
Darkness Quotes

There are 5594 quotes

"I think complete darkness induces anxiety in humans, to be honest."
"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people."
"Every human being has a dark side, has a shadow."
"Sometimes, to protect the ones we love, we must embrace the darkness within."
"The bond of friendship is our strongest weapon against the darkness."
"Victory must come at any cost, and if there is not someone with the will to do so, then all will fall to darkness."
"For ages, I was lost; now, finally, I see how dark my soul had become."
"All the darkness in the world cannot overcome the power of one light, one person who believes in you."
"We die in the dark so that you can live in the light."
"Before a true hero's journey is done, they must in some way travel to and traverse the darkness or this idea of the underworld."
"All the answers are right inside me, and I touched many of them during the darkness."
"It's almost like the darkness illuminates our own ability to see ourselves."
"In these times of darkness, hope is the only thing that keeps us fighting."
"I'm not actually scared of the dark... only when it's like, really dark."
"I thought blowing up the whole Earth was pretty dark. I think this one is darker."
"Religion is dark. Religion is not sweetness and light."
"For I am the rising darkness of which the prophecy speaks."
"The Dark Night of the soul...is critically important."
"Darkness always favors the oppressor. So the oppressor wishes for darkness."
"The dark is generous, and it is patient and it always wins... because it is everywhere."
"Where light exists, it is pure, blazing, fierce, but light exists almost nowhere; and the darkness is immortal."
"The Literature Club is truly a place where no happiness can be found. To the very end, it continues to expose innocent minds to a horrific reality."
"He chose to embrace his darkness rather than deny it."
"Maybe he's put in this other kind of world where he has to face his darkness."
"You have to look at what's darkest in order to be able to contend with it."
"Our struggle isn't against flesh and blood but against rulers, against powers, against world forces of this darkness."
"In the darkest room, you put a little light, automatically, and naturally dispels the darkness."
"Your eyes, hair, ears, and blood, we remember it all. We remember how you ruined us, how you stole our light and condemned us to eternal darkness."
"Every bit of darkness and evil would be dispelled...if each and every soul manifested that unconditional love of the creator for the creation."
"I've always appreciated the lone in-the-dark stuff."
"It's so dark right now that the Christian should be looking around asking the question, 'Lord, where do you want to shine the light?' because this is a victorious moment right now."
"There's no greater darkness than when that which is inwardly corrupt takes on the covering of religion."
"If the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"
"Ulquiorra is a dark reflection of that, an embodiment of what Ichigo might become at the very bottom of this cavern, this black bottom, this hole that is becoming a Hollow."
"Our pep...his one only aim in life is to engulf the world in the utmost darkness by killing and eating Ra."
"Eventually, there will just be one star left, and it will basically get to the end of its life...and it fades into the darkness."
"Salvation from the darkness and negation of evil by entering into and realizing the Living Light of the eternal good."
"In order to defeat darkness, one must become dark."
"I don't want to be dark. Please don't give in to the darkness, friend."
"You're not dark. This isn't like you at all. It's just one big trap."
"The darkness was experienced throughout New England; it was so great that people were unable to read common print."
"With the return of Primarch Roboute Guilliman, there was a glimmer of hope in the darkness."
"The darkness is just unnatural; there's not a lot in the sky, and the only thing you can see is the town twinkling off in the distance."
"Imagine being in the dark at school at 6:00 p.m."
"There's a dark unknown presence lurking in the unknown region, a malevolent substance that is calling out to the Emperor himself."
"Nothing comes from nothing. The darkness from the darkness. Pain comes from darkness and we call it wisdom... It is pain."
"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
"If you've ever slept in a totally dark room with blackout shades, you sleep like a baby."
"When it's dark and nobody sees you, do you love yourself? That's what matters."
"If the darkness reaches out, we must reach back."
"Darkness is a parasite. It burrows its way into your soul and feeds on your most selfish desires."
"In light, there is only weakness, only failure, only death. But where the light takes, the dark gifts."
"It is this darkness that brings you the light, for this light which we find in darkness, like the stars above in the vacuum of space."
"Not all the darkness of the world can put out the light of a single candle."
"During a total eclipse, it's the darkness that can be illuminating."
"How could the citizens and Imperials of Vigilus prevail against such all-encompassing darkness, against such reckless hate?"
"If you look in the darkness, you find the light that's one thing it means. And that the light is to be found in the darkness."
"Will life on the Rim, with its many unexpected dangers, force the fearful scientist down a much darker path?"
"In the shadows, we find our purpose; in the darkness, we find our home."
"In the heart of darkness, we find not just death, but also the chance for rebirth, for transformation."
"Let us not be afraid to map the chaos inside of us. Let us create a map that will guide us into the heart of darkness."
"The story of Jonah's whale may be carrying a simple message: 'a man who sins is consumed by darkness, and a man who begs forgiveness shall be released from darkness.'"
"This is the theme of trap music, not just the acceptance of darkness but the embracing of sin."
"No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening or the grief we go through not only grieving the life and illusions that you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you knew is a lie."
"Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities of darkness."
"It makes no effort to excuse Arthur's behavior, and is quite clear that there is a darkness behind him, and it's totally beyond what could be understood or ever condoned."
"My life was in darkness, but I found light through perseverance."
"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, the Light's winnin."
"You think you've won, but you've merely adopted the darkness. I was born in it, molded by it."
"The true essence of human souls is darkness."
"This will be a tough spot. It can get very dark before the skies break."
"Ghetto: the dark mirror to Gojo's brilliance."
"In the darkness, people will always find their way."
"The darkness isn't the corruption in them, they're the corruption in it."
"I shared my powers so that we can defeat the darkness together."
"Dark musings may just be our greatest source of energy and power."
"That's pretty emotionally brutal. Like, I wasn't expecting that for sure. I'm just being like holy [ __ ], like that's pretty dark."
"The power of friendship, trumping even the darkest shadows."
"Maybe it's only when he's shrouded in complete and utter darkness is Blackbeard able to use his fruit to its fullest extent."
"It's not just nighttime; we're talking about complete darkness here. No single light source around you."
"These are dark days, dark times for our nation."
"We are all that separates the world from darkness. Duty first."
"It is dark and brutal and it's hard to read but I think it's intentional."
"I wonder how somebody comes up with all of that sitting in the bedroom. I know he was channeling some dark stuff."
"Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."
"Inspired or mad, those ancient bugs. They devoted their worship to no lord, or power, or strength, but to the very darkness itself."
"They buried their heart in ice, it is black and cold, and the heart longs for light."
"When the night gets dark, we'll have to fend off the predators. But the day will come."
"The Picture of Dorian Gray has elegant yet dark undertones, with a poetic writing style."
"This is the judgment that the light has come into the world and men loved the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil."
"He who seeks after darkness will surely become it."
"Hearts will go black because of this world, the darkness of this world, the sin of this world, the evil nature of this world."
"Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress, and there is darkness in this world, be it supernatural or the very, very real depths of human depravity and cruelty. Protect yourself and your loved ones."
"Being close to others was safer than being alone in Pitch Darkness."
"The warhammer universe is an incredibly dark and disturbing place... full of unimaginable horrors..."
"Most superhero movies suffer from a lack of a compelling villain."
"Chaos is inevitable. We lurk within the darkness of their souls, on the tip of their tongues, in their tortured dreams."
"If the Bible is true, then you will not be able to understand, let alone defeat on your own, the darkness in your own heart, in your family, in the city, in the world."
"Without love and faith, we can descend into darkness very quickly."
"Fear of what goes bump in the night and what lurks just beyond what the eye can see."
"Wandering around in the dark isn't one of them, even with my glasses on I was sort of night blind."
"Jojo doesn't shy away from the dark stuff, never has."
"Oh, there's no need to hide when it's dark outside."
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them."
"Ephesians 5:11 says have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
"Embrace the darkness with hope, faith, and an open heart. As we stand on the precipice of this extraordinary event, let us come together in unity and support."
"This series is excellent for so many different reasons. For one, the writing style is excellent. It creates the dark ambiance that you would want in this story."
"Her journey is the one worth watching, dark spots and all."
"Somebody I loved once handed me a box full of darkness. It took me years to realize that this too was a gift."
"We enjoy laughing at all times. I feel like even when things get dark, I laugh harder."
"In Batman, we can find the heroism, the fear, and the darkness inside us all."
"The otherwise light in its black body burned with unreadable emotion, as if to try to fight the flames spreading quickly along its body."
"There's still hope in the midst of the darkness; there's light."
"On tonight's video we're going to be dealing with dark evil entities and demonic energies."
"You never have to fight the darkness. All you have to do is create light."
"The darkness will be defeated and the madness will end."
"Let us stand united, resolute against the encroaching darkness."
"The strength of darkness is the absence of light, and the weakness of darkness is the appearance of light."
"Jesus was the light that lit in darkness, and the darkness could not comprehend the light."
"I felt like I was being sucked away into darkness."
"The deepest darkness is always the most enlightening."
"I declare that devil of darkness leaves your life forever, you are made whole now, you remain whole forever in Jesus' name."
"What the time is at hand where now Satan's agents, the dark matter, have chosen their side, you must choose a side."
"Because this is the story of the few people brave enough to stare into the darkness and fight to bring some light into it."
"How far into the darkness would you go to protect the things you care about the most?"
"The story is dark and it's intriguing... I think that's a pretty strong point of the game."
"You underestimate the power of the dark side."
"Black Mirror is a flavor... it’s like a box of chocolates in terms of variety, but they’re all dark chocolates."
"A Beacon of Hope in the darkest hours of the night."
"In these times of darkness, I'm actually really grateful and thankful."
"What if one person in Christ is the majority, no matter how dark it is?"
"Isn't that wild now if it's dark enough you see that I'm not going down there."
"Six is a survivor. She is human, and yes, she has a dark side. But who doesn't?"
"Everyone has their darker side, and Six has been through far more than most, especially for a child."
"Red Velvet could be in the dark with it. She has the great potential to be in the dark."
"It's a dark movie that does have a hopeful ending."
"Her betrayal of Spock and his resulting actions are actually very dark."
"In the darkness of doubt, find solace in the light of friendship."
"I think it's a wonderful kind of darker circus story."
"Jesus did not bring us out of the darkness for us to go back to darkness."
"Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game... it still gets dark, which for me is always a pull."
"I never knew I had so much darkness inside me."
"Even in our darkest moments, there's light where you least expect it."
"There is something dark, there is something malevolent, something evil is here 100 percent."
"There is something dark, malevolent here and it clearly was here in the time Zachary was here as well."
"Something dark and malevolent is here with us."
"Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts embodied Cloud's darkness."
"It's mysterious and dark, and it also taps into commentary on today's world and society and politics."
"Maybe the darkness that you see, maybe it takes everything that you have to save your world, maybe you can make that choice."
"Everything in the dark shall come to the light."
"I don't want Robin to see this... how dark I've gotten."
"Children: reflections of their parents, even in darkness."
"In darkness, we find both fear and resilience."
"Where there is no intercession, darkness will prevail."
"Your darkness is more enchanting than the night sky"
"What worries me the most is we're moving towards darkness and ignorance."
"We refuse to turn the elections of 2024 over to the powers of Darkness."
"I think this has the potential to be really messed up and awesome and dark." - Clark Wolf
"Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night."
"The dark side is meant to be avoided, it's a byproduct of the concealment necessary for independent realities."
"The darkness dissipates when we don't give it too much Credence and Power."
"God is going to give you the treasures of darkness."
"There are more dangers in the darkness than just snakes."
"Let the darkness be defeated and let the dark be brought into the light, amen."
"Acts of heroism and love outshine the darkness, so long as they're remembered."
"The ending was so impactful, so dark, so unexpected."
"Is there still enough light in the world to truly banish this darkness and unseat them?"
"Nothing is ever truly lost. It is important to remember who we are and what we stand for, for no darkness can take that from us."
"For who better to fight back the darkness of the world than the one responsible for most of its ills."
"Everywhere you go, everything is now manifesting darkness."
"Unfortunately, sometimes we have to stare into the darkness to successfully push back against it."
"It's what Alan wished happened; he's unfortunately still stuck in the dark place with no idea if he'll ever get out."
"We start to see the darker side of this new Captain America."
"It was kind of an uplift... the veil of darkness seemed to dissipate."
"It's usually darkest right before the brightest day."
"Her name means she who erases and this is because she would prey on women during childbirth and wait for them to be breastfeeding their new baby so she could kick newborn and eat its flesh. I honestly don't know if it gets any darker than that."
"We're headed to some very, very, very dark times."
"Dark eyes bore down on the boy from Chemos, taking utter delight in each vile act he did."
"Luke senses darkness in Ben Solo and begins to fear."
"Before the light can shine again, you must face your greatest Darkness."
"Everything else sank into darkness and vanished."
"I [__] love pickles pickled onions too pineapple pickled everything spicy good it's Pi you can never go back to being a ccber no sugar no preservatives."
"When people tell you to stay away from the darkness, that's what you need to run towards."
"Truth will be revealed, and darkness will be exposed."
"Made in Abyss delivers on the darkness that it initially advertised."
"The night is dark and full of terrors, honey."
"One of the last major topics they do touch on is dark comedy in The Outer Worlds."
"This is going to be one of those games that gets progressively darker as you gradually start to uncover what's actually going on."
"Just be careful in the woods. Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress, and there is darkness in this world, be it supernatural or the very, very real depths of human depravity and cruelty. Protect yourself and your loved ones."
"In the darkness between the stars, the weak and the faithless find no deliverance."
"It's so dense, it's so dark and mysterious and just looks amazing."
"ENFPs: Chaos monkeys, adaptable social chameleons, capable of dark charm."
"Hope shines in the darkest of places. Remain emotionally detached."
"Maybe they like the darkness, they're like, 'yeah'."
"This album is like floating in an abyss filled with drug use, violence, and toxicity."
"Maya civilization had plunged into darkness."
"Tokyo Ghoul: a gripping tale of survival in a world of darkness."
"And it's very sad that's actually like the darkest realest thing about the airport I think maybe it is cursed that could be real I will say."
"His lack of movement and cold gaze give him a dark, creepy presence."
"We're wrestling against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual hosts of wickedness."