
Life Realization Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Man lives two lives, the second one begins when he realizes he has just one."
"And in the bittersweet end, in K's case, he comes to his wounds, but at the end of his life, he finally got to understand what it's like to live for something real."
"Every man has two lives, and the second one begins when we realize we only have one."
"After scrambling for half our lives, we discovered that life is so difficult."
"Happiness comes most easily after 40 by realizing that a great many years lie between 40 and 70."
"You have two lives, and you realize you have the second one when you realize you only have one."
"Life is a weird ride. The loss of innocence is something we've talked about on this channel. It's the realization that life is something real instead of magical."
"Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, in the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment. Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward."
"It is unfortunate that many people, including Christians, will have spent a large part of their lives climbing the ladder of success, only to discover at the end that it was leaning against the wrong wall."
"I just had this moment that I realized that if I got hit by a bus tomorrow I would want her to know how I felt today."
"From 25 to 30 you realize you ain't no [ __ ] and then at 30 you fixing all the stuff."
"I hope everyone becomes rich and famous... so they can realize that's not the answer to life."
"The pandemic made me realize how fast and short life is, and how helpless we can be if the basics are taken away from us."
"The best day of your life is when the day that you realize that nobody's coming to save you."
"Every man has two lives, but his second life starts when he realizes he only has one."
"Life slapped me in the face when I realized that I could not have the life of my dreams without discipline."
"I felt I was dying and then a smile came to my face because I realized that everything was over."
"This person is having an eye-opening experience."
"Adulthood is a big old conspiracy and nobody on earth actually has their life together."
"I thought at some point I would turn from a chrysalis into a butterfly, that my real life would begin." - Roger Waters
"The sooner you realize that, the easier your life will be."
"That's the meme, you grow up thinking you're SpongeBob but then you actually grow up to be Squidward."
"It made me realize that I could have died without ever really being who I was."
"I feel like today has made everything a lot more real."
"I'm very happy now because I just realized I've been so caught up in just getting my videos done."
"You wake up one day and you have nothing left to Chase and you are unhappy. The true spirituality starts with..."
"I'm slowly realizing that as I get older, I'll never have enough time to play all the games I want to play."
"Sometimes not getting your dream gives you what you really want, what you really need, what you're really destined for."
"He loses his dream but he lives his destiny."
"It's all about making money and materiality, but once we achieve that, we realize it wasn't the answer."
"Just before they die, they say something to themselves and they realize that's the truth, and then that's when they die."
"I'm almost 40 and I look 40. I look appropriate for my age."
"Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes he has just one."
"Wake up and realize how normal life is and then get with the program of becoming a saint."
"Sometimes it takes something like drastic to happen in your life for you to realize."
"You've met us at a very strange time in our lives."
"You're going to feel so great with what they're going to tell you, and you're going to realize what was really missing in your life as well."
"One of the hardest parts to life in general is growing up and realizing that you have to take separate paths."
"Now like I'm living the dreams oh yeah you at your best when you were dreaming as opposed to living the dream."
"It's just like everything is coming full circle."
"Relaxation is what we feel when we hit the walls at the end of our lives."
"When the tornado spits you out, you realize."
"So when you're you're Superman or Batman passes away it makes you realize a lot of things and that anything can happen to anybody."
"The bravest thing I ever said was 'I don't think that's my dream anymore'."
"Getting more isn't always happiness; often, it's emptiness."
"This month made me realize the growing gap between what I perceive that I need for my influencer life and what actually makes me happy as a regular human."
"I think what happens is when people get everything they've ever wanted and they're not happy still, they start to realize that we're just on a rock hurtling through space."
"If you're not lucky to realize this, you may spend your entire life as a nice guy."
"When tragedy happens, when death comes close, it cuts through the illusion that life will just go on forever."
"Something couldn't have worked out any other way. Oh, it hurt like hell at the time, and it's not what we wanted or at least it's what we thought we didn't want, but it turns out it was in our best interest. A hidden gift."
"I might not be here and it just suddenly hits you."
"My number one mistake in life is probably assuming that adults know everything."
"By the time you hit 30, you're gonna realize you've spent your entire life building towards something that you don't even want."
"It feels so surreal to be finally actually living this life."
"You're experiencing life and you see it for what it is and so like that really freed me I felt guilty for 20 years about that."
"The biggest heartbreak might be the realization of a long road behind you, of paths chosen and commitments made that conspire to make life feel narrower but maybe also more grounded, more real."
"You thought you were smart the whole time, but the entire time you was asleep."
"It's made me stronger, it's made me realize what my purpose is in this life."
"That's why people hit rock bottom, it's letting go of that part of what's keeping your heart alive."
"But at the same time, the reality really sunk in last night."
"Suddenly, her past life memory flooded into her. She was a high schooler in Japan, a disgusted shut-in gamer."
"That's crazy isn't it, it's just time to change."
"The best moments in life are when your ego is meaningless."
"Really the only chance for Kratos to win is to successfully separate Gore from the necrosword and blast them to Smithereens with a Divine attack."
"The reality would be very different from your expectation."
"There are so many possibilities that you're gonna realize in your life now, suddenly you can do."
"She made me realize that life there was more to life than just the bad things you know drugs and parties and you know toxicity."
"I just realized that life is more than what I used to think it was."
"At some point, we realize that we are reading against the clock."
"What happens when you're waiting for your life to begin is your life. This is it, people."
"Before I knew everything, by my mid-twenties, I realized not only do I not know everything, I know nothing."
"It's never going to be enough until you realize that this is just life itself."
"He recognized that there was more to life than the game he grew up playing."
"You can do everything right and still arrive at a moment where you realize things aren’t right."
"Like George Bailey, I thought I wanted this big life full of big things, but when I was faced with losing it all, I realized I already had a big life full of small things."
"The pandemic made me realize I toured too much, man."
"Hey bro, hey, one thing you realize as you get older is that nobody knows what they're doing."
"As you get older, you realize you've got to have some structure."
"I will retire to the Sultan Sea at the age of 23, for I'm starting to learn I may never be free."
"I wish everyone could feel one day what it feels like to have all the money in the world and to be seen by everyone in the world, so that they would know that it's not everything."
"You made it when you realize that you're not in a race to get anywhere."
"I was not informed; nobody told me adulting would come with bills."
"I realize my life is flying by and I'm not afraid to die."
"I was negative most of my life and I realized how short life is."
"The freeing moment in life is when you realize nobody cares and you have 100% accountability and responsibility over your life."
"I am optimistic that we all realize, man, after nine months of just being captivated by screens and video games and more stuff, that we all go, 'Whoa, this wasn't life.'"
"Quarantine turned out to be this thing where I realized that I didn't have to retire or make more or do anything to live the life that I want right now."
"We both made a very good living, but we realized we're just acquiring things."
"The best thing you can get in life is to get everything you want and then realize that it hasn't solved the problems."
"It's kind of cool because you get up, you get to realize you don't know anything about the world."
"I discovered something worse than getting old... not getting old."
"The older I get, the more I realize that literally no one actually knows what they're doing."
"The older you get, the more you realize that there's more to life."