really nice singing voice."
"...and honestly still now it's been a shower song of mine okay I bust it out I belt it as loud as I can when I shower and for the most part I nail it okay don't even don't even try to come at me."
"She was always a really good singer and she excelled at things she put her mind to."
"She can hit those notes like Christina Aguilera, she can do runs like Mariah, but she's a tiny little girl and man, that voice is big."
"The chorus thing like I get it, but I can't, me, no singing. I cannot remember [ __ ] lyrics to save my life, dude."
"I have a very special connection with my dad. I love to sing with him."
"There are literal voice coaches that teach people how to sing and how to speak."
"Don't be afraid to sing. Sound carries vibrational frequencies that are incredibly healing, and your ability to communicate sound from other dimensions, from higher vibrational energies, is really going to impact your life."
"Ross not only showcased her acting prowess but also made her singing debut on the film's soundtrack."
"Start singing Charlie, just start singing to them."
"It's a powerful, like the worship experience and singing that stuff out."
"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live."
"Diva's work very hard. You better hit those High C's."
"For a guy who had never sung before he met his bandmates, his voice was a huge gift."
"I sang a lot when I was younger and I mean you know in your mid-70s The Voice has deteriorated quite a lot I haven't been keeping up serious practice or singing in a serious choir or anything like that but I used to do a lot of singing when I was younger."
"Some of you guys may be receiving a gift, which is going to make you sing."
"Public collective singing is a very important part of being a human being. There's no traditional culture in the world that does not engage in public collective singing."
"Would you rather somebody try and sing live with no help whatsoever, or would you rather they mimed?"
"The way they both have similar tones and they overlap in kind of an odd way, like don't get me wrong they're both fantastic singers and hitting those notes really well, but when they sing together it just, it threw me."
"You're not including your voice box, your larynx at all, you've got that lovely and free beautiful natural balance."
"If someone says, 'I don't like your T-shirt,' I'd be like, 'I'll just get a new t-shirt.' But if someone says, 'I don't like your voice,' and then you want to be able to sing because you like singing, and then you're like, 'I can't, it's just horrible on people's ears.'"
"Make sure you have a strong low, mid, and high, and make sure you understand your singing voice at least a little bit. Right, at least enough to where you could go do a karaoke and people would at least be like, 'Good job, man.'"
"Sing, O barren one who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor."
"I think a lot of my favorite singers are like bad singers and this is music in general. I don't put the same reverence on music because I feel like music isn't about being the best in a lot of ways."
"Elves sing to each other when they're in love."
"Tim has such great vocal control, I mean it's good for any voice type but especially for a bass singer."
"We won't let the rocks cry out, we'll sing it out."
"Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter, sing for the tears."
"Keep an eye out for our announcement of our second vocal coach that's joining the team to handle all of your beautiful pop contemporary Rock gospel clean singing needs."
"Teach me to sing when things are falling apart too."
"That's why as opera singers, we often opt for a bigger pharyngeal space to make that dark round sound."
"but regardless right we can take this and if you're gonna do this right first and foremost I'll show you how I would approach it and how I help people approach it first and foremost I would learn just the basics of singing first."
"Mario was the only one who could sing."
"It's good to talk, but no, it's even better to sing."
"Singing the most punk rock song they know at the top of her lungs, snakes would have been envious of the jaw-dropping."
"You can't stop me, if I like you, I'm singing at you!"
"Sing-alongs are meant for people who can actually sing. If you can't sing, it's karaoke."
"Not necessarily all of them can hella sing."
"Being able to sing and actually having talent and skills to do these things is needed."
"Fish in the sea you know how I feel, river running free you know how I feel. I started singing at the age of seven."
"Belting is the sensation of carrying the sound and connectivity of your chest voice over your vocal break in a way that's still efficient."
"Part of the reason people will squeeze their throat to hit high notes is because when our vocal folds are switching gears from that chest voice to that head voice, our vocal folds are blowing apart a little bit."
"If you want to hit high notes first of all stop caring about high notes develop your comfortable voice first learn proper technique then carry that proper technique up to your vocal brake up to your bridge get comfortable there get comfortable there."
"A lot of people will call this mixed voice more over our bridge that's a whole nother can of worms but um get comfortable with your voice first then think about getting over the bridge."
"Oh my gosh, so fun. You'll sing with it?"
"At the end of the day like I still lip sing in the car to this day and I'll post it cuz that's just something I enjoy."
"If you can go up to five octaves and over, that's a special gift for a singer."
"Minnie Riperton had a voice like no other. She could sing opera, jazz, pop, rock, R&B, and she wrote songs."
"I'm not really super talented singing, I just love doing it, like you know what I mean, I just say, you know, get you movin'."
"She's the diva, she's the best singer, and there's something that comes out when you're the one actually doing the singing."
"She doesn't just sing it, she performs it."
"It made me lose inhibitions about singing and being weird."
"That's him singing somebody just told me that when she first saw the movie she did not realize she thought it was Elvis. I mean how does it get better than that? It does not get better than that."
"Wow, Holly, you're really good. You never told me you could sing."
"Your gift is your singing. Don't feel regret or sad at all."
"Most Welsh people sing mellifluously... it's the coal dust in the air or the eternal rain."
"There's this idea of 'Haves and Have-nots' when it comes to singing, but we all have this instrument."
"I love generous singers that's one of my star qualities he's so generous with his sound and the way it just reaches a person's heart right away."
"I think that the Reliance on a tuning you know a guy a tuning man is damaging to the Artistry because I think a lead singer should be given at least five five runs at a thing to express himself or oneself you know themselves."
"He's not reading texts on how to sing he's hanging out with folk who know how to sing"
"Vitamin C, always side of it, is an extremely underrated vitamin and not just a bad singer."
"Once you sing, the whole time stops, like that's what happens, and it's amazing, it's just amazing."
"Sing, honey, sing! Sing, sing, sing!"
"Jesus sang with his disciples at the Lord's Supper because he's coming out of a singing worldview called Judaism."
"It's sexy. It's sexy that whisper singing that he's doing. It's sexy."
"Singing is awesome. It's fun. It's a fun thing to do and you should do it."
"We're just hoping that these videos help you guys love singing more because that's our goal here."
"Nobody sang as loud as Little Richard or as well. I thank God he's still... is he still playing?"
"Tyler has an amazing voice. She can actually sing. And, oh, she's pretty too."
"His golden singing voice is phenomenal."
"You should never be smiling when you're singing a sad song. Don't smile. It just takes you to another place and you won't take them to the place where the song is."
"I just keep thinking about this channel and I keep thinking about the 14, 15, 16, 17-year-old girl who just used to stand on her bed and sing show tunes in hopes that someday this would happen."