
Modernity Quotes

There are 5137 quotes

"The idea that death is something that's just another life choice...is an indication of where modernity is delivering us."
"From the turn of the century onwards, community ties and religious institutions were buckling as the pressures of modernity led to vast migration into cities, leaving many people alienated and alone."
"Anyone standing in the modern world, of course, knows about something called the Enlightenment or the age of reason."
"Modernity is meant to signify an intellectual breakthrough of such profound levels as to change the world entirely."
"Modernity creates cultural solipsism of thinking all outside of your modern world are irrelevant, backwards, or stupid."
"Modernity claims technological progress and infinite gain, but the reality is that it promotes slowdown and crash due to burnout."
"It still feels like a fairly modern car, you know, you drive it for a journey like this, it's comfortable, it's smooth, it's relaxing."
"And now we have our new metro transport option added onto here, which I think is looking also very sweet, very modern, very swish."
"We want traditional outcomes, we want marriage, we want a happy family and structure, but we want modern, we want partnership and equality."
"Stylized... a modern take on street photography... exciting what they're doing."
"Witchcraft is an ancient practice that spans countless cultures and centuries, but what happens when magic meets modernity and tradition meets TikTok?"
"Introducing the new Range Rover: breathtaking modernity, peerless refinement, and unmatched capability."
"We are the ones who continue to maintain a complete sacred beautiful vision of life amidst the shouting meaninglessness of late modernity and the shallowness of consumer advertising nihilism that is the modern human condition."
"What he envisioned for his confinement was more like an opulent palace, replete with all modern conveniences."
"Ideologies of new modernity come and tell you, 'But don't you see that the fact that you don't have a permanent job is the new opportunity? You are not alienated in a fixed position; you can reinvent yourself every year again and again.'"
"The decline of violence calls for a reassessment of modernity."
"The internet is now the shipping lane of the 21st century."
"And so perhaps 'modern' is just a term to positively compare one’s own times to other places and periods in history."
"This is a modern sickness that can be cured with ancient wisdom."
"We need a new vision for modern masculinity."
"As we navigate through these post-secular times, the challenge lies in finding ways to integrate the wisdom of the past with the realities of our present, to forge a path that honors both our need for progress and our longing for meaning."
"It's 2017, let gay people get married, right?"
"Modern life is kind of analogous to medieval Europe."
"We're trying to bring ancient wisdom with modern methods."
"You embody the live-work-play lifestyle of the enlightened urban city dweller."
"As the British royal family evolves, the choices and marriages of its younger members signal a blend of tradition and modernity."
"It's living history and something that tells at least a part of the journey of the modern city of Bangkok."
"The minimalistic design approach, focusing on the clean lines and sleek aesthetic, makes this phone truly modern and futuristic."
"The interior of the Huayra boasts many unique styling elements that marry its classic craftsmanship with a fully modern aviation-themed cockpit."
"The sin of modernity is vital to understand."
"In this battle between medievalism and modernity, it's not a battle of tradition versus modernity. I actually believe that part of the world will remain traditional for a very long time, and not only do I have no problem with it, I actually think the path to peace will go with the traditional forces, not the fanatic forces."
"The question should always be not is it modern or ancient, but is it right or wrong, is it good or bad."
"Goya has been called the most radical artist that ever lived, the last of the Old Masters, and the first of the moderns."
"A type of noir, a New Age noir is upon us where the themes of the day lean towards a darkness and despair."
"Be a modern gent... having old school gentlemanly values but understanding the perils of modern day dating."
"The resurgence of left media is real, it's modern, its appealing, and its timely."
"We really have, I think we really have over the past few decades, call it Boomer theology, we have had this little Gnostic, pietistic, nihilistic bent."
"I love baby boomers who say kids don't even know how to write cursive... cursive doesn't really have a place in the modern world anymore."
"The traditional wife is now considered cutting edge, fully consistent with a futuristic notion of the reproachment between technology and tradition."
"The movie only comes off as unbearably modern in a preachy, unoriginal way that's been done a thousand times already."
"Muscat, a city where nature and the past meet the future."
"The Christian religion's celebration of human agency, individualism, and rationalistic curiosity made Christian countries uniquely inclined to pursue science, democracy, and capitalism."
"This kind of rhetoric, right, memes, jokes, irony, this kind of super-referential way of talking about politics."
"Although they live in modern times, they still keep their ancestral beliefs and traditions alive."
"The key ingredients of the era continued to linger throughout modernity, evident in the lawlessness that reigns supreme in certain parts of North America."
"I thought it was McCartney addressing the modern world and actually producing a song that did sound engaged the modern and forward-looking without sounding pretentious in any way."
"A religion that is prepared to question the omissions of the Creator is a wonderful faith for a modern or a postmodern sensibility."
"I look at the phone as this amazing thing. I think how lucky we are to live in this time."
"Having two guys go back and forth in a song is much needed these days."
"This encapsulates the whole of liberal modernity."
"Such a cool flag, it's kind of minimalist. It looks like a modern logo design."
"Modern people have a very difficult time with the idea of a personal relationship with what's highest."
"She revolutionized the whole modern fashion industry."
"It's hot it's Chic it doesn't defy what Maria gracia's Dior is either which I think is really imperative and really important."
"This is future humor, we're in the 21st century."
"Art collecting didn't end with Kings and Emperors, it continues with modern-day CEOs."
"What makes the client exceptional in the 21st century is that they're actually really, really cool about sex work."
"We are currently living in the most prosperous, advanced, leisurely time in human history."
"So much of today is so much quicker to hook yourself onto like a personality of sorts."
"Be a part of your century but do not be its creature."
"What if it suddenly turned deadly? That's what keeps everyone up at night, the possibility, however slight, that a virus like H5N1 could trigger a human pandemic."
"Plastered touchscreens all over it because we love them."
"You are the master monk, the equivalent in modern times, you are the Jedi Knight right now."
"Science for the most part has done tremendous things for us we live in a fantastic world."
"Modern women are not desperate for marriage and it's liberating."
"Getting out and seeing the world and all its dirt and age and crusty Majesty makes it clear just how truly out of control out of everyone's control the whole process of modernity is."
"You're not a modern designer if you don't use human-centered design."
"If you like the new version better, to me, that's the essence of modernity."
"Men wearing crop tops comes at a time of shifting dynamics of gender and an openness in masculine fashion."
"The example that Megan and Harry have made by falling in love one another and not being hindered by anybody's old-fashioned stuff Eve ideas is fantastic."
"As a satire of modern times, there are numerous directions a revival could take with its brand of observational humor absolutely timeless."
"These laws are for us today, living in the 20th century. There is not one command or one prohibition in the Quran that is out of date."
"Maybe this is this return to tradition, rejecting modernity and an idea of where they're encouraging men like, 'Don't even date a girl unless you're gonna marry her.'"
"The Grand Cherokee L is instantly recognizable as a Jeep but it also has a bit of a modern flare."
"The selfie or the picture is the modern version of the signature."
"There are other ways we can do it; this is the 21st century, you know."
"It's a different world. It's time for everybody to start thinking different."
"I think the Internet is the new house of fashion."
"There's something called contemporary context."
"There's a hell of a lot better than the Viking experience now."
"Just because something is old doesn't make it superior."
"The dating school that we saw in Gerudo Town in Breath of The Wild was a really cool insight to Gerudo culture and life in this day and age."
"I love its mix of modernity and 1930s inspired design cues."
"The appeal of Fantano was that he brought back the art of reviewing music for the modern age."
"They feel quite dark, there is a real lack of power outlets for a modern cabin."
"It's the easiest to be great now than ever before."
"Rather than try and reject business, reject technology, I truly believe that we should embrace those forces that make us human."
"We're at a time where the world is changing so quick and our understanding of the power hierarchy."
"Nowadays Bible believers may not be so much different from the worldly churches."
"We live in a mighty age of Science and faithlessness."
"Wave hood might be leading to fundamental change in the way we think about love and partnership."
"Keeping the Retro feel while still keeping the modern build."
"Modern work leads to alienation and a feeling of disconnection."
"Bringing ancient wisdom into our modern world offers fresh perspective and new hope."
"Science is the very foundation of the modern world."
"I think people are a lot more social nowadays...due to a lot of things, right?"
"Modern living room transformed by AI technology."
"It is possible according to angelicism to find meaning in the absurdity and degeneracy of the modern world and the internet."
"There's never been a more interesting time in technology than this moment."
"Long white dresses: forget the little black dress, 2021 is going to be all about the LWD."
"This invention and the entire war itself really created the modern U.S. and in part the modern world might not exist at all."
"The language that the boys speak is the language that people recognize everyday."
"We wanted it to reflect like traditional values while bringing a contemporary twist to it."
"I wanted something that was more modern cool and um a little bit more current."
"Magic has no gender; it's a classic fairy tale for a new generation."
"Suddenly they appreciate a lot in value because that's an attractive attribute in this kind of modern age."
"You get a much more modern feel in the cabin, it's just more minimalistic."
"People want something modern, classic, and clean."
"The Sequoia drives extremely well and also feels very modern."
"Take the best of the past and then merge it with the best of what's going on now."
"It's liberalism versus nationalism, that's the real story of modernity."
"That's unhinged, modern problems require modern solutions."
"It's easy to get caught up in modernity, but it should be underscored how unique and special of a moment we've been here before."
"We don't get our morals from religion... we have 21st-century morals."
"My country has embraced the past present and future through its coexistence of palisades skyscrapers and other technological advancements." - Korea
"Christianity is dead if it refuses to accept logic and knowledge and information and data."
"The crisis of late modernity is the establishment of a cathedral without a genuine heart."
"It feels a lot more modern...display dialogue...scannable and readable."
"These designs have a perfect balance between old and new..."
"The formal sense of education is like a thing of yesterday."
"This performance may portray the unemployment of superheroes in the digital age."
"Unparalleled luxury meets modern design."
"Science will truly become modern when it merges with the spiritual sciences."
"This isn't the 1930s. There's a welfare state, there's all kinds of checks and balances in the modern world."
"The Streamies are like the new Webbies, man."
"There's more opportunities than ever before today."
"There's more opportunity today than ever before."
"We live in a time where change is happening at a pace never seen before."
"Megan represents every single point of discourse about identity politics and sort of like this modernity versus the decrepitness of the royal family."
"The technology revealed in Revelation is the technology of now."
"Are we getting Dumber teasing because of things I spoke and Twitter and all that multi women you imagine was there Twitter in the Bible that Jesus tweet after the crucifixion going to see dad back in three days."
"I figured it's been 25 plus years, it's 2018, it's a new era."
"Modern games are more suited to offering a fair challenge."
"Ukraine doesn't look like a nation to us but that may say more about our inability to envision what a 21st-century nation should be than it does about Ukraine's existence or non-existence."
"Objective truth is real and the hubris of society modernity needs to be rejected."
"As a future designer, I should say that it's very old-fashioned to think that girls should wear only dresses at Christmas parties."
"Messi goats emoji in there, ready to keep up with the times."
"Traditional design is making a sophisticated comeback. Mix vintage pieces with contemporary elements for a refined look."
"Technology giveth and technology taketh away."
"It looks like any other gentrified block: there's a Starbucks, there's an upscale grocery store, there's a lot of metal panel facades."
"The irony of Nintendo Switch Online is that it stumbles so much because it embraces modern conventions."
"Artificial intelligence: no longer just science fiction."
"No, I'm not talking about the lost city of Atlantis, please touch grass."
"Perfect proportions, majestic presence, and elegant details speak to a heritage of progress—timeless yet ultra-modern, iconic yet fresh."
"It's 2023, it's time to change that stereotype."
"This is a modern thing it's got seven main bearings see Sega Genesis isn't dead"
"I don't think the answer to the problem with modern relationships is to have open relationships."
"The Bible is a book of antiquity that speaks to us in modernity."
"Modern societies make us love our slavery, giving us a sense, an illusory sense that we were in control when in fact we were doing what we were told."
"Athens is an incredible bridge between the past and the present."
"We're having to skew what we already know based on modern evidence into these old traditions of God that don't really drive well." - Caller
"Women have never had dating, socializing, and work life as good as now in the history of mankind."
"I don't like the idea of censoring and changing the way that a book has been written to try to ameliorate modern-day woke standards."
"Photography is what made the modern world modern."
"Rather than the place rather than place their trust and money in the hands of the authors and storytellers of old, it was a comment made by Scorsese with no small degree of sadness, yet an equal degree of acceptance."
"The traditional elder of the past was all about reverence. You revered your elders, but a modern elder is about relevance. And so you better be as curious as you are wise."
"Working from home has kicked off a new Utopia experiment."
"From the Fox sisters, the phenomenon of spiritualism emerged as an exciting way of reconciling the ineffable mysteries of the soul with the complex realities of a modern, rapidly industrializing nation."
"He showed that man could value both modern technology and ancient wisdom."
"Looks kind of appealing, this looks sort of fresh."
"Concrete is responsible for modern civilization."
"I just woke up and apparently this is what everything looks like, I will say and it just handle modern in a lot of ways it isn't me it makes sense it's one of the global cities right."
"Gutenberg's legacy, the spark that ignited the modern age."
"It's so cool to see ancient wisdom being merged into modern-day."
"This car still looks modern, I think you could put this body style out today and people would find it attractive."
"Modern civil conflict is lying, cheating, stealing, and manipulation."
"I'm using a curved screen that is larger than the TV we had until I was in 10th grade. It's a new world."
"Now that phone or computer you have is a printing press itself, able to effortlessly arrange infinite movable type."
"Strut boldly into the now with iconic styles."
"Congrats, you're a woman, and that's okay. It's 2022. You don't wear anything. Where's your [ __ ] brendon? Yeah, daddy."
"Maybe a decade ago we would have put gold in that spot... but there's no question that bitcoin is that shiny new version of gold."
"In the era of quiet quitting, BTS's version of paradise feels very relevant."
"On top of all this is really a layer of social, so it's like you know all these things can be also done in a social way that's kind of the way the world is today."
"The goal is to find clothing that suits your age but is also modern enough."
"Modern people listen more to witnesses than the teachers."
"President Trump had a more thoughtful and modern approach to interacting with the world."
"God grows and changes, and it's important to see how religion relates to modern lives."
"Embark on a transformative journey with our Soul Wisdom Channel, a sanctuary where ancient insights meet modern understanding."
"These things make us weaker, these things create the pathologies of modernity."
"The product of this hyper-novel world is arbitrary. It's not that it's bad sometimes it's great and sometimes it's a disaster and often it's somewhere in between with parts that go in different directions."
"It's not just a phone, it's just a Bluetooth thing."
"Istanbul felt more modern than Athens or even Madrid."
"A conservative doesn't believe that the people who have gone before them were lesser, but our culture now seems to think that those who went before us have nothing to teach us."
"This sort of tit-for-tat kind of game is just the nature of politics in the modern age."
"Islam seems to be the last religion left with parameters."
"We're going to attack the supernatural with modern aid."
"Putin's dictatorial regime must now accept that it has no place in the modern era."
"Don't make assumptions in the modern day, that's what I would say."
"Building project portfolio website is a must in modern times."
"There are two sets of people in India who hate modernity the most."
"They really managed to make something that is like cool and modern but also just like not over designed."
"The Golden Age of [ __ ]. The present day, the most liberating and uplifting time to be alive ever, where the facts no longer matter and reality is more sidesplitting and unpredictable than actual comedy could have ever hoped to be."
"We cannot be afraid of this culture. What we're dealing with is actually paganism revived."
"This is something really cool... a quest that you can do in like modern times."
"Let us be a cool church with LED screens and good music, but God don't let us forsake the anointing of God."
"He was altogether too complicated, too modern for his time."
"The identification of this fact about the age of the supremacy of reason is the great achievement of the dark enlightenment."
"Psychopath and narcissist are culture-bound definitions that only make sense in modern Western culture."
"Why we love it so much, why does it feel so cool, why do the images really speak to us all, and how is it still so modern? What are the codes of this house? What are the icons?"
"The reality is, with technology nowadays, it's advancing so quickly."