
Cognitive Dissonance Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Our brains are not designed to fix dissonance... our brain is designed to fabricate logical reasons for illogical behavior."
"As humans are constantly hypocritical in what we do in our cognitive dissonance, and we think some ways and we act other ways, and all of this, that's a reality."
"It feels like we haven't trained ourselves on how to allow for contradictory ideas to live and marinate inside of us."
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
"When someone is gas-lit, they end up in a state of extreme cognitive dissonance. Doubting one's own sense of sanity, leads to a severe decrease in self-esteem as well."
"All humans have some degree of cognitive dissonance, some more than others... Science is the treatment for cognitive dissonance."
"Tolerance of cognitive dissonance is my favorite definition of wisdom."
"My ideas are right, and then you build that sort of cognitive dissonance."
"We're trying to convince ourselves of things that we know they're not true."
"For most Republicans, to acknowledge what Trump truly is and still stay loyal to him would create enormous cognitive dissonance."
"I think there's also a substantial minority of people who have are like the goldstein manual in Orwell's 1984 and they have they have this cognitive dissonance where they don't even concede the notion of doublethink."
"A distinction is starting to be drawn between beliefs and reality."
"When people are told something that they don't agree with that contradicts a deeply held belief, it can often cause them to disbelieve it even when it's true."
"People care more about being consistent than being right."
"For the mind that needs to say, 'I need some plausible limb to hang on to,' there's a lot of [__] happening that can give at least enough to support your faith."
"This is cognitive dissonance in narcissists, and narcissists have dissonant thinking."
"I actually know a liberal feminist who watched our interview with Tara Reid and said, 'You know what? I believe Tara Reid and I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden anyway.'"
"The fact that there's such cognitive dissonance, and not only will suddenly they be pro-war, but then they're just getting defensive and they're acting like you're a monster for criticizing Biden."
"It's almost our work as a species to be able to believe that two things can be true at the same time."
"The state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other."
"People moved because they were afraid for their physical safety... and for their kids."
"Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term for when you have two ideas which are true and incompatible."
"The cognitive dissonance that you experience as a result of being with this person this explains what happens within you when someone's actions and words are not aligned."
"One reason why it can be explained that a lot of people stay in high control religions or false religions that they know are false is because of cognitive dissonance."
"What a liberation to realize that the voice in my head is not who I am."
"Cognitive dissonance is often experienced by those resisting change."
"The difficulty is getting people to believe something that they don't want to believe."
"We're approaching modern problems with a stone-age brain."
"It's weird when there's such a clear line between good and evil, anything that's even slightly out of where you would expect it throws your entire system out of whack."
"If you can get somebody to do something that even the person knows is absurd, what happens? Cognitive dissonance."
"Our brains don't like things that are inconsistent."
"Cognitive dissonance is when you hold two views that cannot both exist at the same time in your head."
"Consistency: We have a strong built-in desire to continue to appear consistent with statements we've made earlier."
"Trust your intuition, even if your brain doesn't agree."
"Mass hysteria is distinct from other types of collective delusions. It's when you cement yourself into your own cognitive dissonance, it's when you lock the door on your own echo chamber and you only listen to your group and your leader."
"How do you explain having two truths in your mind at the same time?"
"Most of you are probably aware of the phenomena of cognitive dissonance."
"It's impossible to get a man to see a point of view when his livelihood depends on not seeing it"
"How does someone fall this deep down a rabbit hole without realizing it?"
"In the moment it made sense or maybe I just wanted it to make sense."
"Cognitive dissonance is when you are presented with the truth but you cannot accept it."
"Data that does not support their beliefs is dismissed, and their confidence in being correct grows."
"We love being right, we're very uncomfortable being wrong."
"When it became clear that I didn't have a good reason to believe them, it's not like I chose to stop believing them."
"There's a kind of self-deception going on with a lot of people... They pick and choose in ways that they don't even admit that they're picking and choosing."
"But they can still self-reflect while flaming someone or blaming someone else. You can do both at the same time."
"The fact that I feel so many people remember something wrong, it's just weird, like why?"
"The denial that people have where they say, 'It's not racist,' you're really doing a bit of mental gymnastics here, you've gotta really try to fight to find that way where him saying the N-word isn't racist."
"Deep down, these people know they're in the wrong but perform mental gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise."
"You might start having thoughts where like but our complete 180 then what you know to be true."
"Sometimes we don't want something to be true so we try to find a loophole."
"Our programming is so powerful that even when we're given direct evidence of the truth, we dismiss it."
"It's like a dream that you don't realize has weird things going on."
"Sometimes even when you recognize a harmful pattern, you know deep inside your brain you're like, 'This is good for me.'"
"The original lie of trying to keep the African out of history for economic purposes has now transformed into a worldwide cognitive dissonance."
"Combine and sustain both strong cognitive dissonance creating arguments and constantly forcing them to defend their belief."
"Thinking hurts. It's much easier not to think. Most people don't think."
"I just couldn't believe it. My brain couldn't process what was happening."
"You cannot possess that worldview while your actions suggest just something totally different. That's a raging case of cognitive dissonance."
"I think a lot of people are having a rude wake-up call. I wonder how many people are going through cognitive dissonance."
"Cognitive dissonance is tied to the same part of your mind that believes in god mm-hmm that's weird isn't it."
"Cognitive dissonance occurs when our government and media inverts reality. Who are you supposed to believe, them or your own lying eyes?"
"The primary defense of carnism is denial... if we don't name it, we can't question it."
"We have to be able to hold two competing beliefs or thoughts at the same time."
"Don't be afraid to confront people and confront their beliefs, their cognitive dissonance, and say, 'Hey, this isn't okay.'"
"You move the statement because your unconscious struggles with nuance."
"When do otherwise reasonable and intelligent people deny facts of reality? Well, when those facts clash with pre-existing emotions, desires, religious convictions, or ideological commitments."
"Why don't these people change their minds? Because they'd have to face that they were dead wrong."
"If you find yourself struggling with dichotomies, with contradictory information or with mixed messages, I want you to ask yourself the following: What would be so bad if both were true?"
"If cognitive dissonance is the answer, then the explanation is they're searching the scriptures and they're finding their reasons in prophecy and scripture and tradition rather than in the reality."
"There are always contradicting ideas that we have to hold in our heads at all times, in all places."
"Struggle is good, struggle is bad. You can use cognitive dissonance to stay where you are or you could use cognitive dissonance to go further."
"This is the tendency to persist in your beliefs even when there is mounting evidence that they're wrong."
"Free yourself of cognitive dissonance, just go ahead and accept the facts, and then act on them."
"The cognitive dissonance it gave me that night has given me the knowledge that we are not alone."
"Cognitive dissonance is bad when someone's like, 'You're shitty at this,' and you're like, 'No, I'm actually great at it.'"
"What happens then when I want one still, right? Or I want them still or I just, like, I want still to acknowledge this longing? There's a dissonance, the cognitive dissonance."
"But we cannot labor under that cognitive dissonance which means what's happening does not align with what I want to happen doesn't align with my values my sense of who I am what I want from the world these two don't match."
"The horror of cognitive dissonance eventually led me to suicide attempts, suicidal ideation. It was just that bad."
"Cognitive dissonance is we all have it."
"When we're in cognitive dissonance, we can get stuck in that thought pattern where we're bouncing back and forth between these two opposing things that we can't take action."
"We can alter one of the cognitions, modify the existing ones, or add new ones to deal with cognitive dissonance."
"The cognitive dissonance, their reaction to the cognitive dissonance, was to throw science under the bus."
"The ability to hold two opposing ideas in your mind and somehow force them to work."
"We live in cognitive dissonance, meaning that in spite of the reality that we see of relationships and couples and our own experiences of relationships and marriage, we see it's right in front of us all the time that our fantasy of romantic love doesn't exist."
"There's a rather common inability of people to recognize that the thing that they say is bad is the thing they're actually . It’s cognitive dissonance."
"When you are a Jehovah's Witness you carry so much cognitive dissonance."
"The first test of a true intellect is the ability to hold two opposing thoughts in your head at the same time and still have the ability to function."
"What he describes there is his experiencing cognitive dissonance, which is a conflict between the sexual attraction he knows he experiences and his knowledge from the Mormon church that being gay is evil and bad and wrong."
"It's like all at once I just put all of my cognitive dissonance down."
"If you ask me, this is some cognitive dissonance because he knows firsthand that she's not an amazing person. She's mean to him all the time."
"It's different from other religions in so much as Islam will give you the ability not to have cognitive dissonance."
"New knowledge that is knowledge contrary to a comfortable way of thinking can be threatening to people and they sometimes react violently to it."
"Your brain cannot hold two opposing stories at the same time."
"Cognitive dissonance is the notion that if people were hit on the heads with baseball bats once every month, soon philosophers would discover all sorts of amazing benefits to being hit on the head with a baseball bat."
"Cognitive dissonance isn't just the act of holding conflicting beliefs. It's also the mental turmoil caused by those conflicting beliefs."
"It's very difficult to persuade a man of something if his salary depends on him not understanding it."
"Cognitive dissonance is the term used to describe the discomfort we as human beings feel when two thoughts or ideas are incompatible to one another."
"Our feelings matter so much to us, and in the face of raw statistical data, it's so easy to say, 'I'm going with my feelings'."
"It's like generational cognitive dissonance where they hold two conflicting beliefs at the exact same time."
"Doublethink basically when a person knows something isn't true or knows something isn't the correct meaning but they accept it anyway."
"Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort that arises from holding two or more inconsistent attitudes, behaviors, or cognitions."
"It's the marriage of intellectual and emotional affirmation that gives you just enough to assuage dissonance."
"There's a tremendous human capacity we have to explain away evidence if it doesn't fit with what we want to do."
"Cognitive dissonance, France, is exactly right. So cognitive, we like to be consistent."
"Strongly held beliefs are very difficult to change, even when they're wrong."
"Can you let your brain argue with itself while you go out and do what you need to do?"
"It's also very freeing in the sense that when I was a true believing member, I had to do these mental backflips to make things work."
"Cognitive dissonance is when some new information is challenging your current beliefs so much that you think this cannot be true."
"Cognitive dissonance is an idea that comes to us from social psychology and concerns the way that we process contradictory information."
"Cognitive dissonance is holding two opposing ideas inside your head."
"The only way you can have cognitive dissonance is to be simultaneously holding contradictory positions."
"I like cognitive dissonance now; whenever my head starts to hurt, I've trained myself to say stop, something's going on, let's dig in."
"Our brains rationalize away the cognitive dissonance so that Chuck is a responsible person and Chuck is not going to work today somehow are completely compatible."
"What helps people grow... is dialogue in discussion in which you introduce something called cognitive dissonance."
"The best time is when you run into something called a discrepant event."
"When the stories that you hear don't match the stories that are in your brain, it creates this kind of defensive mechanism to try to protect your version of reality in your brain."