
Relationship Stability Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"People want to feel attractive and attracted. People want to make sure that there's stability in the relationship."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This experiment has been done many times, if you offer, you take a collection of women who are in stable relationships with somebody, you offer them the smell of a hundred different shirts and they can very readily pick out their significant others scent."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Reassurance is not bad in a relationship. Reassurance is just giving the other person confidence in the relationship that everything is going to be okay."
"BPD can be like, uh, you know, with good treatment and stable relationships... the behaviors kind of go away."
"Make certain that you are solid, you and your wife, before you become a father."
"Growth mindsets have longer and more stable relationships than destiny mindsets."
"The importance of fidelity is linked to happier and more stable marriages."
"You're gonna really feel really happy and stable with this person."
"Your spouse will make you feel secure in your relationship with them."
"When we get married it's not gonna change anything for us meaning that like our relationship isn't gonna get better or anything like it's gonna be the same."
"Everything's kind of like falling into place and yeah I don't feel stressed I don't even feel like we like fight anymore like we're kind of just like this baby has almost just made us be like oh this is just how it was supposed to be."
"I've accepted that my love for you isn't going anywhere, and I feel like that's kind of where you're at too."
"They still want to be with you, they still feel that you are their home."
"Single women are valued by others, but women who can hold stuff together are valued by all."
"I feel like someone's really hurting over the fact that there's not more stability in this, basically."
"Our relationship stays strong and important."
"They're reaching for something higher with you."
"They feel very stable, rooted, grounded with you."
"They want balance stability they want to walk through that doorway of a new beginning a deeper commitment with you."
"It'll be a very grounding, stabilizing relationship."
"Relationships especially relationships in general are not as rock solid as people would like them to believe."
"The most important thing is that the love doesn't change."
"Nothing could push away true love. What God put together, no man could part."
"Solid commitment... a union rooted in dependability."
"Earth signs see consistency as crucial in maintaining trust."
"They want to feel like they have a stable home and foundation with you."
"The writers decided early on that Kim and Ron's relationship was there to stay."
"But financially wise like say we go broke I don't want you to leave me and and just dip out."
"Fred and Daphne are dating. They're an extremely loving and supporting couple. There's no drama about it. It's not a will they, won't they. They just are."
"People who do get married don't often see divorce as the first option."
"The lower the number of partners that a person has had both men and women before marriage the better the chances."
"I need some space, but I'm building something stable with you."
"Nobody can break you up because we were friends first, you know?"
"This person does want stability with you. They want a marriage with you or something happy and stable basically in a home situation."
"Someone who is going to offer you their cup of love, someone who is going to offer a stable relationship emotionally stable that leads to some sort of higher level commitment or proposal or some sort of marriage or union there."
"Love has been a very grounding emotion for them, they see a future with you."
"God will use that shepherd's staff to steady relationships that are unstable."
"Arranged marriages have a far higher success rate than any non-arranged marriage."
"There's no question we feel the same way about each other. So as long as I don't mess up again, I'll be careful."
"Don't fear abandonment, trust in the stability of your connections."
"Marriage provides security that at least you're going to fight harder for the relationship."
"The right person, there won't be no conversation that pushes them away."
"I see a happy outcome here with stability and definitely something good."
"Emperor's energy: seeing the twin as a life partner, someone to settle down with."
"And no matter how much things change, I'll always love you."
"In relationships where the woman was more educated than the man, they were more likely to stay together."
"They recognize that your connection has been a constant for them."
"Real men don't let women walk in and out of their lives."
"It's exactly the same and he knows how to look after you like you know what I mean he's a home bird he loves it at home."
"This relationship can stand the test of time. There's stability and abundance here."
"I never once thought about leaving him ever."
"This person could literally be communicating the fact that they want something stable with you or they want a commitment with you."
"I want predictable love. I want a predictable home life structure. Someone I can depend upon and I can commit to and that I know that they will commit to me."
"This person wants to fight for this, they want stability here. They need to make some sort of firm decision and not go back on their word."
"Establishing, reinforcing, and building Security in a relationship is something that you do every single day."
"Love songs actually had meaning. They don't have no meaning no more. Even some of the good love stories in movies, I'm like, 'Yeah, she's probably with you for the stability.'"
"If you don't trust that person there's a much bigger chance of falling."
"Love between friends doesn't have an expiry date if the friendship's still going."
"The reality of marriage is that the permanency is what makes marriages last so much shorter."
"This is about solid commitment coming on in here, someone who is going to invest in a relationship with you, reliable, dependable, very passionate as well."
"Gemini, your person definitely wants to make a decision here. They're thinking about it, okay? And it's regarding stability, it's about offering something here stable, solidifying a connection."
"Relationships should not be dramatic. Relationships should always be fireworks and relationships should not make you feel unsettled. There's something to be said for comfort, companionship, and kindness."
"You can reduce your chances of divorce to virtually zero."
"Nothing from the outside can destroy a relationship, all relationships are destroyed from the inside out."
"Virgins are less likely to divorce or cheat and the higher the partner count the greater the risk for both amazing isn't it?"
"If you've got a man and a woman and they're both virgins when they get together, the more likely that they're going to stay together is a much higher incidence."
"This person is balanced, healed, well-rounded. They're not a fixer-upper."
"This is not somebody who's going to step out on a connection, this is somebody like, you know, they are definitely not going to cause any of this heartache, sadness, and lack."
"You will have a stable relationship as good."
"This is long-term love stability, peace, happiness, together in this partnership."
"Well, they're friends. Are they ever not going to be friends?"
"You both intend to just be there for each other."
"This person will not do that. Okay, this person's not going away, they want to be by your side."
"Your person really wants to create more stability with this. They will feel safer."
"The right person will stay if they really love you."
"Saturn is really trying to bring you a stable romance."
"Mommy and Daddy are very happy we like this all the time."
"Stability is coming in your love life, someone's going to offer you something very solid."
"The ten of pentacles indicates that you and your partner have established a strong foundation of trust, loyalty, and respect."
"Monogamy is such a stable structure. I feel secure in my relationship. I don't ever have to worry about my partner leaving me or sleeping around with other people."
"If things are like this and they're not stable, then you start to kind of pull away or you start to get into this place of 'okay, well, you know what, we might as well just end it because it's not consistent.'"
"This connection has a solid foundation between you."
"You will lose a whole lot of money chasing it but if you chase money and you focus on your career you'll never lose any woman of significance chasing the money."
"Men commit to women who are predictable and are in it for the long haul, and are not afraid to admit it or show it."
"I canceled dates last minute saying that that's how life is with these health challenges, you cancel things last minute, and he's still stuck around."
"Regardless of obstacles, they're drawn towards you and want to see the relationship flourish."
"The best relationships look boring from the outside. Anyone who wants excitement hasn't grown up."
"I see you healing from this and I think the next person that comes in will be long-term stable and successful."
"It's about me, you, and these kids now. That's all it's really about."
"There is joy and stability coming, a new relationship coming on in."
"It's often the quietest relationships that have the most endurance."
"That's right, we're never going to break up."
"Once the relationship has coalesced and congealed, an object constancy is guaranteed. No abandonment will ever happen."
"Our relationship is solid, and I never felt like, because they're worrying that, 'Oh, what about when you get married? Are you guys gonna use separate rooms?' No, I don't think so."
"You're being guided to this person, you're being protected and directed to the right person and that this relationship will bring stability."
"You're waiting for a happy family life, a happy home life, a happy stable commitment."
"What they're not telling you is that they see you as somebody who is incredibly stable and solid, someone they can have a future with."
"You guys still feel this sense of family together."
"The love between the two of you is real, it's not fake, it's not something that's coming in and fizzling out."
"Gratitude preserved my marriage in that moment ingratitude destroys everything."
"There's no need to upset the rock-solid foundation of what can be a very beautiful relationship now, is there?"
"Consistency and reliability demonstrate a man's commitment and trustworthiness, providing stability and security in the relationship."
"They really want and bring loyalty... they're staying."
"Love on the solid ground and a love real and true."
"We don't really care about that; we are both actually studying the same thing, so it's not like University is going to pull us apart."
"We've never had a fight where we've almost taken a break."
"It's the baseline that if you're in a very happy stable relationship, a good friend embraces your relationship."
"Effective learning can only occur for children and also adults when they are in environments that provide stable, stimulating, and supportive relationships."
"It doesn't matter how many times you mess up, I'm still going to love you."
"Being in a stable relationship makes you happier."
"When you develop a friendship with someone, you don't want to break up with them."
"It's time to leave your relationship when the stability is not going to be there in your future."
"A crazy thing, we never broke up, never took a break, just together this time."
"Getting married does not change the relationship; it is still the same even in marriage, there must be a certain dignity, there must be a certain respect."
"In a world full of uncertainties, you are my certainty."
"I gave you my word and that's not going to change. Can we not make this complicated?"
"What tip do you have for a good marriage?... Respect for one another because if you lose that, then everything, I think, will go downhill."
"Out of all the couples in this film, those two have the most stable relationship."
"You want someone who thinks of you and makes you feel good, who is consistent in your life, who is not on and off."
"Love is steady, it's sturdy, it's strong, it holds."
"We're very happy together, and I don't see that changing."
"I guess I wonder sometimes if people ever stay together for good."
"They want to give you a solid offer with healthy roots."